Event Sweat

Why are the event killers so sweaty? It's supposed to be a fun event, but a very large majority of them play like it is a regular match and their lives depend on getting a 4k, rather than everyone having fun. You can still get a 4k and make the match fun. You don't have to slug the 3rd to get the 4th. Have better faith in your skills to hunt and find that last survivor. So what if they get the hatch? If they do, then they were better at the hatch game than you were. The numbers of killers with 2-3 location perks in this event is just ridiculous, or the 4 hex perks with pentimento (most of you can't even use that perk effectively mind you, or load it up with devour hope).
I play survivor about 50% of the time. I have seen this in nearly 95+% of my matches. When I go play killer, and have survivors using windows clients, I always get comments on how fun the game was and profusely thanking me for not being a sweaty killer during the event.
Bottom line, just because you can be a jerk, doesn't mean you have to be. You can still be a 4k killer, but you don't have to be a jerk about it.
I been playing survivor more during the event, seen a few killers help with BP and challenges. I thought ye I'll do that, why not? I went killer, let all survivors win and farm BP... I got BM post match. "Bad killer" "l2p" "noob"
This is probably why killers are thinking why bother being nice, going to get BM regardless so at least give them a reason to give BM by getting the 4k.
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Same reason why survivors are sweating every event match.
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But if people want to play as sweaty as possible, then they should not choose the event queue.
The whole point of choosing the event queue is to interact with the event. Sweating during an event just makes the game miserable for everyone involved.
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The event queue is for grabbing crystals and throwing them down and strumming the lute as the smoke clears like I'm at a rock concert. Survivors doing anything else are playing it wrong.
I did the killer Tome challenges yesterday and was amused with releasing the haunt. It's pretty fun to use. Not sure it makes up for how annoying the smoke bombs are, but I'm surprised I don't see the haunts more when I'm playing survivor. I don't understand why a killer would even bother with the event queue if they're not going to enjoy the event and the toy it gives them, because the smoke bombs are annoying.
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Majority of my event matches, survivors don’t even enter the event realm.
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Funnily enough, in my experience killers are the ones who are barely interacting with the event.
I have played with and against countless survivors who used the smoke bombs, but I have also played against killers who didn't interact with the event at all. They weren't even smashing pumpkins!
Annoying? I honestly love them!
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I find this reasoning as an excuse. If a group of survivors BM you after you were nice, its it just assumed ALL survivors will do this?
What a weak and fragile mentality. Can't be good for human relations lol. Don't let jerks dictate how you play, or turn you into a jerk yourself. We all know it doesn't feel good to be a jerk, so the response is to become the problem too? Come on…
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Ignore this. A shame we can't delete double posts.
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Same In my 20ish games today I saw 2 killers even go in to the realm and it was to chase someone they where tunneling down. Where I would go in with a full bar and get my 5k points for 2 smoke bombs in a row.
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Because the best way to farm this event as killer is to first ensure survivors cant end the game asap.
You get an early tunnel out, ideally two kills and then spend next 5-7 minutes farming event on helpless survivors. If you bother with event while you have everyone alive, you're betting too much on them being bad and not using that as an opportunity to gain too much momentum for you to stop.
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So yes play in a Toxic BM way so only you can have some fun in an event.
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Not just a small group, a huge group. 3/4 of my matches win or lose survivors are toxic. So my answer is play how I want, if I want to win I will tunnel, camp, slug or whatever I need to. Not all survivors deserve it I know but if majority do (which from my many years of playing and my personal experience they do) then sorry about the minority that are nice but... no mercy 😁
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It is possible to sweat while doing the event... Going into the void, hitting pumpkins. There are challenges to complete that should be challenging anyway, hence why they are called challenges
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Annoying? I honestly love them!
I wouldn't mind them so much if scratch marks didn't stay disappeared. I didn't play much killer, and the match where I was getting repeatedly smoke bombed was when I was trying to do the "down survivors for energy" challenge and I was on The Game map. Maybe it was just the perfect storm. The Game map isn't great in general.
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Challenges are one thing. We're not really talking about that. Its easy to do challenges and not be a jerk. None of the event things require sweat. Its merely a player chice.
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I see. Sorry thats the case. Humans are pretty sad.
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I've had a few killers who participated in the event, but there are few of them. It is really unfortunate because this event is extremely fun, so players should enjoy it as much as possible.
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not really, just play in a way that makes you have time for downtime activities on the side that normally doesnt have any.
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But none of them requires players to sweat or make the game as miserable as possible.
Yeah, it is probably the map's fault. The Game is awful for most killers. Which killer were you playing?
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Nemesis. (My zombies were mostly doing their usual "Wow, this corner sure is interesting. Hey, is that a completed gen over there? Let's check it out." routine.)
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Nemesis? Probably not the worst possible option, but not ideal either.
I got that map as Freddy earlier today and the sheer amount of pallets I had to go through was just unreal.
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Survivor has just not been the most fun like any event. You have the toxic Killers that slug, tunnel and camp as hard as they can, but I've learned to just deal with that. It's the people who are treating this as normal that bother me. Like, after complaining all last year about not being able just play normally, they're not just ignoring the very thing they asked for to interfere with those of us just trying to engage with the event.
At least as Killer I have the tools to slow down any sweaty Survivors. Never had an issue with BM, personally. Not as Killer anyway. Had a Sable said she hoped I got tunnelled because my name was "Only doing pumpkins". Ended up being a Pig with no interest in hooking lol
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Oh! I forgot. I experienced the muffled sound bug for the first time during that match. It was awful. The Game map, scratch marks disappearing in the smoke bombs and not returning, frame drops because I'm on console, at least two survivors had Boil Over, and muffled audio. Yeah, that was just an all around bad combination. The negative experience was not necessarily the fault of the smoke bombs.
the sheer amount of pallets I had to go through was just unreal.
Ugh, the number of pallets on The Game is nasty.
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I was hoping the extremely sweaty ways of playing would stop with separate event queues but it didn’t
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the game needs that many pallets cause there is maybe 3 windows in the whole map all on the bottom floor. The freezer and 2 jungle gyms.
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Not to mention all the breakable walls, that creates dead ends.
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The event has the tome challenges and gives more bloodpoints. I also think that the void bombs are an excelent addition to the game and I think its a given that we will see them enter the regular gameplay in some shape or form.
As with most of this events, though, the killer has just not enough time to go to the void, not unless they are already winning. The time spend to go into the void, deliver and channel that void energy and moving out again will never be regained by using a Haunt. At the start of the event killers could 1-2-tap a survivor with a point blank Haunt and a basic attack, and even that was hard to justify the immense time sink, now that this was patched out the void is basically a complete detriment to the killer and just a source of (fun) smoke bombs and cheap escape routes for survivors, even though its not as completely free as it was last year.
I must say, I sadly haven't encountered a single survivor who played for me during a smoke bomb, only those that ran away, but that sounds awesome and I will try so myself tomorrow.
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I also think that the void bombs are an excelent addition to the game and I think its a given that we will see them enter the regular gameplay in some shape or form.
I hope the devs fix the performance issues first if they add them to the main game. I was talking in another thread about the huge negative impact DbD's particle effects can have on performance. Being on console myself, the event mode in general hasn't had the best framerate. As killer, there have been occasions when the smoke bombs turned the game into a slideshow. It's inconsistent, so it's not that big a deal for an event, but it would be devastating if that were a regular problem in the main game.
The event has the tome challenges and gives more bloodpoints.
the killer has just not enough time to go to the void, not unless they are already winning
Yeah, see, to me it just seems silly to play the event seriously as killer. Do the tome challenges, farm the event stuff, but I only ever see the event queue bonus at 50% and to me that's not enticing. I'll play the event mode as killer for the event mechanics (yay pumpkins! yay haunts!), but a piddly 50% to play out a real match with those added performance issues is a huge "no thank you."
I know that means I'm seeing things through a different lens than many players, but… still, a limited time mode with new toys that are only available to use for a limited time. Players should enjoy them, the normal mode and playing for real aren't going anywhere.
I don't understand survivors who play in event mode and never go into the Void, either. Especially when they burn rods.
I sadly haven't encountered a single survivor who played for me during a smoke bomb
That is heartbreaking. My fellow survivors have really let me down.
I will try so myself tomorrow.
I hope you have fun :)
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I feel like a lot of killers have been sweatier and resorting to unfun tactics even before this event. Which is kinda surprising as I feel like the game is more favourable to killers than it ever has been, the high level is still survivor sided as it always has been but I feel like even with a lot of the broken survivor stuff being nerfed, killers are worse than ever
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They have chaos shuffle had the same issues for the most part, and saw several killer be oh I dont like (Insert perk name that rolled) so its fair I BMed after the match when its all random perks.
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Or they can do what they want.
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I mean, yeah, no one can stop them. The rest of us can still think it's pretty cringe to go all out on an opponent who isn't trying as hard as they would be normally because they're distracted by the event, though. Especially since it was their whining during last years Halloween event that resulted in the split lobbies in the first place.
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Double standards. Surviviors want killer to be nice and chill but gens are popping.
Killer wants to win as much as surviviors do.
Btw, I consider myself a survivior main.
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I’ve definitely seen more toxic killers than I’ve ever seen in normal gameplay, slugging and bleeding out at the end for no reason with messages afterwards ‘hope you had fun’ ‘ez’ etc; but I’ve seen plenty of survivors running all the gen rush stuff Deja Vu, Hyperfocus, Prove Thyself and toolboxes etc and trying to smash the game out in 5 minutes without interacting with the event.
Just seems these events bring out the worst in people on both sides.
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I think this was a mistake. I have had so many on both sides not even do the event. Also killers are using the well as prime downing areas. People wanted a separate que for events after the one Anniversary event so people can go in and have fun.. this proves there are just toxic people that can't handle enjoying an event. Every survivor match I get is just hardcore tunneling, slugging, or getting picked off at the well.
I just can't understand if you're not going to participate in the event then don't do it.
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If survivors are sweating I'm going to play at their level. Otherwise I'm going for 8 hooks during an event.
Even while playing for 8 hooks I have survivors giving up on first hook. Playing as Huntress during the event.
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They can, yes.
But should they make the match miserable for everyone else? I don't think so.
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Because if I don't sweat I get 0 or 1k if I'm lucky.
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Because it's a game where the killer's objective is to kill.
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Huh? Since when is that a requirement? We can sweat in any mode we want.
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We can, of course.
But I believe we shouldn't.
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I've realised one possible explanation for the sweatiness of the event queue when I tried queuing for a Killer game in the regular mode earlier. It took so long to get into a game that I gave up and joined the event queue again. So I think what might be happening is that players who want to play regular DBD join the event queue out of impatience (where I'm guessing most players are currently queuing) because they simply can't get into a game for the regular mode.
That might explain why a lot of players aren't engaging with the event stuff at all. Because they don't actually want to be playing the event. I think the event queue might have a more relaxed MMR system, leading to some games that can feel even sweatier than normal, because players aren't being matched up appropriately.
I still think it was a mistake to split the queues for the big events like this (at least for smaller regions). I just don't think the game has a big enough player base to support multiple queues, not without resulting in the experience worsening for some players.
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I play both sides about 50/50 and both sides are playing sweaty AF - it's not just killers. When I play as killer, it's either gens flying left and right or it's survivors abusing smoke bombs and looping from portal to portal to basically hold the match hostage.
OP asks why killers don't interact with the event - it's because it actively punishes them by wasting their time in the Void Realm. Survivors have no downside for going into the Void - in fact, it benefits them by either losing the killer or helping gain distance. For killers, going into the Void is usually a waste of time that just helps survivors get generators done.
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Pretty easy: because everyone in this event plays sweaty.
You'll get regulary send to some horrible map with 2-3 brand new parts, 2-3 syringes or 2-3 flashlights and most of the time with the spam of gen perks, seconds chance perks, flashbangs or god knows what. I've even seen survivors try to save someone with a smokebomb and it was a horrible try, of course I got the hook because it was legit 7 meters away xD
"Better at hatch game" you mean... randomly finding the hatch first? Yeah no, sure, I'm sorry that I forgot, of course winning rng is a skill lol. I don't even slug for hatch most of the time, but I completely understand why you'd do it, it's just a really weird mechanic to lose to nothing xD
What is your (regarded to a lot of people, not just you) problem with aura perks at the moment? I thought 4 regression perks were so bad to go against, now they play builds that let them engage in chases constantly already and it's still wrong xD
Well pentimento builds with 4 hexes are most likely just having fun, at least I wouldn't ever call it a serious build to play xD