In my 6ish years playing DBD Solo Que has never been this miserable.

PortaI_2 Member Posts: 30
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

As someone with over 127 days played in this game, never have I been this annoyed with Solo Que.

I play solo que Survivor by far the most and honestly its gotten pretty annoying bad. So bad so the first time in 6 years I dont care to have all survivors and killers.

Mind you I was red rank Survivor in my first two years. Don't know if just sweats play these days. But DBD is just done for me. From the frequent tunneling (thanks in large part to the 3-4 second DS nerf) To the Pay to Win Killers. Solo Surviv Que is just bad.


  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    If it was true …

    So it would be either because of all the help added specifically for soloQ.

    Either because removing counters for killers has naturally pushed them to their last options.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,753
    edited October 2024

    You talk as if she hasn't been nerfed already, her current killrate is 55% according to the allmighty nightlight. Lowest pickrate in the game too I believe.

    Other than that, yeah soloq is absolute misery right now. I've noticed that most my games in killer have been surprisingly easy as well. Of course when I actually meet strong and coordinated survivors I struggle a lot, but that's so rare nowadays. It feels like matchmaking lumps just about anyone of any skill level into my games and it's so strange.

  • joybonru22
    joybonru22 Member Posts: 20

    I think this discussion is better understood by people who have played for years in solo queue, I also feel bro how chaotic the solo queue is now, very different from years ago. Stay strong even though you often lose xD

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    I've been playing the game since 2018 and have now accumulated 4k hours.

    And I also no longer have all the killers/survivors in my arsenal. For me the reasons are mainly due to the lack of competent cheat protection.

    But I also see that new characters, mostly licensed ones, that come into the game are released far too overpowered and then adjusted/nerfed again after a few months when the sales figures have been reached.

    That happened back then with the character "Ash Williams" where the perk "Mettle of Man" was absolutely broken at the release time and now it's the same with most new licensed killers (Dark Lord, Chucky, Xeno)

    There are also people who don't notice it so clearly due to their lack of gaming experience or who simply don't notice it because they joined DBD later, but there is a clear trend here that I don't like either.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2024


    The tools we have for survivors are definitively improving solo queue. However player behaviours, whether it's killers tunneling or other survivors sandbagging or giving up too soon, have got worse and increased in fequency.

    I see it mostly while playing a chill killer game. Actively trying to give survivors a chance to save, and just watching survivors die on first hook or bleedout on the ground when I'm nowhere near them.

    But it doesn't have to be like this. I do get some good solo queue games where I'm able to coordinate with like minded survivors despite no voice chat. It's just that most survivors are either out for themselves, or they play wildly risky, dumb games.

  • MarylinMonhoe
    MarylinMonhoe Member Posts: 137

    I very rarely get in a match with a toxic killer, I often play with new or not good survivors but that's ok

    I got my share of toxic killers too though (TTVs killers me talk 'bout ya) but I take break from this game when i get fed up (i say the same when I play WoW lmao, going back to Dbd and vice versa)

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    oh, im not even GETTING into "macro mistakes" territory which is essentially boiling down to skill inflation and the fact that this game has been around for long enough for solo player side players to learn basic patterns and begin punishing survivors for making such mistakes as a lot of people are really stagnant in their game sense and only focus on mechanical skill.

    that's just an even deeper layer of issue of the fact people have been optimizing playing killer for 8 years straight while survivors kinda weren't.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895
    edited October 2024

    I dont think neither are bad designs and they're good in their own ways, because the issue is less about ability and more about the availability of it and how little you could possibly do. ive played a plentiful artist&xeno in competitive (aka against people that know their #########) and i never felt like these people didnt have counterplay against me, even though im very good at xenomorph and decent at artist (to at least know how her power works & utilize it successfully).

    nonetheless that's irrelevant to the point as the real thing is that ultimately skull merchant was just a worse combo of clown+legion in chase that was countered in the exact same way people are used to.

    people wouldve had every killer gutted if they could except nurse because she has some ######### immunity to that (they still complain but she never gets nerfed until devs mess up and release another ultra synergetic perk with her and only to specifically fix that) and then they would cry their eyes out they see same killers.

    it's really hard to have sympathy for such players, all you see is them looking for excuses to give up and complain on forums where they clearly spend more time than playing the actual game.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    Really, dude? You're blaming it on the DS nerf? Killers are gonna tunnel because it's all they've got vs good teams, and they're not gonna change up their strategy on the assumption that your team isn't one of those teams. Even if they did, that's called playing bad on purpose. All this meaning DS is super strong against them, whether the stun is 3 seconds or 5, because it forces the killer to do another chase and stonewalls any momentum that they had.

    So I get that solo queue is tough, but it's got nothing to do with the killer. This is a matchmaking issue. These are orchestrated matches that shoehorn bad survivors with good ones, and put them up against a decent killer because that's the average killer player. There's no skill. It's literally just, "Did you get a favorable matchup? No? You lose. Yes? You win."

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    "ability to not play the game is why people play the game." 🤣

    yeah, i knew there won't be much to talk about

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    wasnt DS nerfed like 2.5 years ago? did people just wake up, 6 months after it was re-buffed back? lmao

    though they've been crying about tunnelling nonstop for 8.5 years straight, so it's more so about how intensity of tunnelling complaints hasnt reduced regardless of the changes devs make.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 433

    Thats kind of how killers felt for the first 6.5 years of this game's existence

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 392

    Solo Q is bad because people play it. BHVR does not care how unbalanced the game is and will continue to punish survivors and reward killers. Stop supporting a game that is extremely unbalanced where the developers have no interest in it except pay 2 win killers.

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 129

    Tonight I had a game where I got downed by a pig at the start of a match, who then proceeded to almost bleed me fully out, before finally "allowing" someone to get me up. At which point she hard tunneled me around the map until my bear trap exploded. Threw the whole match to do it. To me it just kind of symbolized the state of DBD solo q these days. Sometimes it feels like I'm either going against new killers who I feel bad "escaping too soon from" or killers who play like their family is being held hostage.

    Here recently, it just seems like there has been a massive increase in gameplay that to me, is meant not just to win but to deprive other people of being able to play the game. Makes me want to solely play killer, honestly.

  • PortaI_2
    PortaI_2 Member Posts: 30

    Yes I realized how bad Haddonfield is to play on these days

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    As someone who started playing in 2019 with 4000 hours, I agree. Since I've started, the killer experience has gotten better, but solo queue has gotten worse. There are some positives, basekit BT and the HUD are huge, but the rate at which I see tunneling, camping, and slugging has increased and the HUD means I now see how often my teammates are not being useful, which makes solo queue even worse. Not to mention giving up or DCing is extremely common now among my teammates…

    I think the only time that solo queue was worse than it is right now is the Eruption & Call of Brine meta.