Why won't killer players Mori last survivor?

It's always hooks or free escapes. Survivor mains demanded killer mains give last survivor hatch for so long. Take the Mori. It won't hurt my feelings. I don't play to escape. I'm doing time challenges. I just want to see a cool Mori. Trapper and Wraith, not you.
I usually go for the mori, but you have challenges that require hooks that might get people to hook rather than mori. You also have people that just wanna hurry up the process if the last person's teammate is dragging out their death on hook.
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I don't always feel like going for the mori.
Sometimes I like to give hatch to the last survivor, and if someone is dragging out their death on hook I'm not gonna slug the other survivor endlessly.
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As far as I'm concerned,
- either I've watched that mori too many times these past few days,
- either I've got a hook right next to me,
- either I've forgotten about the feature.
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I usually run to shack and do some noise to lure the Killer to me, then I start a 1v1 chase and shortly before the timer runs out I let the Killer mori me for a cinematic ending. Way more interesting than to hide for the hatch or Exit Gate.
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If everyone else is dead, I will rather give hatch unless survivors annoyed me and if someone is still on hook, I don't want to waste everyone's time just to wait for mori.
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I’ve gotten nothing but moris when I’m last survivors ever since they did that stupid basekit mori stuff
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I randomize what I do. It's not that interesting to keep seeing the Mori over and over again, so I randomize what I do with the last one. Keeps it fresh.
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Getting that last hook>mori
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If everybody else has died then I'll mori, but if somebody is struggling on hook im not gonna waste everybody's time and sit on the slugged survivor waiting to mori
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I'm svveetpotato on Xbox. I main yunjin. Slug me and Mori me. Please. I don't want hatch, don't want escape. I nearly never see Mori animation. Ghost face is still my favorite, also Hag.
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Hooks are worth more BP after the EGC has started. Even more so during events.
That, and by the time I remember it even exists I’m usually already halfway to the hook anyway.