Whats your guys opinion that will get a killer to tunnel you

Heres mine
Artist isnt strong. Reason why people and streamers say shes one of the best killers cause nobody plays her. And when they see an artist they dont know what to do or know how to counter her making it seem like shes strong
I've seen Head On plays trigger a killer into hard tunneling, particularly if it makes them drop a surv. Bodyblocking with BT also usually ensures you'll be focused.
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Why would saying Artist is weak get a killer to tunnel you..?
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Wesker is terribly designed.
Many players seem to disagree with me regarding Wesker, but I cannot see anything positive about this killer. His kit has way too much in it and is overtuned for a high mobility character.
He is set for changes in the next patch and I hope they are nerfs.
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Even more so they dont see it till after game.
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Yeah I mean not even Artist mains would tunnel just because someone thinks she is C or D-tier. Makes no sense at all.
I play mostly survivor and I like killers and killer players. I have no opinion that would make them tunnel me, and yet I will get tunneled from time to time lol
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its a joke saying
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I think it is just a different way of asking what is your unpopular opinion / hot take.
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Ngl chief I would of never of gotten that lmao.
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*Whats your unpopular opinion* thats what im asking its not difficult lol
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When you show a top down picture of a donut with a bunch of sprinkles on top Im gonna assume its just a pile of sprinkles
just show me the ######### donut man
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Ah i see this was pointless
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I mean next time just name the thread "Whats your hot take?" since I aint the only one that didnt catch onto that. It aint exactly clear as to what youre asking here.
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not my fault! Ita your fault duh
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And it was clear.
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Bait located now ignoring
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aight bye 👋
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I like to do a Head On followed immediately by a flashbang blind combo lol.
In all fairness, the vast majority of killers either just take it on the chin or they even have a good sense of humour about it. However some get VERY upset over this and they will tunnel, camp and bleed me out in retaliation.
Which I think is pretty sad but it goes with the territory so I kinda expect it
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Definitely not clear to everyone, but I got what the OP was saying.
On topic, Billy's roar is good, Oni 180 flick should be removed, Ormond is still incredibly survivor sided, Disturbed Ward main building is not OP anymore, and Rotten Fields is by far the most boring map to play on.