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Killer mains: one niche tip for your main

You know how when you start accumulating hours in a certain killer, you start realizing of niche strats that you can take advantage of when playing that killer? Well, it's time to share! What's one niche tip (or not so niche, but you know) that you would give to someone who wants to pick up and start playing your main?

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  • Member Posts: 3,380

    Onyro - don’t chase, they come to you. Keep your condemn pressure heavy and keep your TVs off as much as possible. :)

    The counter for survivors is powerful if you’re not careful.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    My main is Scratched Mirror Myers.

    My tip is to run Franklins. Knock the Survivors item out of their hand. Break chase shortly after and go back to the item. Hide out of sight in a corner or behind an object/wall/bookshelf and wait. 9 times out of 10 the Survivor will come back for the item. When they do, give them a mini-heart attack.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Very basic blight tips:

    • To turn further when swinging, first flick your camera in that direction before swinging, then do it again after pressing M1.
    • To hit survivors that are very close to you and spinning, try to wait until you are touching them with your shoulder and then M1. You can always bump again if you have more rushes to readjust or wait for a better angle.

    There are lots of really good blight players (Momoseventh, Lillith Omen) to watch for tips and good gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Pyramid Head - Ultra Specific niche tip

    Garden of Joy: when I come by the backside of the house, with the window vault from the main gen room, I draw a line of corruption there. Its always funny when survivors jump down and land directly in the gunk. Some even get confused and spin around, but don't bank on that.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    My go-to anymore is Dredge. Dredge gets faster nightfall for every survivor that's injured, so... don't be afraid to drop chase and harass a new target after getting a hit. I've been taking advantage of gearhead for this. Survivors typically think they're fairly safe if you are in a chase with their teammates... ESPECIALLY if they're not even in your TR. Make sure to remind them that you can pop out of that nearby locker at any moment, lol.

  • Member Posts: 712

    Singu: Biopods in chase can be very effective, run them to a loop and hit them with it when they're in a bad spot. If they EMP just hit them again. Also some maps have pretty busted spots, such as RPDs main lobby. Put a pod near the angel statue and another above the front desk gen and you can cover the entire room

  • Member Posts: 201

    Billy: pretty obvious but learn to feather your chainsaw. Especially since there’s no downside to doing it anymore, a lot of survivors will play scared thinking you will curve or go for the sprint at them and try to dodge preemptively and by feathering you can wait for the right moment to strike them down or even walk them down occasionally. Another tip is to study the survivor you’re chasing and try to be unpredictable with your curves.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Blight : (I discovered this one years ago when blight was short and mclean still was a dev so I get to name it) Slight tech: During the first rush you can hold A or D to strafe in that direction which can give you some extra mobility and paired with turning can let you take wider or shorter corners than other rushes can, if you want to test this ingame open a locker rush in a straight line and hold A or D and you will see after a complete rush you will have moved ~3m in the direction you held. Its not a lot but it can make a different in bumping or sliding during a first rush. It DOESN'T apply to follow up LETHAL rushes, and it NO LONGER applies to the lunge attack out of a lethal rush (it used to)

    It even works with the events blighted serum addon on other killers since it uses the same code as the first rush

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Artist: stop place birds (only) in pallets and start to try to predict survivor movement through texturs. It will completely change your killer understanding in some time. It seems as obvious as 2×2 to me, but 90% of Artist I go against/see don't understand it at all.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited November 2024

    Nurse … the one tip that I'd give is to spend some time to learn how to blink into small spaces completely blind. This requires knowing all the maps in three dimensions but it's invaluable in a chase. Also, know the bugged dead-zones so you don't even try.


    • From inside some basements, blink to the outside of the window to grab a fleeing survivor (always worth a heart attack). The door works too.
    • Blink inside the small vehicles, like in the corn maps.
    • Blink between levels on any map, for a grab or a hit.
    • In Hawkins, from the ground floor, how to blink to the top generator for a grab.
    • In that map with the teleporters, how to blink from the bottom floor to the close to the exit of a teleporter (possible for at least one). It allows getting to a survivor faster than following him through the aforementioned teleporter.

    That's something I almost never see discussed yet it helps so much.

    Also, contrary to the opinion of some streamers, both reaction and prediction are required to stand a chance against decent survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited November 2024

    My main is Legion. I don't have any super exciting tips but here are a few basic ones that some players might not know about:

    You can pick Survivors up in Frenzy. So if you hit someone through a window or over a pallet, you can use your power to quickly vault over to pick them up and save a little bit of extra time.

    The Unknown perk Unbound can be lots of fun on Legion. It's a slept on perk for them, imho. Should have been a Legion perk, really.

    There is of course the "Legion tech". This means letting a Survivor blind you to get you out of your power, so you can immediately basic attack them without going through the fatigue animation. This is usually pulled off at a pallet, but I've managed it at the exit gates for a funny "just leave" moment. I once had someone blind me as I ran into the gates at Midwich, which allowed me to knock down an injured Bill and carry him away for a last moment kill. He was so unhappy about this he DCed.

    Don't always be a "hit and run" Legion when in Frenzy. Lots of Survivors will expect you to leave and start mending, so mix it up and cancel your power to return to knock them down sometimes. This can be very effective, especially if you know they can't make it to safety. Be unpredictable.

    Lots of prominent content creators don't rate Julie's mixtape very highly or think of it as an add-on for beginners, but I think it's one of their best. I pair it with the Iri button and Enduring to break pallets and give Legion some anti-loop chase abilities. I honestly think this is one of their strongest add-on combos. It makes getting smacked in the face with a pallet fun and is by far my favourite way to play them, because you never have to respect a pallet (unless you are chaining hits). You want Survivors to stun you in Frenzy with this build to use up pallets and I find most Survivors will happily oblige.

    The last one is super, super niche and only for the event. Legion can vault from the top floor of the void onto the little platform below. I think other Killers have to swing around with a basic attack hit, but Legion can vault, get a Frenzy hit, then leave the rift to continue the Frenzy. It's lots of fun if you can pull it off. This is mostly what I do to kill time in the void whenever I'm getting dunked on, though.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Huntress can land a hatchet through the shack window that has the broken pane of glass but this is only for one of the standard shack variants and doesn't work on the unique ones like Eyrie or Red Forest.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Unfortunately, there isn't much to share about Freddy. I knew some of his niche tricks that could be done with his original power, but current Freddy doesn't really have much going for him.

    What I can say, though, is: use the RPB add-on, if you can. Survivors starting the trial in the Dream World actually has an impact.

  • Member Posts: 158

    Hello, some niche things for my main, the Alien.

    Tail attack:

    - The verticality allows for some unique hits. For exemple, if someone goes bellow the stairs near the helicopter of RPD and you are upstairs, you can hit a near 90° tail strike from above. This logic applies for nearly every loops like this, meaning you can hit some nasty hits from above and below.

    - There are a lot of sneaky strikes possible, another exemple would be the shack from Eyrie of crows. There is a hole in the wall, you can shoot trough that and hit someone looping (ive done that numerous times, they never see it coming).

    The tunnels:

    - Sometimes, after hitting someone near a tunnel, you can follow them from below and surprise them with a very quick and sneaky catch up (you can even catch them fleeing to anothrt survivor to heal). This is by no mean a general thing, you need the stars to align to pull it off but it can be a very effective niche move (and a very fun one).

    Footsteps and noise detection:

    - At the start of the game, remember that holding a turret will hide the survivors from your sensitives senses meaning that you may lurk below a vulnerable target without noticing. The tips is, at the start, trust your guts and emerge at an obvious gen (far from you generally). If you are wrong, re enter the tunnels and this time, lurk a bit to gather info on everyone, they should have started gens for you to hear (they will be confused because the turrets will alert them but you will just pass by). After you gathered everything, pick your target and start chasing. If possible, try to pressure evryone since you have gathered infos on them all, you can achieve that with hit and run or chasing towards other gens.

    Remeber that Xeno is a macro heavy killer, use the tunnels to pressure them all.

  • Member Posts: 1,993


    ~If you can afford the time, get a friend to join in a custom map. Every single one of them. You'll both be combing over the map for niche trap spots, and if fruitful, you'll not have to worry about having a bad map (Of map offerings!) ever again.

    ~The more Survivor knowledge you have, the better Trapper becomes. Hes one killer that grows in power as the player grows with game knowledge.

    ~Just because a trap snapped across the map and caught a rat doesn't mean you need drop what you're doing and waste time going after trapped survivor. Let them go free get healed by another survivor, just to see them step in the same trap again lol.

    ~If you get a snap of the trap while carrying a survivor, and they suddenly stop wiggling, its one of the best feelings ever. Entity is pleased.

  • Member Posts: 160

    Not my main … but a fun niche build I thought I would share.


    This works best on Indoor Maps but you can use it on ‘most’ pretty effectively. Some of the really large ones I would not recommend, however.

    Bring the bloody coil add on. Iri stone as well just to make it better.

    You can run whatever perks you want but one that you need to bring for this build is haunted ground. Anything that grants you undetectable would benefit you as well.

    Set traps at both totems and defend them. Survivors love to cleanse, totems, especially hex totems. And if you are making an effort to defend them, that makes the survivors want to cleanse them that much more. Every time they disarm a trap they take a Health state. Survivors that are already injured are generally going to go for it to avoid causing a new survivor to take the health state.

    Trust me, you will get several hooks from this and the pure joy when the survivors do finally get one of the totems and realize they done ######### up. It is not uncommon to get eight or more hooks before they’ve even cleansed the totem successfully. Generally, by the time they do, there’s only two survivors left and it’s pretty much good game.

  • Member Posts: 895

    When you fast vault window vs singularity who you know will have to teleport to you & wont be able to insta vault, dont run immediately, stand still until he teleports or vaults the window. because of the way his power works, as long as you dont move after fast vaulting, he'll TP behind the window and will be stuck in tping animation + will have to vault which will guarantee you can loop safely.

    When you have a camera on the generator you repair, dont use EMP until singularity infects you. If you react fact enough, there's no conceivable way he can infect&teleport to you FASTER than you can use EMP to break camera and dispel infection. Even with an addon. This way you deny singularity passive pressure and force him to earn it by using cameras to threaten you with infection.

    If you need to do stealth reset and one of you is infected, make sure to use EMP to remove infection BEFORE infection spreads, otherwise you'll give your position away with killer instinct.

  • Member Posts: 4,655


    • There are 12 searches total that are spread out to the 4 traps
    • Try to track the amount of searches the first trap takes by how much time the survivor needs to remove it
    • Based on the information plan out how to use the rng that has been given to you.
    • Slowdown: 3-3-3-3, 2-3-3-4, 4-2-2-4,...
    • Go for the mori: 1-3-4-4, 2-2-4-4

    Tracking and playing around trap rng is key to mastering the Pig 🐽

  • Member Posts: 376


    -Learn hitboxes! I can't stress this enough hitboxes are the key to hitting hatchets consistently on really good survivors. They are shaped like a pill and actually go above the actual survivors head, so you can hit over haybales, rocks, mediumish tiles like the dumpster on autohaven maps. They also linger behind just a tad bit which is why you can hit that survivor that just went around that jungle gym corner. They also change when a survivor is healing it's a bit lower so always aim for the waist never the upper body.

    -Greed pallets the first few times on each survivor, it'll get you more free hits than you think

    -learn which tiles are a time waste to loop because you can't use a hatchet or easily mind game survivors, I'm looking at you autohaven maps most tiles are tall enough you can't hatchet over but the can see you from check spots and if you raise a hatchet they can see the hatchet.

    -Patience is life! Lastly be patient with you hatchets hold that thing for a bit and let the survivor line the shot up for you. The lack of patience I feel is the easiest way to miss hatchets especially up close.

    You're gonna miss hatchets, you're gonna hit hatchets and that don't register due to hit validation, your gonna have hatchets that completely go through people. Just remember keep throwing them bad boys!

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Billy: You have map mobility, use it.

    Not just to defend gens but also when a survivor runs to a strong set up. Often it's better to switch targets.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Freddy- When you hear survivors or see there auras on gens with a window or breakable wall hole next to it you can fake a teleport and they will fall down to your arms. Notable examples being

    Garden of joy: main building Gen next to window

    Coal tower: Gen in main building

    Farthers chapel: Gen in main building.

    very useful if they are exposed from FTTE and aura shows them on a Gen. Most won’t risk waiting to get hit.

  • Member Posts: 556
    edited November 2024


    Stop using the shotgun strat to hit survivors that are swarmed. You can use a crow for someone else to slow the game down instead and still hit them. The reduced cooldown also makes it better to check for survivors waiting for a save or forcing Thrilling Tremors by hitting survivors quickly before picking up.

    Shotgunning is good on maps with poor LOS but it can develop into a bad habit.

  • Member Posts: 606

    I main myself.

    -Your genes need minor modifications.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    This works when Survivors have no idea of what they're doing. I've had 2 Onryo's back to back yesterday.. in fact it was the same player with that Condemned playstyle and I never had more than 3 stacks. Managed my tapes, gens and saves as well.

    While others were almost, if not fully condemned. Survivors are just bad against her. If you have 4 good Survivors, Onryo is cooked, no matter the Playstyle/Perks/Add-ons/Maps you bring.

  • Member Posts: 556
    edited November 2024

    The biggest tip for Sadako is that the full original movie is free on Youtube.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    A thing I discovered with Knight (even though I never play him)

    You can start creating a path towards a gen, and if you hear no one on that gen then just cancel your patrol path. They added that to the new Knight and it's quite helpful. You don't waste time walking to every gen and can quickly check with your power instead.

    The same can be done with Pinhead, shoot a chain towards a gen and if no ones there, just cancel.

    Or Nurse with Jenners Last Breath. You use your blinks to get to a gen, when no ones there you blink to your original position, and even get 1 blink back, so you can quickly go somewhere else.

    Wesker: Try to throw Survivors instead of slamming, that way your cooldown starts to recharge much earlier, allowing power usage earlier as well.

    Huntress: When I have 1 Hatchet left and want to reload, I just throw an orbital towards a gen or hook with that hatchet and reload. Usually never works but who knows?

    Slinger: Don't reload right after hitting or missing a Survivor. Instead, follow them a bit till you're close enough and then reload.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    10000% on that last part about reaction/prediction. I used to play Nurse competitively and was shocked to learn that you can't just blink to corners against good survivors who know how to play against Nurse. In fact, you'll get rocked by a good player if they know that you auto-pilot blink to corners.

    A niche tip I would add: pay attention to whether a survivor is actually watching you or just guessing with their pathing. If they're looking back at you, that opens up mindgames with flicks and LOS when you aim+release your blink. You can aim at a corner while they're looking at you and then flick to where they're going to hold W to. Or you can act like you're going to predict them and then flick to the corner.

    It can be a little tougher if they're just running, not looking back, and making random decisions. Your best bet is to be patient, zone them a bit, and eliminate some options before blinking.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    The biggest tip to play Sadako is to play any other Killer. Unless you enjoy getting destroyed.

    I get that the condemn playstyle is fun, I've tried it as well. But it's fun until you realize that it's not working.

  • Member Posts: 5,958
    edited November 2024

    Unknown -

    Your hallucinations are dropped periodically, but you can delay them being dropped by pulling out and immediately retracting your… tendril? I myself prefer to leave hallucinations evenly spread out across the map, so that I can be anywhere I need to be. You also don't want to leave them out in the open and right next to gens, since dispelling them is fairly free. You can also use them as if they were Dredge Remnants, if you got lucky with your timing. Shack in particular becomes much, much easier if you have a hallucination at either side of the window.

    Interrupt survivors dispelling hallucinations whenever possible. It's a near-enough free M1 hit, and they get hit with Weakened to boot. Remember that they are forced to look at the hallucination when they're dispelling it, and their sound is also muted. They won't know you're coming if you're coming from behind them.

    You can pretty much consistently guarantee a UVX hit if a survivor commits to a window or a pallet. Even if they try to fake it, the blast is large enough to cover most of their potential escapes. Just don't hard-commit to a blast through a window either, it will usually miss.

    Likewise, as cool as "wallbangs" are, they're very unlikely to happen, so unless you're absolutely sure they're directly behind a wall, you don't want to waste a cooldown on it.

    Post edited by GentlemanFridge on
  • Member Posts: 969


    To play against:

    • Stop spinning to dodge his tentacle, I see A LOT of people doing that and saying that "bro the slinger tech is undodgeable", but if you simply get out of the way he'll most likely completely miss
    • Crouch tech is not only for windows, you can crouch tech behind rocks, boxes, generators, wheels, cars, anything that is higher than your survivor while crouching, EVEN ZOMBIES! And other survivors! Yes, if there is a zombie in front of you, just crouch! Nemesis will hit the bigger entity in front of him first
    • Get hitted by a zombie... sometimes... yes, that's exactly what I said, it's VERY very situational but you wanna keep him in tier one as much as you can, so if you know that you'll get infected at the start of the match no matter what you do, it's better to not giving him mutation points (sometimes)

    To play as:

    • Use zombies to waste survivor's decisive strike, if the survivors got downed next to a zombie, Better you PRAY to the zombie go in your direction, if you pick the survivor up he's gonna flip a coin, if the zombie is dumb he'll not attack, if he's smart he'll down the survivor Again (not only for ds, you can use it to carry survivors for longer dropping them next to a zombie)
    • Pay attention to their gameplay, if you see that the survivor dodges a lot, stop just spamming your tentacle strike in the open, try to plan a way to catch him, or just hold your tentacle like maniac waiting him to get close to you, if the survivor is crouch teching you in (for example) one of those very small loops in macmilliam, hold your tentacle and watch him crouch, once you get close to him you can get a strike for free
    • Plan the way you drag your tentacle, sometimes I see people (me) just committing to it behind a wall, expecting that the survivor will not dodge it, but, it's better (for example in the shack) to 'make a sandwich" between you and the wall, if you have enough distance it is almost undodgeable
  • Member Posts: 30

    my main character is the trickster - always try to load the event to 7 knives so that when you enter chase one shotees the next survi - never keep launch mode active for too long - use any opening you see, be it windows, small spaces between walls or spaces between loops - never shoot at long distances if the survi has loops nearby -

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    If you get blinded at a pallet as Legion you can insta tap the survivor from the other side, downing them if they are injured.

    Some Survivors will literally test you to see if you know it and gauge how good of a Legion you are.

    It's buggy though, sometimes you get weird glitches

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    Trapper niche tip - If the lobby suggests the make up is of console players, place traps directly under pallets as the disarm trap prompt will be replaced by a drop pallet prompt. You can often get free god pallets dropped when you aren't even in chase.

    This obviously won't affect the 0.01% of controller players that have rebound their buttons.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    as a fellow dredge main dont forget your remnant can be canceled as they dont always vault the pallets

    bro i can collect genes for you

    y'know since i hold thousands of living beings within me already dead on hook

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Thanks for that insightful argument! I sure feel like my mind has changed on that topic.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    As Demogorgon, it's best for you to equip Black Heart and point-blank survivors with Shred so you recover faster (faster than a basic attack, I believe), but if the survivors are just too good at dodging, just M1, because the massive stun from missing is not worth it. And don't use portals on a big map. Just tunnel, and then maybe if you're already winning, start using them. Lastly, going up or down elevations (stairs or drop offs) while using Shred actually makes you go further, making it a good choice for closing distance faster/mobility.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

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