Last Survivor Mori is Great

I think this was a great addition. It used to be that survivors expected the killer to give the last survivor hatch, now the last survivor can give the killer a Mori.
Not sure if it is sarcasm or not.
Mori is horrible.
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'now the last survivor can give the killer a Mori.'
If you like so much to watch Moris for free, you can play all of them as much as you want directly from the Store.17 -
Yeah, I'm finding it has a pretty negative impact on my experience as a survivor as I don't like moris to begin with and the finisher mori gives a prize incentivising any method needed to get the 4k.
Lately, my survivor matches have been much sweatier and have had a much higher incidence of tunneling and camping. The game is going from being fun to mainly stressful lately :(
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I like the finisher mori but I wish killers didn't force it so much. I've been mostly playing killer and if there's one survivor standing and I down them I will mori them. But if there's someone on hook with a bunch of timer left and I down the last one, I'll just hook them instead of slugging them and having both of us wait that whole ass timer only to get the mori.
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Weird double post.
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Sure, but you're missing the key part for a lot of players: is just not the same unless there's a player on the other end.
Most of these killers want a pve experience in a PVP game. It's the suffering that makes it special.
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Basekit yellow mori its fine, it should have been like this since 2016.
If the killer does the mori to you, you were going to die anyways 99% sure.
Slugging did exist before already for hatch, so..nothing changes.
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Playstyle has changed. You notice it.
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Honestly, how? People were slugging already for hatch.
The only extra slug that its done is if 3rd survivor is hooked and the killer wants to kill the last one, but if the survivor just doesnt struggle and gets killed, its pretty fast.
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At least now if the killer picks you up you know you will be spared...
That's been my expirience at least
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I didn't know the degree of end game slugging could be increased - yet here we are.
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This feature allowed me to show a pretty complete picture of what Dead by Daylight is to Discord friends.
I've done a full demo of Huntress, Nurse, Shape (with a Tombstone) and Plague. When I told them a killer was puking on survivors, they were ecstatic. 😁
Maybe I've found us two young recruits.
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… or you'll be put in a spot that allows to enjoy the Mori a bit more.
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Once again...killer buff. Must be nice to not have to use an offering giving them another advantage when using a map offering. Don't cry when survivors give up on second hook
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Its a great change that hasn't changed anything at all in regards to slugging. I'm genuinely convinced everybody is lying about slugging because they don't want to be moried. I have seen almost no slugging whatsoever. Maybe about 1 in 15 or 1 in 20 games on average. Devs even posted stats saying slugging is rare and people flat out reject factual stats.
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I play both, and I've definitely noticed the increase.
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You'd change your tune after being tunneled to death OP I guarantee that
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… Or moved to a better more open spot so the mori isn't obscured.
(Not a hypothetical, in case anyone was curious.)
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Twisted killer bias as always.
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I'll pick up a survivor to put them in a better position. Had a game the other night where someone used hatch offering for main building. I downed the last survivor while their teammate was dying on hook, then carried them away from main building incase hatch spawned under them.
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No, not a buff at all.
And, just in case it's not obvious, thank you for killing yourself on hook to help the killer and ruin your team's chance. <3
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I had that twice yesterday. I've let them crawl to the spawn point of the hatch (they had an offering) and while the last survivor died on hook, I moved them a few meters away then did the Mori.
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It is a small buff; it removes the ability of the last survivor to try to wiggle free on the way to the hook. Typically, this doesn't matter much, but in some cases can be the difference between hatch and escape, or (more likely) running out an already opened gate as the last survivor left.
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This is like saying Mortal Kombat players should never use fatalities and just look them up online and watch them there instead.
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How many times have you got a last survivor wiggling out?
It's certainly not impossible but I can't recall having experienced that for years, if ever.
Worst case, if the survivor has a funny build, I'll drop him and let him bleed to death. That's pretty rare too, maybe a handful per year?
So yes, an extremely small buff as far as I'm concerned.
Did it ever happened to you?
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As survivor, I did wiggle out and loop my way to an open gate once. I guess it would happen slightly more if I ran certain perks. I've also had some extremely close hatch races, which I think are the most obvious gameplay scenario that can be impacted by the finisher mori.
As killer, I don't remember; I tend not to care when a survivor escapes. Though I think we probably all have had some matches where the gate is open and we see a surprise escape.
Agreed though; the actual buff is small :D
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Then maybe it happens more than I'm used to. (I could only see it as killer as I don't use any variation of the "funny build")
As survivor the only surprise escape I ever got was a 4% from a hook next to the gate, past the killer. I still remember how exhilarating getting out like that was. 😁
I usually don't really care if the last survivor escapes either to be honest.
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People seem to be a bit hurt in the feels by the mechanic's addition. I really don't see the big difference. Hatch is still in. So all this does is prevent niche scenarios like DS stun into hatch after killing the third person and downing the fourth, which anybody could agree is a stupid way to lose a kill.
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Exactly. I have never used fatalities in PvP Beat'em'up & they never missed me.
But if you like it in DbD, feel free to do it, it is actually the good time. I will not surprised if BVHR removes this ability in the future tho'.
But is it this feature justify this thread ? I don't know. Make a poll instead.0 -
While I agree with you it's mostly just a QOL change... I DID have a memorable escape awhile back with my duo teammate. Killer downed us both with NOED RIGHT before we could open the gate. Killer hooked me, then picks up my teammate to hook her. I managed to 4% and get the gate open while my teammate got off via power struggle. 4k quickly turned into a 2k.
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I think you missed my point. Fatalities are something that the MK series has been known for pretty much since its start. Moris are much the same (even if some of the oldest ones are pretty ass and desperately need updates.) They've taken out almost every gameplay aspect of them (remember when you didn't even need hooks?) and they're basically just cosmetic finishers now to close out the match. There are very few situations where you will be getting hit with the finisher mori when you could have wiggled off if it wasn't in the game, so the end result is generally the same. Hell, a lot of moris are quicker than the pickup/walk/hook/sacrifice animations, so you actually get out of the match faster.
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Sure, you have right on many points. I was exagerated.
But on your last sentence, you can be partially wrong if you watch generally how it happens in games:
when the two last survivors remain in game, the killer chases one, slugs him to avoid the hatch to spawn, go after the second & last survivor, finds him & down him too. Then he will hook one of them, he will wait until the last stage of the sacrifice (it could be long if the survivor doesn't give up) & finally he can mori the last with this pretty nice mori.
I don't know but in my mind, to hook both of them should be quicker…
But whatever, time spent in game is mainly just some details…0 -
I get what you're saying, but thats a player induced delay. Its the same concept as survivors who sit safely in the exit gates and wait until they get smacked out, maybe sprinkle some heal tech in there as well: Obviously there are cases where they are doing what they can to get another survivor out, but a significant portion of the time its just taunting the killer for as long as possible.
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Most insignificant thing to add ever and its just disgusting beyond words. I be watching jrm/classed and couple survivor streamers and ofc myself it happens that is all you see none stop slugging for 4k for the lame out of date boring same style mori that I can just see in shop/youtube.
When I play killer I really do not care if the 4th survivor finds hatch or not. I down the third I put them on hook and if I do find and down the fourth either I hook normally(idk if hooking gives more points than mori or its the same) or if its one of my favorite survivors being played they get the hatch, it really tick me off the other day I carried this nea to the hatch cause she loop me so well and I accidentally mori her because I didnt expect the swing button R2(on ps5 controller) to instead kill her. I usually swing after dropping a person off at hatch as in indicating you did well have your award (when stupid base kit mori was not a thing).
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I thought this too before it went live. And then my experience showed a slugging uptick went from a normal vacuum cleaner to Mega Maid®. It's very real and why I've slowed my gaming down on dbd solo'q. Its just not worth it anymore unless you're in a swf.
Hoping it will die down though. Might be a MMR discrepancy between us, but its very real for me.
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Devs in 2021: Moris are seen as toxic so we're changing them.
Devs in 2024: It took us three years and what we came up with sucked so er… free moris for all. Everyone likes moris, right? 🤪
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'Everyone likes moris' when it happens to others probably, yes.
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That's fair. And admittedly, I remember it happening only once for me.
As killer, I remember a number of matches where I managed to slug everyone remaining within crawling distance to an open gate after dropping someone to down the others. There've been times when I was afraid to pick up again because I didn't think I could get the survivor to a hook. That dynamic is impacted by the mori update also.
In any case, those dramatic escapes like your 4% are super fun! I remember one during the recent Lights Out where we got the gates open, but Meyers was guarding the gate I got to and I was the last survivor left. This wouldn't be impacted by the finisher mori, but I had to run back into the map and managed to lose him. The egc timer was running down and I couldn't tell where I was in the dark, stumbling around to find the other gate. Then as I was stumbling around lost, I heard the hatch somewhere in the middle of the map and was very relieved to jump in. That one sticks with me a bit :D
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Yeah but it's just not the same 💀