Survivor mains - take a break

This game has gotten so beyond unplayable for survivor. The changes the devs make are the wrong ones and they are not addressing the big issues.
The event is so beyond killer-sided it's ridiculous (even big killer mains have said it in their videos). Killers are so beyond sweaty because they hate their perks getting nerfed (actual excuses I have read in other posts in the forums) and then have the nerve to complain when survivors give up early. WE ARE NOT HAVING FUN!
I can't watch a survivor main's stream without them getting camped, tunneled, slugged and humped on the ground multiple times a day. Most of them have been playing killer lately. I cannot watch a killer main's stream without multiple survivors giving up even when they do not play like a total ass.
Then you add in the myth they call MMR. It clearly does not exist or if it does, it is way too lax.
I played 3 matches tonight: a nurse who slugged everyone and let us all bleed out, not a single hook - but you know "slugging isn't a problem" according to the devs. A pig who camped outside of anticamp range while crouched, downed the unhooker and tunneled the unhooked. A wraith who played the same way as the pig (no they were not the same player).
Now you add in all the problems with the game itself, all of the bugs, all of the EAC issues, all of the pretend balancing of this game. Gen slowdowns did not need the nerf they got, but the ridiculous amount of aura read needs a nerf since they nerfed distortion. So many maps are so beyond killer sided (e.g. Forgotten Ruins, Shattered Square, Rotten FIelds) and a few that are beyond survivor sided (e.g. Eyrie, Badham, Garden of Joy).
The devs need to make better decisions. It feels like they do not think about the changes they make at all before implementing them, nor do they listen to their community, consultants or whisperers.
So, this is where I ask the survivor mains to take a break from Dead by Daylight. Just don't play. Make the killer queue times unbelievably long, make killers switch to survivor because they don't want to wait in those queue times and deal with the same crap they put us through. BHVR will not address the issues because they are still making money. Stop giving them your money. It's time to force changes to the playstyles the devs have allowed for far too long.
Now, if you are having fun as survivor, congratulations! You must run in a swf (I don't).
How is the event killer sided, you either get a projectile that doesn't cause slowdown or a item that can very easily win a chase and get massive amounts of distance. Both are just really good and a reward for interacting with the event. The void this time around is decked out with a lot of decent vaults and pallets on top of a few cheesy spots to lose a killer at, and if you play smart you can even enter voids faster than the killer.
Most of this other stuff is also too vague to really care about in a broad sense. Id rather see a list of some actual specific problems the game has.
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Mate, take a break when you feel like it, but I cannot see in any way, shape or form, how this event is even a little bit killer sided, not talking about ridiculous levels of being so. Any venture into the void is a huge, huge, HUGE timesink for the killer, where they have no map presence at all, and the void is far from an "all you can kill" buffet, there are some good loops there, even pallets, and that vault location on top, down to the void portal with the rickety bridges is just mean.
At the beginning of the event killers could fire the haunts at point blank and 1-2-tap a survivor, this could SOMEWHAT even out the huge timesink into going into the void and letting 3+ survivors having free range on their gens, but since that was nerfed and patched out I couldn't even fathom to venture into the void in order to deliver some void energy and lose 1min on gen time.
Can you recommend any killer streamers that claim that this event favors them? I wouldn't mind giving them a watch and maybe learn a trick or two that I am missing. With the rest, you are somewhat right: slugging and camping are becoming a problem, but thats going hand in hand in what happened before: the nerfing of most regression and the added +10s on EVERY. SINGLE. HOOK. Even if you don't camp, a survivor sitting on a hook is pretty save for such long times, when even a bad one can't be hooked or tunneled another time. Yes, a survivor on the hook isn't doing gens, but sometimes they don't need to, as a dead survivor is even worse. With how long the timer is now, survivors can comfortable sit on gens, maybe finish them and still come back for the save, having ther cake while eating it.
It has been discussed up and down on the forums, but I am firmly in the camp "make hooking and spreading hooks great again", hooks and hooking have become more and more a detrimental activity for killers, and the game never incentivised spreading hooks. I offered some ideas of how to do so and others have offered their own ideas, and I think BHVR should do something along that lines, ie make it more worthwile for the killer to keep everyone alive (and on the lore-side increasing the despair, while keeping the flame of hope alive), then trying to get someone out of the game ASAP.
Play some killer, my friend, or take a break. Both sides have massive problems, and saying that only one side is unbalanced or suffering is pretty desingenious. The changes of the past, with 6.1 being the biggest culprit, breed efficiency into both sides playstyle, while trimming off all the fat. All we got left is a lean, mean killing/survivor machine (god, how often have I written this exact phrase? :D But I am pretty proud of it, so humor me), with no room for playfullness, and thats on BHVR to changel, as players will always favor the lazy way to victory.
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The killer knows when the survivor goes into the void and gets to see scratch marks. The survivor does not get to know when the killer goes into the void and does not have a terror radius. How is that not killer sided? Yes, they added loops into the void, they had to with these changes but you absolutely have to run balanced to get to any of them with the totem being up the way it is. That vault location on top is only mean if the killer does not know how to get around it, which most of them do.
"Can you recommend any killer streamers that claim that this event favors them?" SpookyLoopz literally has a YT vid titled "The most killer sided Halloween event EVER"
And yes, I know both sides have been having problems; I am not ignorant to that. Thats why I made sure to include the comments like gen slowdowns did not need the nerf they got and listed maps that are way too survivor sided. And yes, I forgot about the +10 seconds on hook stages, that was absolutely not necessary either.
But the problem is the level and frequency of killer toxicity. I love being humped on the ground for 4 minutes and it not being reportable because "game time still progresses." I do not condone being toxic on either side. I do not like watching survivors bully killers (I have actually stopped watching streamers because they chain blinded a killer who already gave up) or teabagging but I also do not like having to run full anti-tunnel then get slugged the whole match or vice versa.
And while I like the idea of incentivizing spreading hooks, I have lost track of how many killers have literally said "I dont care about the points, I care about the kills" such as the nurse after bleeding us all out for 4 minutes so I do not see that changing anything.
And I left out the absolutely stupid implementation of the finisher mori which guarantees if you are the second to last left, you are getting slugged. Every game is slugging for the 4k now.
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Well, see? That was a much more levelheaded and constructive take then your OP. I had watched that Spooky Loopz video when it released, but I didn't recall any really killersided stuff he showcased there. I speeded through the video again and all he showcased very (probably cherrypicked) matches where the Blight Serum add-on worked perfectly. Have you tried that one yourself? You get 1(!) charge per hooking event and then the first activation of your power is replaced by a single Blight rush with no bounce. Its FUN if it works, but unless you really get into the Blight Serum mindset, you just as often forget that its in play and aimlessly slither around, wasting a good shot at your actual power. Thats OKAY, it adds fun and chaos to the game, but even if you use it perfectly it isn't exactly gamebraking and mostly gets value from the fact that the survivors aint expecting it. Last year my biggest joy was playing Bubba with this add-on and zooming past survivors in chase and activating the chainsaw when in front of them.
Besides that, the void is really a huge timesink and as killer you will never get the time invested in three channeling actions plus traveltime back with a single haunt down. The 1-2-tap made it barely worthwile, but the current version definitely not. I don't know if you were around last year, when the halloween event was an absolute nightmare for killers, but survivors abused the absolute shabang out of the teleports, got easy and free escapes through the near instant teleports and got an absolute safe healing refuge there, so the broken status and sound notification for killers was an absolute MUST to even level the playing field. The teleports aren't instantly, but they are fast enough that the killer REALLY has to be on the survivors toes to catch them, otherwise they will teleport away right from under the killers nose.
The stuff you mostly bemoaned, ie the BMing and toxicity, thats valid, but thats not event specific, that could be done at every other time. Its sad that some players be that disgusting and bad sports during an event, but events are somehow always sweaty and thats on both sides. If a survivor throws down a smoke bomb in front of me and plays me a rocksong, thats fun and they might get a love tap and send away, but most survivors play balls to the walls like their live depends on it and use the smoke bombs to their full capacity, while I haven't had time to fetch a haunt in what feels like a week. So while the BMing part is sad and really off-putting, thats a general problem that BHVR needs to figure out and solve, but the void is still mostly a survivors plaything and you will have a hard time to convince me otherwise.
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The killer knows because it was just too easy to juke in an out of the void during the first version of this event (shorter channel time and no cooldown to back out) and its still relatively easy (theres no indicator when a survivor leaves while you are in there unless you stare at the hud) during the first version of this event It was gave a survivor distance every time it was used and if timed right could end a chase. It was silly and was rightfully changed.
Yes you can hear the killer enter the void as a survivor since the terror radius still has to fade out its not instant unless they were already undetectable, theres also a sound that the rift they enter makes, and on top of that a lot of killers are loud / have a lullaby so even if you can't hear the TR you can still know they are there trickster / onion / freddy / trapper / huntress / dredge ect.
Ive spent a good minute looping around in that void i'm gonna say its heavily skill favored more than anything, theres plenty to work with in there but it doesn't play the game for you and requires a lot more attension to loop as a survivor than people are used to because you have to manage a killer with no red stain or TR but it can be done. Ive had solid 1-2 minute chases in there.
I also wouldn't use a youtubers clickbait video title as an example of why its op because its just for views / revenue because its their job, especially since ONLY the survivor can take the chase there or get caught there and leave, the killer has no say in taking a chase there OR keeping the chase there. If its good for killer then DON'T GO THERE IN CHASE, wow its like a magic trick that suddenly makes you better, almost like saying DON'T GO TO A DEADZONE or DON'T RUN DIRECTLY AT THE KILLER. Its something thats obvious if its sided towards killer at that point.
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I was around last year. I may be remembering wrong but I am pretty sure you were broken in the void last year as well so you were not able to get free heals in there and the killer knew if you went in there while injured/broken. I am also pretty sure the teleports were the same last year as they are this year. They changed what the survivors collect in the void (smoke bombs instead of haunts), the notification to the killers when someone goes in the void, and the killer seeing scratch marks (they didnt last year).
And yes, killers are just extra sweaty and toxic lately, event and normal modes. The event just ads to it. And I will say, I do not mind dying, killers are supposed to kill. Just give people a chance to have a good game (and yes, that holds true for both sides).My complaints are not just that the event is sweaty, the game is just unplayable as survivor especially solo q.
I don't play killer much, it bores me.
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What people don't realize is swf and solo are leagues apart. If killer is balanced around solo, then swf will steamroll the killer every time and it becomes survivor sided. If killer is balanced around swf then solo seems to the ones that get steamrolled due OP killers that have to be OP to deal with swf teams. At the moment killer is balanced to be able to take on swf, which means solo players get demolished.
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About MMR. I stumbled upon this video, that a certain Choi made:
I have a feeling that it will help understand why having a large bracket in the upper MMR range is truly a bad design.
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I saw that video and yeah, thats a big culprit of why the matches can range to wildly in quality and sweat. If the killer faced three seal teams in a row they might not backpaddel when the MMR throws them a group of whelps that just barely made it into 1401.
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Yes, I saw your post last night, and it is a perfect example, showing how flawed the MMR system really is in this game.
I too noticed this when I was playing killer, going from mostly chill matches, to all of a sudden getting the most co-ordinated teams, playing like it was a comp game with $1 mill on the line.There was nothing in between.
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Anyone who is claiming that the event is "killer-sided" clearly does not actually play as killer. If it's so killer-sided, why don't you try to play as killer and show us some of your gameplay of you stomping survivor teams?
As others have mentioned, killer going into the Void is a HUGE waste of time for very little reward (a very mediocre projectile weapon that is easy to dodge). The longer the killer spends in the Void, the more time survivors have to repair gens unmolested.
For survivors, the Void can be very easily abused and based on my killer matches it often is. Survivors can spend all the time they want in the Void with essentially no downside, and they can easily gain distance on killers with some strong loops and multiple portals that the Void provides. Good survivors have learned how to abuse the Void realm and smoke bombs extend matches to extremely long and frustrating slogs. The current meta seems to be to save gens near portals for end game, so all survivors have to do is simply flee to the Void when they see you coming.
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It's really depressing how all these posts are pointing out real issues, and I genuinely agree with 90% of what you said, but for some reason you decided to start the whole thing with "The event is beyond killer-sided and every streamer agrees" which is a completely biased take and basically ruins the whole argument.
We have a lot of data that proves the game is killer-sided, why not just stick with that instead of making up nonsense that 1) you can't provide any evidence for and 2) is actually false - the event is not killer-sided and "streamers" agree (check Scott Jund's video for example). I don't know which streamers you watch, but the consensus is that both sides get a slight advantage from their ability, but it's not worth it the time spent picking it up in the void, for either side.
Now because you decided to include this weak point, every killer player will only react to that.
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Anyone who is claiming that the event is "survivor-sided" clearly does not actually play as survivor. If it's so survivor-sided, why don't you try to play as survivor and show us some of your gameplay of you stomping killer players?
As others have mentioned, survivor going into the Void is a HUGE waste of time for very little reward (a very mediocre smoke bomb that blinds the survivors too). The longer the survivor spends in the Void, the more time killers can kill my teammates without having to worry about generators being done because they know I'm in the Void.
For killers, the Void can be very easily abused and based on my survivor matches it often is. Killers can enter the Void with no downside, and they can easily gain distance on survivors if they enter the portals that the Void provides. Good killers have learned how to abuse the Void realm and haunts projectiles end chases extremely fast. The current meta seems to be to tunnel one survivor out of the game and then use haunts to quickly down and slug the survivor team for the easy 4k.
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The Devs forgot what Asymmetrical means and instead made every single aspect favor Killer.
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Op even swfs are not enjoying the game as much and every post amma state this that swfs are suffering too just like solo q and people move on to other games making you who use to have friends to play be forced with solo q. I agree with your post overall.
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You did actually listen to what Scott said in his video, right? He said it's more fun for survivor with the smoke bombs, that the incentive for going into the void is not high enough for either side, and that killers are using the haunts they get to camp hooks and two tap survivors (which confirms my OVERALL point). At no point did he address whether he feels the event is one sided or the other. He just said the event is a waste of time (which I agree with).
Also, if you're going to quote a post, quote it correctly as I did not say "every streamer agrees" however every streamer I watch has said it. Scott even said it in his stream on Sunday.
But, yes, you are correct that I should not have started the OP with a comment on the event as people seem to stop reading there and ignore the overall point of my post.
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Why don't you 1) try playing both sides; and 2) try making your own arguments? If you're having such a miserable time playing the event as survivor, then why not switch to killer if it's so easy to win?
Your clever counter-argument makes no sense at all, by the way. First of all, I never tried to ague that the event is "survivor-sided". I don't make those "us vs them" type statements because I actually bother to play both sides and try to understand both points of view before posting on this forum. I'm simply stating that I don't believe the event is "killer-sided" and gave my reasons why.. The Void doesn't provide any advantage to the killer to proactively enter. Killers only need to enter the Void to chase survivors. That's not a disadvantage to the survivor team, because the person is being already being chased anyway - that player doesn't really have an alternative choice to be doing gens at that time, do they? Survivors use the Void as an escape route and line of sight breaker when they see the killer coming. Killer either has to 1) break off chase and give the survivor a free escape, or enter the Void and try to figure out where the survivor went, which wastes more time for the killer. Please explain where the Void is helping the Killer.
I play both sides and I know how advantageous the Void can be when I play as survivor. If you're finding it to be a death trap, then why don't you just not go into it at all? You can always just stay in the main map and use the loops/pallets/windows that are normally available to you.
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My post was a mockup of yours with how killer biased it reeked. If I say I play both sides, are you going to respond that I play killer only at low MMR?
You can enter the void to grab haunts and get to the other side quickly.
And what do you think the majority of players are doing now? Not going in the void and playing like a normal match.
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Doesn't really matter how the post was worded you cannot blame the OP.
Even when the dev's own objective stats are posted the same people derail the thread for several pages.
On Topic:
So far it's been like that for every event, BHVR must have data showing that killers are in need of more players or they're just wilfully ignorant, I don't think the game will get much better until a large survivor change happens.
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the event and the game is very much playable as survivor . The thing is so many survivors are burnouts who just can't find something else to play and deep down don't like dbd . The ammount of survivors who give up the moment they get hit not even downed just hit is crazy . They load into a trial ready to quit within 10 seconds . People like that need to leave the game but seemingly can't .
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Then nerf SWF. The biggest thing that separates them from solo is their pre-made loadouts, and their gen speed. So nerf. That. I don't care if they do gens 1% slower. Just something, anything.
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A statement you can't even begin to prove.
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Such blatant biased statements are not worth the energy to hit enter.
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They really just need to leave. The devs are killing this game by catering to them instead of "making the game so unplayable" that they leave. These survivors will take every little thing the killer does as a personal vendetta against them, but when they act toxic or DC from entitlement, "I'm not doing anything wrong! It's tha killah!" And the nerfs are never enough. No matter how much killers lose, they want more. Like, all of a sudden aura has become a really big deal. That's because the bar has been lowered so low for survivors, that them complaining about simply being found is taken as a legit complaint. We went from, "The gens take forever!" and "The killer downs way too fast!" to "He gets to find me! So unfair!" So there's the correlation with these constant DCs. Of course they DC when a slight inconvenience happens, because every time they've complained about it enough, BHVR nerfs something and bails them out. And the sad part is they still can't escape, with all those free handouts! Not entirely their fault of course; MMR hell takes the best of us down. But them not realizing that it's their team's inefficiency that's losing them games, and always defaulting to "the killer's fault!" instead is just comical.
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Impossible to nerf swf enough, swf will always have communication and a level of coordination that soloq will never be able to achieve. If anything soloq should get voice chat or something to at least have the ability to communicate with the team and provide information like swf teams do. I'm all for nerfing swf as I'm a killer main and my matches are very regularly going v sweaty swf teams that knows my location at all times. But I just don't see swf getting nerfed any time soon.
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I just play the normal mode