Slugging for the 4k is indeed a thing now (100% of cases in my games)

Although the title is a bit clickbait, 100% means: today I played 9 survivor games of which I was one of the last 2 survivors still standing in 3 games. The killer was slugging for the 4k in all these 3 games.
I came prepared, with No Mither, We're Gonna Live Forever and Exponential, and still
(Also, not really part of the topic, but out of all 9 games, only 1 survivor escaped in total lmao)
(And before someone mentions "it has always been" sure, but not to this extent)
Me pointing at the boon so the teammate would crawl there. They didn't do it.
Teammate coming to get me up even though I have No Mither lmao
Unfortunately there was no gens nearby so I couldn't just pressure the gen whilst my teammate hides
Its been way more often now then before. I use to see it maybe every 4-5 games as last 2 now i see it 4 times in 5 games as last 2.
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it’s been a thing for a very long time and I’ll die on that hill.
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True, thats why I will defend that the game should literally be over with a 2k, unless all gens are completed
The killer kills 2 survivors, the remaining 2 will automatically be sacrificed by the entity4 -
its a lot easier for you to find the killer than it is for the killer to find you, go die and go next, easy solution
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But thats "throwing the game" and reportable
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so the killer has to turn off his brain and play inefficiently just so that he can hand you victory on a plate
I very often let the last survivors go, but because it is my decision, if you and your entire team failed in the goal, it does not mean that the killer should let you escape for free
I will never understand this hypocrisy, when killing on a hook so that the hatch appears faster is considered a good and fair tactic, but the opposite is no longer fair and should be removed2 -
I hope your games get better. Situations like this are just lame to be in
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I think it's about the same. Personally it seems like most don't even care about the mori either as long as both get hooked. I think a lot of people either already forgot or don't care.
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People would stop queuing as survivor, and I don’t see any killer mains picking up the slack. It would go the way of death garden when they overbuffed the Hunter role and no one wanted to play as scavengers. Then, the forums will be flooded by “wHy DoEs No OnE pLaY sUrViVoR?” Threads. Ugh.
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Giving up like that is just begging to be slugged
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I started noticing a major increase in slugging last night when I was playing the haunted event. I thought perhaps it was some kind of challenge the killers were all doing that I didn't know about. When I first started playing DBD, I didn't personally encounter slugging all that much in my games. But if last night was an indicator of how the game is going to be, I might just switch over to playing killer a lot more.
Maybe if people are playing as a swf with coms and particular builds to counter this, some of the slugging might be a tad but easier to deal with. But I play solo q, so I really have no control over what other people do in the map. Getting slugged even five times out of ten games is more than I'm interested in dealing with.
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2v1 / 1v1 dynamic generally needs a rework.
What we have rn was a 5.5 y/o band aid fix to an even worse issue (mutually taking games hostage), it's not a good design on its own.
IMO, hatch needs to be replaced with some big flashy last chase. Like, make the entity just reset half of the map, make exit gates open on their own at a very slow pace (like 90 seconds to open) and reveal killer / survivor to each other until the chase starts.
And then just turn this into a epic 1v1 standoff.
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Obviously the game should be designed around that, not as the current state
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All that needs to happen is just when their are two survivors remaining, the first survivor you down automatically gets moried. Killer gets a 3k and hatch would still be in play. And if they down the final survivor they still get the base mori or hook if they want. Hatch is fine, slugging for 4k isn’t
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id rather get rid of an uninteractive coin flip with hatch and gates.
i mean, surely not the people who crutch on that, but i'd rather have something more exciting and fun.
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- The killer is supposed to do this according to the in-game manual.
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Yeah, if the game is clearly over at multiple gens left then you're better off not being one of the last two left. It's just a back and forth of picking each other up and getting downed
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The hatch should just open a certain amount of time after the second to last survivor goes down. Someone brought up a similar idea in another thread and i'd be completely on board with it. Then close once one person goes through it to prevent multiple people from getting hatch. Make adepts only require a 3K. Killer still wins and can still get achievements. All it does is get rid of the ego driven obsession some people have with getting a 4K. The current slug for the 4K meta is not sustainable and is dragging survivor gameplay down in a big way. Either that or just let me leave the game without any penalty. The time wasted in these scenarios adds up and isn't insignificant.
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they are never gonna get rid of hatch. It gives an incentive to at least last to the end for survivors when the game is lost. Plus its thematic in the since that In horror movies their is always a “final survivor”. Hatch is 50/50 so you can still kill them. My suggestion removes the boring slug for 4k
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you may interpret my words however you want, but im not going to engage in a discussion with you if you do that in the most incorrect way imaginable, it's pointless to argue with a strawman
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you said you want to get rid of hatch. They aren’t gonna get rid of it.
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keep missing the point of what im saying, you're definitely making me respect your opinion more by that
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you want it to be one last chase instead of hatch. You know they aren’t gonna get rid of a mechanic that’s been in the game for 8 years so what’s the point of suggesting its removal
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i know they can make things better instead of continuing to utilize a cheap dynamic which may easily include recycling the hatch to fit more in that dynamic.
the point is not to suggest them to remove something, the point is to suggest to make it more fair and healthy instead of naively asking them to remove all the things you dislike without addressing the things other people dislike. be less biased.
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I don't see the issue. If the 4th survivor doesn't hide for hatch then the killer doesn't have to slug for the 4k.
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your suggestion does nothing about slugging for the 4k. I had a suggestion that fixed it and it doesn’t punish the killer at all. You still win. Asking for one last big chase at then end is a terrible idea because most of the resources are used. How do you expect to last as you said 90 seconds with nothing? And who does this benefit most in that big chase? Yeah the killer. be less biased
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it's genuinely tiring to talk to people who simultaneously purposefully ignore and misinterpret what you're saying while also taking it at face value without considering obvious implications that normally shouldn't have to be spelled out.
if the hatch/gates coin toss is replaced with a fair chase, then we can implement all kinds of solutions to stop slugging for 4k in the first place - for example by giving survivors in 2v1 unbreakable or increased gen repair speed so that going in 2v1 means aiming to kill any of them asap. It's really not that complex and Im really disappointed I have to explain what is usually implied.
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My kill rate on Twins the past few days is like 90% using a slugging build. As a killer main I'll admit the devs need to balance the game.
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During the match, yes, but not if it's basically already over.
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How is that fair? It wouldn't be organic.
The hatch mechanic is at least fair as it is random (unless offering, and even it: someone can prepare for it).
The only way to "solve" slugging for the 4k is the immediate execution of the last survivors.
I'm not for any change mind you. I kind of like both the search on one side, and the risky chance to heal your teammate.
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I dont find current dynamic fun or fair.
The survivor escapes because they're good at ratting & lucky to win 50/50 (ASSUMING there was even a 50/50 to win, bc they couldve got uncounterable gates or just lucky hatch spawn). They didnt best me personally, they simply refused to engage.
It's dragged out, boring and not fun on either side to my experience. Actual chore to participate.
Killers slugging for 4k so often is a dead giveaway people dont feel like current dynamic is fair to them.
I mean, we can always just pretend there arent any issues for anyone. Slugging for 4k still has counterplay (not engaging and hiding for the timer), you can still escape vs it (if you outlast and then engage in default hatch/gates stuff), it has definitive timer to end, so technically there arent any issues for anyone. It's just not fun, just like engaging with the hatch/gates for the killer.
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The truth of the matter is that the base gameplay needs to change to make the objective fairer when there are less survivors in the game:
gen repair speeds need to be proportionate to the amount of people who are in the match, ergo two survivors have the same repair speed as 4 survivors, so when there are two players left and three gens to go that isn’t an insurmountable task.
The killer should be forced to pick up if there are only two survivors left and not be able to put them down unless stunned. That way the killer cannot physically slug for the 4k and has to continue normal gameplay by hooking. This in turn means the survivor who has been hooked can be rescued or they can suicide on the hook to give the 4th survivor a chance at the hatch. This ends the game much quicker.
To compensate for abuse, if the killer is stunned by a flashbang or flashlight (or any other sort of light based tool) the killer gets base kit lightborn for 60 seconds to avoid multiple blinds in quick succession.
If the 4th survivor goes down taking protection hits trying to help the 3rd survivor wiggle off the finisher mori activates automatically as soon as the killer has hooked the third survivor - killing the 4th survivor instantly and ending the match.
If the killer downs the final survivor the finisher Mori activates automatically finishing the match.
To me this is the best way to resolve this situation and it’s fair and empowering to everyone.
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Basically meaning the survivor should hand the killer the 4k
That's why I'm suggesting the 2k max mechanic2 -
in this case, I suggest to the mechanic that if more than 2 survivors escape, 3 and 4 survivors will automatically be hooked and die
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As killer, I enjoy engaging with hatch and gates and find them very fair. And that's not sarcasm... I really think it's good that the last survivor gets a chance when it's just them and me.
I also don't really feel like I have to earn anything as killer. Even against most swfs I see, I don't really feel like it's so hard to get a kill or two. And it's pretty frequent to just dominate matches against the whole survivor team and get a 3k or 4k. So letting the last survivor get a chance to get out can make it fun for both of us instead of just fun for me :)
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The new ability to mori the last survivor has definitely made this worse, I am very sick of being slugged while the killer spends 4 minutes trying to find my random solo queue team mate who refuses to pick me up and just hides it out.
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just watch 4k videos on YouTube and pretend you’re playing if you want this little engagement or challenge .
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What's wrong with that? You lose anyway.
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Holding the game hostage
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The chance has nothing to do with an actual player interaction. Literal definition of a random coin toss.
If you lost track of the 4th survivor (and you did because if you didnt, the game is over) you have no way to even estimate where they are, you can only make a complete baseless guess.
"Maybe they're hiding near this gate, or that gate, or maybe they're hiding in that random corner of the map just to waste my time, I have no idea because in the time it took me to kill the 3rd guy and find hatch, they had all the time in the world to cross the entire map back and forth and could literally be anywhere".
That is simply lame.
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That's definitely fair about it being rng based. The killer should have an advantage in hatch race since they're faster than survivors and the killer doesn't need to hide or run away if they see the survivor, but you're right that there's a heavily randomized element to it and that it can play out without any interaction. Often I'll find hatch and give it to the survivor if they're brave enough to approach :)
I'm also pretty often running BBQ, so as soon as I hook the third survivor, I'll frequently know where the fourth is. A smart player will hide in a locker while I'm carrying the third to hook. But I find the whole hide-and-seek element to be a lot more fun than chase honestly, even as killer. Chase to me feels like a sort of forgone conclusion determined only by our relative skill in looping. So that hunt during hatch is a lot of fun for me :D
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I made my point.
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All fair! I was mostly just trying to be friendly, but also tend to talk a bunch about whatever I think :)