Two Aura Perk Buffs, Two Aura Perk Nerfs

Recent discussion has me thinking about killer aura perks, specifically two that I believe are overtuned and two that I believe are undertuned. We'll start with the two I think need nerfs, and what I think those nerfs could realistically be.

Weave Attunement.

Nobody's surprised to see this one take top billing, it's obviously overtuned and we already know it's getting changes. I propose the following:

  • Aura read activation and range remain the same as they are now,
  • The Oblivious effect is completely removed from the perk,
  • Survivors see the aura of dropped items revealing them within a certain distance.

The idea here is that the counterplay becomes more obvious at the cost of survivors needing to run a little bit into the area of effect to get the benefit, and survivors are no longer actually punished for engaging with the counterplay. The Franklin's + Weave synergy would now be about gaining wallhacks in that chase, and after that point any survivor could stumble across the item and pick it up.

This change doesn't affect the fact that Weave is kind of bad on its own and needs synergies, but I legitimately don't know how to address that, so my goal is just to make it less potent in its synergies. It'd still be a damn good perk, just not as busted as it currently is.

Nowhere To Hide.

This one, too, probably isn't that surprising. Nowhere To Hide is more overtuned because of how it functions on stronger or more mobile killers, which can be kind of obnoxious to face- especially since it makes it harder to play around even when you know it's in play. I propose the following:

  • The perk's range is no longer centred on the killer, but rather on the generator, and does not move.

The idea here is simple. The perk should function the same on all killers, or at least shouldn't become way more of a map radar on more mobile killers. I could see something like the range being increased to compensate, but honestly, the range is already pretty huge considering what kind of perk it is, so I think it doesn't necessarily need a compensation buff.

Now, on to the buffs!

BBQ and Chili.

Now, don't freak out, I know this perk is already quite good and one of the few aura perks to actually crack into the top ten most popular perks on the killer side. I don't actually want to raise this perk's power level that much, but I think there's an open design space to partially bring back an old feature that people liked. This is what I propose:

  • Each time you hook a survivor for the first time, you gain a token. Each token reduces the perk's 'deadzone' where it cannot read auras by 2 metres, capping out at a range of 32 metres where the killer can't read auras after a hook.

This one's simple enough too. I liked BBQ's old stacks, and I agree that the bloodpoint bonus would be inappropriate to bring back, so I want to see it make the perk very slightly better. I just liked the stacks, man…

Alien Instinct.

This perk is a really interesting one, but I can't help but to feel that it's a little internally self-defeating. You reveal someone vulnerable, but you also give them a head's up that they're being targeted, which kind of cancels itself out. Here's what I propose:

  • After getting a hook, all injured survivors are inflicted with Oblivious for 20 seconds
  • The furthest injured survivor from you also has their aura revealed for 5 seconds

The idea with this one is to add a degree of uncertainty to each proc of Alien Instinct - a survivor may know they're Oblivious, but how far are they from the hook? Is anyone further away? Unless they're on comms with pretty on-point spatial awareness from everyone, they aren't going to know whether their aura has been revealed, giving the killer the edge to maybe surprise someone.

That's it, that's my ideas for some tweaks to some aura perks. What do you think?


  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    I really like the Weave Attunement adjustment.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    The weave one is probably the version most asked for XD but yes we agree survivors should see the items in question.

    We do like the alien instinct one but we think the bbq one is kinda redundant here… but that's just us.

    We couldn't care less about nwth so don't have much of a opinion either way.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 716

    if NTH is to be tied to the gen, it should have a range increase.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I'm not so sure. That perk already has a range of 24 metres, that's pretty gigantic for just trying to ferret out survivors crouching near gens.

    A small increase won't really affect its usefulness, and a large increase would just make it way too powerful, at least imo.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,009

    Overall I agree with it. The aura duration for Alien Instinct could be increased to 10 seconds because the survivor knows when the perk is in play and the killer has to walk across the map. The buff to BBQ is fine even though this perk does not need a buff since it is already a good and healthy perk.

    I can't believe that NWTH is still around the killer and not the generator when back then the developers reworked Ultimate Weapon basically twice with the explanation it is around the locker so high mobility killers don't have an extra advantage with this perk. The perk itself is good and healthy for the metagame but the based around the killer feels bad.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,436

    The detection right now is really strong because it's technically not 24 metres because it follows the Killer, if it was tied to a Gen, that strength would be kinda removed completely, I think if it was changed to only emitting from the gen but had a 32 metre Radius that would be a pretty decent change, still a strong aura reading Perk, but no longer too op on Killers with high mobility!

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    That's funny. I suggested that exact BBQ buff a couple years back. It's still a good idea.

    Weave just needs to reveal the aura of the item. The oblivious is fine as it is.

    I'd go further with alien instinct and make the oblivious 25s. I love that perk irrationally.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i don't think any of aura perks are too strong but i think their existences exaggerates tunneling. i think showing items aura exaggerates a counter-play that is already existed in the perk. the perk should be buffed to punish survivors for picking up items in that case such as granting 5% haste for 30 seconds. that way, if the perk is countered completely, the killer's main benefit becomes limited time haste bonus.

    I see weave attunement more of chase aura perk for seeing survivors a tiles more so than detection perk. it's like good version of zanshin tactics and I'm all eats because both of those perks are too weak because of their limit duration.

    Nowhere to hide and BBQ in current dbd because most detection perks in dbd have under 5 activations, low area of effect bonuses and sometimes cooldowns.

    BBQ activates twice amount of times than say an older perk like Bitter mumur and it has near global radius outside of being near hook and than nowhere to hide activates for nearly half of the map on high mobilizes killers and has potencial activate +20 times in a match. You'd expect these perk to get weakened a lot more then Weave.

    Alien instinct is just one of the examples of bad tracking perk. there is like so many others like Hangman's trick, Awaken awareness, Thwack! which is still pointless, Nurse calling, Hex:Retribution, Darkness revealed. all these perk have range limitations, activation requirements and some of them are limited use perks.

    the aura perk that are relevant are outstanding good while other perks are outstanding under-tuned. BVHR balancing in a nutshell.