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Why 60% kill rate and not 55%?

The stats show 2v8 had a 45% escape rate for the two most played classes and it felt much better for survivors. You rarely saw the level of dc'ing and giving up as in 1v4 because survivors could actually make a comeback. The matches also never felt over within the first 2 minutes like it so often does in 1v4. This is why so many survivors are asking for 2v8 to come back and want it to be permanent.

My point is if the devs want killer to be the power role, why such a massive advantage with the arbitrary 60/40 number. 55/45 arguably feels much better for both sides, not only for survivors but also for killers because with the 60% kill rate the games feel too easy for killer much of the time.

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  • Member Posts: 895

    the point is that unknown was balanced with 60% KR mentality and he is just slightly above that expected killrate.

    so is he, a prime example of such balance mentality, a killer that doesnt deserve his strength?

  • Member Posts: 20

    yes, we all know. if people are used to playing killer they will win in most games, over the last few months I've seen frustrated posts from survivor players especially soloq, but they probably don't care because a 60% kill rate is fair to them. at this point screaming for survivor balance is the same as talking to a wall.

  • Member Posts: 895

    that is only true if you assume that BP incentive system works around 50/50 balance instead of 80/20.

    and it would be utterly foolish to design a system that is meant to encourage players to fill up queue slots in a game requiring 4/1 player split to work around 50/50 split.

    to put it simply - it only makes sense if the system gives incentive for survivors ANY TIME there's less than 80% of the current players in queue as a survivor and that is the case at almost any time in the day except evening/late night when most people are free and can play with their friends.

    in reality the player split between roles is most definitely more or less equal and that's not what the game needs to fill up survivor slots at the same pace as killer's.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Survivors are 80% of the playerbase. What do you think is more enjoyable for them, a 55% kill rate or 60%?

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I've never waited that long for survivor games in the past, I think games being nearly instant for survivor is more concerning than anything else, by making it 55 percent even as a start my killer queues wont be taking that long. as they are super long rn, especially during events.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Interesting. My survivor queues in EU are always way too long. Killer queues however are almost instant.

    As for the BP bonus, nobody really cares about it (newbies, maybe?)

    But you should know this bonus is personal. It's for you or someone at your MMR level in the game.

    Basically it means the game doesn't need a killer of your level but your survivor level may fill a slot.

  • Member Posts: 767

    As other have said, your bonus is dependant on factors like region, time of day and MMR.

    But something is wrong with bonuses atm and devs are investigating as even with a high survivor bonus the queues are a few minutes and killer queues are always instant no matter the incentive.

  • Member Posts: 989

    Just curious - do you play killer yourself? I do, and I sure don't consider it to be "baby mode easy". Am I just bad at the game? I'd love to see some of your killer gameplay so I can learn how to play better.

  • Member Posts: 989

    The game used to be balanced around a lower kill rate and the devs realized that nobody wanted to play killer, so they had to adjust the balance to get average kill rates up to the current ~60%. People complaining about the game being "survivor-sided" or "killer-sided" need to realize that in this type of asymmetrical game that if one side is happy all the time, that means the other side is miserable all the time. The right level of balance is to have some frustration on both sides, which is where the game is at right now (at least in my experience - I play about 50/50 killer and solo q survivor, SWF very rarely with a couple other friends).

    The devs are never going to make changes based on forum complaints — they're going to do it based on the game data. So if you think survivor is such a miserable experience, the only way that's going to change is to stop playing. If the devs see survivor-to-killer ratio getting too much out of balance, they'll adjust the kill rates accordingly. Or, better yet, try playing killer yourself. You'll probably find that it's not as easy as you believe it is.

  • Member Posts: 813

    And also because early cages/hooks didn't feel nearly as punishing as they did in 1v4. Survivors still felt like they actually had a chance to win.

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    To fit the horror trope, IMO.

    Ideally the game should make getting sacrificed/killed an entertaining experience such that kill-rates are less of a concern for the majority and only really "problematic" for those that are fixated on "winning".

    Though currently there is a bit of a problem where if you're killed/sacrificed early you're booted out of any further gameplay in that match.

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  • Member Posts: 453

    It never made any sense to have one side (and additionalle the side with the most player count) to be at a disadvantage regarding to match outcome. Why would any sane player play survivor games when you know you have not an equal chance of "winning" the match unless youre loving to be tortured? Devs need to realize that even if this game is asyemmtrical, both parties need to have the same chance of winning the matches. They need to stop playing their "slasher fantasy" at the back of their players.

    Being the power role doesnt have anything to do with the outcome. Thats another thing devs never started to accept.

  • Member Posts: 3,940
    edited November 2024

    I believe the idea of the 60% kill rate is based from, for a 2 ,3 or 4 man escape, the gate must have been powered/opened. This means that assuming a perfect distribution of 20% for each possible result between 0k - 4k (a 50% killrate), this means that 60% of the time, the survivors complete their objective and power/open the gate.

    Of course it's still possible for the gate to get opened and still get a 3k and 4k scenario, but it is also of course possible to have an escape to occur via hatch or opening the gate without the gens completed on a 3k (via closing hatch), so we'll simply to ignore these on the presumumption they balance each other out for the sake of simplicity.

    If we make it so that killers get a 4k 10% more often, and a 0k 10% less often (a 60% killrate) that means that the gate gets powered/opened 50% of the time. When you look at it this way this makes more sense....

    A 55% killrate means that gates also get powered 55% of the time, which sounds pretty fair. However we do also have real world things like 0k being quite hard to accomplish for survivors (a killer can usually kill 1 survivor quite easily), and the fact a lot of survivors are altruistic and come back to make saves which I would guess fails more often than it succeeds cause soloQ.

    On the flip side, there is the idea that the game isn't over till it's over, and the killer should have a certain amount skill in closing out, but this is of course made a moot point by the EGC slowing while a survivor is downed/hooked, and the fact survivors can 99 gates.

    So my gut says 55% gate open rate would feel about right... if the gates couldn't be 99d and regressed when let go, and EGC was a fixed 150s, no slowdown at any points.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Member Posts: 3,009
  • Member Posts: 395

    I'm on EU servers and the BP bonus is ALWAYS on survivor and people have tried to say different as if I don't see it myself! Like hello?

  • Member Posts: 395

    Holy crap this! Like back in the day maps were BUSTED but alot had been addressed and lots of killers have been buffed to address this so why are maps being nerfed into the ground where I can literally see all 4 walls of the map and any time?!

  • Member Posts: 347

    2v8 wasn’t better just because the escape rate went up by 5%. It was better because it was chaotic and way more fun. Three times as many pallets, no camping, no giving up, and loads of newbie killers to mix things up.

    Right now, many killers have around a 55% kill rate. But would you even know which ones just by playing? Probably not. You call 60/40 arbitrary, but why? Isn’t 55/45 just as arbitrary? A 60/40 split averages about 2.5 kills per match, hitting that sweet spot where escaping isn’t so easy that it loses meaning, and killers still get enough kills to keep things interesting. At 55%, you’re just barely above 2 kills per match, but 2ks are almost always predictable: one player gets proxy camped, another dies trying to save, and the last two escape. Rinse and repeat.

    In any case, the main 1v4 mode isn’t worse than 2v8 because of the escape rate; it’s worse because it just isn’t as laid-back.

  • Member Posts: 158
  • Member Posts: 27

    Why not 50/50??

  • Member Posts: 20

    In my opinion, the thing that needs to be done to reduce the killrate is that there aren't enough players playing Survivor, after that they will think that my Survivor game design is really messy and I have to do something or buff the Survivor so that lots of people want to play it again. it will be very difficult to do this because the majority of the player base are survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,121

    62.5% means getting a 3k or 4k on roughly have of your matches. Essentially, 60% means you're just short of winning roughly half your matches (if you accept that 3k+ is a win).

    Remember a 50% kill rate is only 2 kills. A 75% kill rate is 3 kills.

  • Member Posts: 452

    There are streamers with 1k+ win streaks on killer. Something like that shouldn't be possible in a pvp game with MMR.

    Otz is a pro who has done 30 game win streaks on every killer, yet even trying his hardest wasn't able to get a higher than 40% escape rate in solo q. Average solo q player is supposed to be happy losing 7/10 games they play, and then escaping vs an afk killer so the mmr system thinks their win rate is fine?

  • Member Posts: 989

    The win streaks you are talking about are the top 0.01% of players. This does not apply to a vast majority of the player base. The latest stats we have shows that average solo q escape rate is ~40%. If you're consistently escaping less frequently than that, I don't know what else to tell you other than based on the stats you would be on the lower end of the skill curve.

  • Member Posts: 10,295

    I don't think that would be better for both sides. You can't solve the problems of the game by trying to balance the kill/escape rate. That's like... I can't even find a comparison to make. That's how bad it is.

    I really don't put much stock into these stats. But if killers lost a whole 5% of kills, they'd be leaving like never before. Nobody wants to play the control roll where they have no control. That's what (little more than) 50% kill rate sounds like. Survivors are supposed to be running around, scared for their lives, as their players usually are. But in high level matches, with 4 survivors playing good instead of just 1-2, the killer's lucky to get 2-4 hooks sometimes. That's not good. It's never been this hard, only to still get such pitiful results.

    And the situation just keeps getting ignored, because MMR is not being brought into the discussion, because some are convinced that it either needs to go, or that it's perfect as is. It needs to stay, and it needs lots of work. The beginning of MMR was the closest to perfect it got, excepting the solely kill/escape method of gaining/losing. Back then, you got put with teammates and opponents of equal skill. Who cares if you had to wait a minute to join a lobby? The devs could actually balance off what they saw, because they got to see even playing fields for the first time. But after that, MMR just became stupid. Going back to random matchmaking, or worse, now forced mismatches, makes it impossible to balance off anything, because you're getting unbelievably skewed data and nobody knows ######### is going on. Not the devs, not the killers, not the solos. SWF's doing fine, but then again the sky is blue.

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