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Something odd about doctor's 'snap out' mechanic

Member Posts: 1,845

I wanna see if this is just a me thing or not real quick before saying it's a bug or not.

I notice at times when I'm snapping out of it after full insanity, sometimes the bar will flash like my mouse isn't holding down M1. I've noticed this for a few patches now and thought perhaps my mouse was going out, but then I tested my mouse with a separate program and it does hold a constant M1 when held down. This also doesn't happen with gens which I do hold down M1 for, nor does it happen with healing or mending. Just the madness with doctor.

I've considered if it's some kinda latency thing but it seems to happen regardless of connection, but it's my primary assumption as of right now.

Anyone else notice this?

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  • Member Posts: 376

    Been experiencing this too. First I thought my mouse was about to say "bye-bye", but then more people mentioned having the same issue

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Good to know I'm not (personally) insane. I tried googling it and got no good responses on my end. I'll double-check the bug section and see if it's there.

  • Member Posts: 162

    Glad it's not just me, I was thinking I would have to get a new mouse

  • Member Posts: 10

    Yeah it started since lara croft’s release patch along with the way survivors scream when they get tiered up with madness from shock therapy and static blast. Hope they change it back. The long screams were better in my opinion. Made it easier to tell when you got tiered up with madness. The snapping out of it bug could be related to this one since they started at the same time

  • Member Posts: 135

    I did report this but that was a while back and I didn't hear anything.

  • Member Posts: 768
    edited October 2024

    I can be wrong but as I know VERY WELL the Bugs of Daylight, I think this bug is linked with the hidden cursor ingame. I explain myself: when you look up in the menu, perks, offerings or whatever some list of items, you can sometimes noticed a glitching/blinking effect when your mouse is hovering edges of two different items in the list.

    I can't be 100% sure about this 'odd about doctor's 'snap out' mechanic' but as the action bar reacts in the same way, I think that is the same kind of problem but that during the game…

  • Member Posts: 820

    Happens to me on controller too, I honestly thought it was an intentional visual effect when it happened for the first time.

  • Member Posts: 5,784
    edited October 2024

    Its bugged where instead of screaming the interaction bugs out for a bit

    Normally in t3 you scream from time to time including when you would be snapping out of it

    Unfortunately this became bugged a while back where if you are snapping out of it if will try to scream, fail on start up because you are holding the button, immediately go back into trying to snap out of it then repeat for a little bit because there is a solid ~1s window where they game will keep trying to buffer a scream but have it canceled out by holding the button.

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