Huntress Has The Worst Ultra Rares!
I think Huntress herself is fine but I do agree with you in that she suffers A LOT from clunky map-related hitboxes. I once got a match in Hawkins as Huntress and I'm far from being a good Huntress but when I say that I had a hard time getting any hatchets to go through any of the clutter in that map…. I understand that she is not designed like Deathslinger, as he can get insane shots through really tiny spaces and she can't /by design/, but sometimes the hitboxes of some structures feel too much like bullshit. Especially in Hawkins and Lery's.
Edit: English lol.
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The bots have wall hacks, I can't practice anything with them.
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That shouldn’t stop you from playing Nurse! It might make Blight harder but you can def still practice Nurse against bots! Throw on 4 aura perks and go to town
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That’s a big reason why a lot of people have given up on her. I think she could use some small Qol tweaks honestly
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Yea that would also be a really good change! So something like:
Iridescent Head
Survivors hit from at least 30 metres away with Hatchets are put into the Dying State.
Reduces maximum carried Hatchet amount by 3.
Having 4 Hatchets by default with this add-on instead of the regular 7 seems fair to me!