######### is happening with Solo Play?

Meme Member Posts: 275
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

Seriously, dc's left and right, more sweaty killers than usual, the constant tunneling and camping. Looks like a good time to switch to Full time killer main. NO wonder killer que times are longer.


  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Maybe the changes to the ranking system? I know I've found it frustrating. Killers trying to rank up while survivors feel like they can't so the don't try. I'm not sure if that's the case but I've noticed the dc's and campy killers have been going up lately.

  • Meme
    Meme Member Posts: 275

    Yeah it's bad in both situations. Might just quit this game as it's not fun anymore.

  • Arabytes
    Arabytes Member Posts: 52

    Playing solo survivor does feel a little bit more stressful so I switched to killer for this time being and I'm having a good time even though most games end up being fooling around due to dc's.

  • th3beardedbaron
    th3beardedbaron Member Posts: 44

    I've seen record dc's (in red ranks) since this update. This new ranking system is straight garbage and it's killing the game imo. What will compound this issue is on the 13th when rank reset happens. I'm currently rank 4 (normally rank 1) and I can't wait to get paired with a fresh rank 12/13 killer when the reset happens. I will completely crush any hope he has of getting better at this game and make him give up trying.

    The que's for rank 1 currently as killer are terrible as no survivors really can make it there anymore which means killers will move up to ranks that they can get more lobbies with, everyone will move up and there will be a bubble around 15-7 that no one will move beyond. New players will get slaughtered and just give up. Just wait and see.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I'm enjoying solo just the same. Killers are stepping it up with the new system and I actually see less camping and tunneling cause they want the points. Even with teammate dc I am getting a safety or more.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Maybe more people are playing killer now, because we got a new killer to level up?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The amount of dc's is indeed worrying.

    @Cymer That's surely one reason, but not for everybody.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    Solo survivor now is 100% unplayable and ultraweak , u must be a masochist for playing solo survivor (or someone that like play in "hard" mode like me).

    If BHVR don't buff solo survivor (and Remove/hugenerf swf) this game will became unplayable because will became all game only 4swf vs killer (and killer is the Weaker side in this scenario)

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    4 person squads. You mean less than 9% of game match ups?

    Okay hon.

    But even then, Swf is not that bad. People should learn from a loss instead of get salty about it. And if they taunt, dont let it bother them? Be an adult?

    Maybe it's just me.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    The short answer: Solos don’t contribute enough individually money wise.

    The long answer:

    Devs don’t seem to care about solo survivors these days. That’s the reason for a lot of the recent nerfs affecting solos harder than anyone. That being said, SWF and Killer is where all the money is. If you can get people to play in groups (SWF) then they’re more likely to contribute (money) into the game VS solo player.

    Killers will always be needed, so they’re sort of locked into that position of loving the game and supporting it whether it be financially or to keep survivor (mainly SWF) players afloat. They’ve also received very necessary buffs and continue to do so every chapter.

    This is my understanding of why more SWF related perks are being buffed VS solo relient ones (such as the Self Care buff that didn’t make it into the patch).This also includes a reason why they introduced the “bucket” matchmaking system.

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    since the plague patch I played maybe 5 matches as killer and all of them were extreme genrush, like even not saving hooked people... Dont know why but I will stop playing soon if this continues, nobody gets points and it is only unfun

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    Devs have been buffing solo like crazy, but survivors have a few bad games and suddenly the devs hate survivors! Reeee! Why should a killer stop playing cuz you got a DC? Just play the game, you can still live. A DC is not the killer's fault, so why should they suffer for it? Don't even try with why should survivors suffer? Not their problem chief.

    The devs have issued massive ban waves for DCs, and I can tell you another one is probably coming soon with how often people DC. Not to mention there is currently major bugs where people are getting kicked from matches. For those who don't know a noise means they left the game. No noise mean they were disconnected/dropped net, or something.

    I've heard of someone having anyone they puke on get kicked from the game after getting picked up. That could also be it. As for solos dcing and not trying due to emblems, that's why you're not ranking up. The problem is everyone has a bad game, and immediately runs to the forums and screams, "Killer op! Solo is impossible!" Yet I'm rolling around with No Mither and screwing around, and still pipping.

    I love when people say killers are buffed, when we get next to nothing every patch, but survivors? Ho boy. Not even good bug fixes half the time, and when we do they come with, "C O M P E N S A T I O N N E R FS". I play both sides, stop asking for nerfs to killers, and buffs to survivors cuz someone screwed you. That's not a killer's fault.

    Some of us are kind and we'll farm with you, if they don't, oh well, move on. As many people like to decry rank on here and say it doesn't matter an awful lot of people seem to care about it.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Yeah, solo's significantly harder. I've heard people can't leave higher ranks 'cause the people they play with are really bad and I've experienced quite a few sweaty killers and dcs/suicides. I had a game where three people DCed at once at the start and of course the killer didn't go easy. I've had too many games where I was tunneled off hook, too. It's worse than before.

  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2019

    Well a lot of extreme comments, like survivors are op or solo play is fine, SWF is were the money is (please check steam charts yourself and watch why solo players or "casual" are important or maybe that minority called "good survivors" can buy the game for all the other players)

    Here is a game of TrU3Ta1ent; about the difference between play against SWJ and solo players. Maybe the nerfs and buffs to killers (how many aura reading perks you need? for SWJ BBQ&Chilli no matter they know where the killers all the time and if goes in that direction) are pushing a lot of people a way of the game, if you dont play why buy cosmetics, if is not fun why buy next DLC,etc.
