Why is there no sound anymore for flash bangs?

I've seen this in multiple games now. The survivor can drop the flas bang right next to me but I never hear it. Why is that? Has it changed? Because I know for a fact it had a sound in the past and not hearing that is like the most annoying thing ever.
As far as I know, this is related to sound occlusion.
We had similar problems before, but this one has been present for a long while now.
As far as I understand it, if something is blocking the path, the sound takes, it will stop right there and not make it to the player, resulting in no sound whatsoever.
This is obviously bad im dbd because a lot of decisions are made based on sounds.
Another awful contender that should be looked at are generator sound in buildings or rooms.
Raise your hand if you visited the house of pain on Badham to check for noises, left it because nothing made any sound just for the gen to be finished mere seconds later.
Problems in like this effect gameplay the most and should have higher priority when big fix patches come around. I have no idea why this is not the case.
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I mean I would understand that from the logic of a bad algorithm but apparently this flash bang related bug also happens when im not looking at the survivor. Either he uses it to flash bang safe or drops it behind me I never hear it
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Maybe your model counts as the object of obstruction?
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Damn that would be a pretty problematic way of setting up the game in general but it might be true :o
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Usually the survivors drops out a good gasping moan of oxygen when they drop one. This is what I listen for.
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I've never noticed that gasping sound before. Maybe it's part of the difference between using a headset or not? Plus as others have said the sound occlusion has always been quite wonky in this game.
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I have good headphones, it's a pretty quick sound. Sometimes I'm able to look up and react in time, other times not.
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So the speakers on my old TV across the room from my couch might miss it entirely? 😋😂