In my 6ish years playing DBD Solo Que has never been this miserable.

As someone with over 127 days played in this game, never have I been this annoyed with Solo Que.
I play solo que Survivor by far the most and honestly its gotten pretty annoying bad. So bad so the first time in 6 years I dont care to have all survivors and killers.
Mind you I was red rank Survivor in my first two years. Don't know if just sweats play these days. But DBD is just done for me. From the frequent tunneling (thanks in large part to the 3-4 second DS nerf) To the Pay to Win Killers. Solo Surviv Que is just bad.
Just curious, which killers are pay to win? I own all the killers and maybe I need to reevaluate some of them and play them more.
7 -
It's only going to get worse.
Especially if more maps get the haddonfield treatment in the future.
6 -
If it was true …
So it would be either because of all the help added specifically for soloQ.
Either because removing counters for killers has naturally pushed them to their last options.
2 -
skull merchant DC mentality being rewarded instead of extra punished lead to this, imo
people give up way too easy now because there's no actual societal pressure or in-game penalties for that. no system to punish clear bad actors, nothing. DC penalties are too soft and easy to bypass, otherwise there are no stakes in the match for survivors, even made up.
solo q, objectively speaking in terms of gameplay quality and balance is at its best, yet it feels the worst because of people being awful. wonderful.
11 -
This is making light of actual issues though, and missing the point entirely. I can tell you barely play survivor, and why would you if you want to win the game occasionally.
Saying "balance is at it's best" is completely tone deaf to the huge issues the current game has. Balance has steadily been shifting in the killer's favor for two years now, and that's been the stated goal since the devs are pushing for 60% kill rate. An arbitrary number picked out of a hat, that a lot of killer players didn't really care where it came from because it had meant a ton of buffs and changes to allow killers to win more.
Balance is the issue here. Trying to claim it's "skull merchant mentality" is insane. That killer has a 68% kill rate, and that doesn't include any games with a disconnects or games with people dying on first hook. That means the killer wins their games TWICE as often as the survivors they face. That's completely insane for a PVP game. It's a huge indicator that game balance is in a terrible place alone.
But having survivors giving up more frequently is another indicator that game balance and game health are in a terrible place.
OP nailed it: camping, tunneling, and slugging are out of control. Survivors don't feel they have any viable options to compete anymore with the cascade of killer buffs given out and seemingly endless survivor nerfs. We're nerfing distortion for crying out loud, that's how bad it's getting.
Post edited by AmpersandUnderscore on17 -
You talk as if she hasn't been nerfed already, her current killrate is 55% according to the allmighty nightlight. Lowest pickrate in the game too I believe.
Other than that, yeah soloq is absolute misery right now. I've noticed that most my games in killer have been surprisingly easy as well. Of course when I actually meet strong and coordinated survivors I struggle a lot, but that's so rare nowadays. It feels like matchmaking lumps just about anyone of any skill level into my games and it's so strange.
4 -
i genuinely dont want to argue with a person who has mindset like yours, because you're clearly way too invested into the issue to see things clearly. I`ll still spend my time addressing your points, because I dont want to leave that misinformation hanging there.
>Saying "balance is at it's best" is completely tone deaf to the huge issues the current game has. Balance has steadily been shifting in the killer's favor for two years now, and that's been the stated goal since the devs are pushing for 60% kill rate. An arbitrary number picked out of a hat, that a lot of killer players didn't really care where it came from because it had meant a ton of bugs and changes to allow killers to win more.
"balance is bad because it doesnt favour bad survivors anymore". Im sorry to burst your bubble, but the "60%" killrate number includes the average games of all averagely bad survivors and killers. Im afraid I think I have to tell you that would mean that survivors are more likely to have bad players on average which would drag down the good players as well.
Balancing for 50% would've made sense when survivor skill issue factor would've been eliminated, be it competitive matchmaking or self sufficient design where each survivor has independent and equal chance to earn escape. None of that will happen, so you, as a solo q victim, will suck it up, just like killers suck it up when facing SWFs that cherry pick strong links.
as for skull merchant, have you ever considered people don't necessarily DC from the games that are 100% going to lose? Especially against a killer that was made socially acceptable to give up against 5 seconds into the match without even attempting to play the match out? Has a thought ever occured to you that maybe lots of these games couldve been won games because ultimately skull merchant is an overrated C tier killer with consistent (just boring) counterplay?
>camping, tunneling, and slugging are out of control
survivors have never had this many tools, including basekit mechanics, to combat that. Imagine showing your complaint to a person in like 2021.
"waaah camping tunnelling slugging is out of control and solo q is unplayable because we have no comms"
"wait you guys have like 6-7 meta perks just to combat tunnelling, just as many to fight slugging, basekit borrowed time, a whole system that makes facecamping physically impossible with rare exceptions and you have a whole UI system that TELLS you what each of your teammates is doing at any given moment?"
if you were sent far enough, you'd cause bootstrap paradox of an entitled survivor meme.
so i`ll repeat myself again, generally the balance isn't the issue. Both sides have the ability to take stupid and op ######### or perks that counter each other's playstyles / builds in rock-paper-scissors manner. The issue is that people refuse to try and are being cheered for that.
Survivors are at fault for their misery. Not this game's supposed poor balance (which is in such a good spot rn that people unironically complain about slugging which hasnt been buffed in years). People who give up, grief and fish for the "perfect" game, not realizing they should've taken a break from this game years ago are the ones that cause your misery.
On a semi unrelated note, Im seeing that people genuinely believe they can bully people out of camping, tunnelling, sweating,etc,etc. Should be focusing on bullying people out of giving up. Address the root of the issue.
Have a good day and maybe take a break from playing this game too.
8 -
I think this discussion is better understood by people who have played for years in solo queue, I also feel bro how chaotic the solo queue is now, very different from years ago. Stay strong even though you often lose xD
2 -
I've been playing the game since 2018 and have now accumulated 4k hours.
And I also no longer have all the killers/survivors in my arsenal. For me the reasons are mainly due to the lack of competent cheat protection.
But I also see that new characters, mostly licensed ones, that come into the game are released far too overpowered and then adjusted/nerfed again after a few months when the sales figures have been reached.That happened back then with the character "Ash Williams" where the perk "Mettle of Man" was absolutely broken at the release time and now it's the same with most new licensed killers (Dark Lord, Chucky, Xeno)
There are also people who don't notice it so clearly due to their lack of gaming experience or who simply don't notice it because they joined DBD later, but there is a clear trend here that I don't like either.
4 -
The tools we have for survivors are definitively improving solo queue. However player behaviours, whether it's killers tunneling or other survivors sandbagging or giving up too soon, have got worse and increased in fequency.
I see it mostly while playing a chill killer game. Actively trying to give survivors a chance to save, and just watching survivors die on first hook or bleedout on the ground when I'm nowhere near them.
But it doesn't have to be like this. I do get some good solo queue games where I'm able to coordinate with like minded survivors despite no voice chat. It's just that most survivors are either out for themselves, or they play wildly risky, dumb games.
4 -
But having survivors giving up more frequently is another indicator that game balance and game health are in a terrible place.
It's also a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even if the game was perfectly balanced, survivors giving up at every inconvenience would still make it miserable and inflate kill rates, and then lead to more survivors giving up at the slightest inconvenience.
It may be a generalisation, but survivors seem to be more entitled than they used to be, always ready to give up because they think anything the killer does is unfair.
7 -
I USE to play soloQ when I played survivor. The constant early suicides pushed me away from that. Now I'll only play with a SWF, not because of comms but because a SWF teammate is less likely to suicide since they'd have to wait for the match to finish.
5 -
This correlates to my experience as survivor.
For the last 3 months I've played survivor slightly more often and gotten to iri 1 each season. Comparatively I've gotten usually to Gold 3 or 4 on killer.
I play mostly off meta and chill builds either side, and the times where I get annoyed are 95% of the time causes by survivors.
It's dumb stuff like: -
- Looping the killer near the hook and allowing the killer to camp.
- Going for trades 20s into the hook timer to serve me up for an easy tunnel.
- Not touching gens until I get downed after looping the killer for 80s or more, making all time I buy pointless.
- Waiting around for flashlight saves that they ultimately miss, again making my loop time useless.
- All 3 other survivors trying for saves instead of someone working on gens. What's the point? I'm not dead but we've just kicked the can down the road.
- Letting go of gens the second anyone gets hooked to rush for the save. I have perks and a position way better for this save, but nope I'm the only one who waits a moment to see what the killer does.
- Only doing the gens on the outside of the map and/or all on one side, giving an easy 3 gen.
- Looping the killer near said 3-gen and getting downed in the middle of it.
- DCs because it's a Spirit, or a Wraith or because they got bamboozled on the first loop and downed fast.
- SoH for the same stupid reasons, forcing everyone to drop what they are doing to save.
- Refusing to do anything risky and leave the death hook players to take all the risks making saves or taking chase.
All of this infuriates me, because it gives the killer exactly what they want to create pressure. It's rare I've seen a killer truly hard tunnel or hard slug or hard 3-gen, often it's the result of being given the chance to do it by survivors who just don't use the large thing between their ears.
Yet on killer I have a rule of letting people go who try to play on if people quit... about 10-20% of my games people quit, and I don't even tunnel, camp, slug or anything if I have another option... I just don't get it 😕
6 -
I very rarely get in a match with a toxic killer, I often play with new or not good survivors but that's ok
I got my share of toxic killers too though (TTVs killers me talk 'bout ya) but I take break from this game when i get fed up (i say the same when I play WoW lmao, going back to Dbd and vice versa)
3 -
oh, im not even GETTING into "macro mistakes" territory which is essentially boiling down to skill inflation and the fact that this game has been around for long enough for solo player side players to learn basic patterns and begin punishing survivors for making such mistakes as a lot of people are really stagnant in their game sense and only focus on mechanical skill.
that's just an even deeper layer of issue of the fact people have been optimizing playing killer for 8 years straight while survivors kinda weren't.
4 -
stop making it seem like skull merchant was fine and it was just survivors fault. She was unhealthy for the game
and Solo Que is not balanced it’s the worst role in the game
6 -
skull merchant was murdered because it was survivors' fault, it's an objective fact.
2.0 haste/injury version was boring, but there was NOTHING about her that warranted insta DC every game. I could understand if she was like old Legion where she just hit you once and then moonwalked for 20 seconds for guaranteed down, but she was merely a worse and slightly more annoying clown.
people refused to play still because they couldnt let go.
>and Solo Que is not balanced it’s the worst role in the game
SWF isnt balanced either, it's the best role in the game, so? Almost as if BHVR made a compromise here because they cant balance purely for great and terrible teams.
6 -
2.0 haste/injury version was boring, but there was NOTHING about her that warranted insta DC every game.
It is something I've been saying for a while now. The "hate campaign" against Skull Merchant was allowed to go too far after her rework, and it shouldn't have.
Maybe she wasn't the most interactive killer, but there was nothing she could do that warranted a DC, as you've said.
Forcing a survivor to leave the loop? So does Artist. Getting haste after using power? So does Knight. Getting hits on most tiles? So does Xeno.
And granted, I don't think Artist and Xeno are good designs. But it is absolutely unnecessary to DC against them every game, and it was the same for Skull Merchant.
5 -
I dont think neither are bad designs and they're good in their own ways, because the issue is less about ability and more about the availability of it and how little you could possibly do. ive played a plentiful artist&xeno in competitive (aka against people that know their #########) and i never felt like these people didnt have counterplay against me, even though im very good at xenomorph and decent at artist (to at least know how her power works & utilize it successfully).
nonetheless that's irrelevant to the point as the real thing is that ultimately skull merchant was just a worse combo of clown+legion in chase that was countered in the exact same way people are used to.
people wouldve had every killer gutted if they could except nurse because she has some ######### immunity to that (they still complain but she never gets nerfed until devs mess up and release another ultra synergetic perk with her and only to specifically fix that) and then they would cry their eyes out they see same killers.
it's really hard to have sympathy for such players, all you see is them looking for excuses to give up and complain on forums where they clearly spend more time than playing the actual game.
3 -
Really, dude? You're blaming it on the DS nerf? Killers are gonna tunnel because it's all they've got vs good teams, and they're not gonna change up their strategy on the assumption that your team isn't one of those teams. Even if they did, that's called playing bad on purpose. All this meaning DS is super strong against them, whether the stun is 3 seconds or 5, because it forces the killer to do another chase and stonewalls any momentum that they had.
So I get that solo queue is tough, but it's got nothing to do with the killer. This is a matchmaking issue. These are orchestrated matches that shoehorn bad survivors with good ones, and put them up against a decent killer because that's the average killer player. There's no skill. It's literally just, "Did you get a favorable matchup? No? You lose. Yes? You win."
2 -
"Waah waah waah, I'm going to perform a bunch of mental gymnastics to justify the fact that I'm playing the easy role in the game." And the funny thing is killer mains like you that complain about survivors "giving up" dont even seem to realize that the ability to give up is the only reason that survivors, solo que survivors at least, even keep playing the game at all when it is so completely imbalanced in the killers favor. So if you want to both keep the game completely imbalanced as well as complain that god forbid survivors arent forced to stay in the completely unwinnable games, then go play a single player game instead and dbd will probably be better off for it.
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"ability to not play the game is why people play the game." 🤣
yeah, i knew there won't be much to talk about
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I gotta say, I started in Jan 2019 with just under 5k hours over my accounts (I don't share progress or link to BHVR) that solo queue is pretty rough these days.
I would say my escape rate is down to maybe 10% when I am running an efficient solo queue build.
Dying 90% of the time started to get a bit depressing and I was not having fun, so I decided to switch up what I want out of matches and instead I now always run Head On, Flashbangs and Blastmine and instead of caring about escaping I go for maximum stuns and blinds in a match.
I would say my escape rate hasn't reduced that much from a pure solo queue sweat build and I at least get a laugh out of constantly hitting killers with a very annoying Head On into Flashbang blind combo lol
7 -
wasnt DS nerfed like 2.5 years ago? did people just wake up, 6 months after it was re-buffed back? lmao
though they've been crying about tunnelling nonstop for 8.5 years straight, so it's more so about how intensity of tunnelling complaints hasnt reduced regardless of the changes devs make.
0 -
Thats kind of how killers felt for the first 6.5 years of this game's existence
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Solo Q is bad because people play it. BHVR does not care how unbalanced the game is and will continue to punish survivors and reward killers. Stop supporting a game that is extremely unbalanced where the developers have no interest in it except pay 2 win killers.
4 -
Tonight I had a game where I got downed by a pig at the start of a match, who then proceeded to almost bleed me fully out, before finally "allowing" someone to get me up. At which point she hard tunneled me around the map until my bear trap exploded. Threw the whole match to do it. To me it just kind of symbolized the state of DBD solo q these days. Sometimes it feels like I'm either going against new killers who I feel bad "escaping too soon from" or killers who play like their family is being held hostage.
Here recently, it just seems like there has been a massive increase in gameplay that to me, is meant not just to win but to deprive other people of being able to play the game. Makes me want to solely play killer, honestly.
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Yes I realized how bad Haddonfield is to play on these days
1 -
As someone who started playing in 2019 with 4000 hours, I agree. Since I've started, the killer experience has gotten better, but solo queue has gotten worse. There are some positives, basekit BT and the HUD are huge, but the rate at which I see tunneling, camping, and slugging has increased and the HUD means I now see how often my teammates are not being useful, which makes solo queue even worse. Not to mention giving up or DCing is extremely common now among my teammates…
I think the only time that solo queue was worse than it is right now is the Eruption & Call of Brine meta.