General Discussions

General Discussions

I was finally able to break by 6 year DBD Addiction because BHVR made Solo Surv so unfun to play.

Member Posts: 30
edited November 2024 in General Discussions


6 years I spent hours and hours on DBD when I could have been enjoying so many great single player games. Spending many hours of my free time on this game, always buying every new killer and survivor.

But I haven't bought a single new payed for Killer or Survivor in over a YEAR!. I'M FREE!

No more battlepass, no more unfair solo survivor getting tunneled, and slugged! NO MORE!

Thank you so much BHVR by making the game so unbalanced I finally quit, I have more time for so many better games. I'M FREE!

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  • Member Posts: 295

    I play the fun killers like clown, trickster, huntress, deathslinger, trapper, ghostface and sadako.

    Tunnelling, slugging and camping are such a boring way to play and zero fun unless you're extremely toxic in the game with t-bags at every pallet whilst running windows then I might change my game play to single you out.

    I've said it before get the 60% kill rate to f out the mindset of dbd players and count hooks to determine a killers strength.

    Same killer same perks and get 8 hooks zero kills or 4 hooks 4 kills because people give up or kill themselves on first hook. That's not a win and doesn't make the killer good or overpowered.

    That's a boring game for both sides unless you're a child in age or mind and think that's fun.

    It gives a totally inaccurate stat and until it's changed to actually make hooks a proper factor then tunnelling, camping and slugging will continue.

    But unfortunately human nature has brainwashed people into thinking if I don't win I don't like the game.

    I'm crap at cod (black ops) and what was fifa but I still play them.

    If winning is all you care about get out more. Life has enough challenges without stressing over pixels on a screen.

    Have a good day and OP hope you find something else to enjoy.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    You know there are other players in the game?

    You know BHVR gets statistics from the matches?

    The only time killer had a long queue was in 2vs8.

    As for that 60% thing, it has been said in may other posts but when the rate was lower, it was the survivors who couldn't find a match.

    A friend of mine recently came back to the game, she's survivor only. She has only about 500 hours but she enjoys solo-Q. I was wondering if only veterans could enjoy it but she's proof that beginners can too.

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited November 2024

    Had this annoying onryu who did the boring TV spam you free mori everyone and she must have been cheating because she was just spamming TV back to back before anyone could reach for tapes, when me and one got condemn fully. L

    That's when my one friend and random got to clean off theirs while we got down and killed and ofc she slugs for 4k and bms both on hook salty she didn't got a 4k free mori only got 2. Congrads on your 10k points. Very same killers like that too who qq when karma bites them and they get the top notch team that tears them up amd cry survivor op.

  • Member Posts: 452

    It's because the devs are balancing the game for high MMR swfs only.

  • Member Posts: 895

    a party game is a game you play with friends. when people play in SWF, they have much better chances of success even if they arent great at this game. obviously, their success still hinges a lot on each one of them and their personal skill, but comms and ability to coordinate builds and give some information is what gives them that necessary edge to have easier time.

    and if youre a solo q, you're playing a martyr role and, honestly, i really wish more people understood that. solo q exists to fill up blank spaces for incomplete SWFs and serve as meat supply for killers and justification for devs to not fully balance the game around the idea survivors can communicate and optimize teamwork.

  • Member Posts: 27

    The amount of crying is way too high.

    You lot talk like if you left, BHVR would actually care lol

    Love these emotional I am leaving posts trying to get attention lol

  • Member Posts: 895

    you're responding to bits ripped out of context and give irrelevant answers to the actual message.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
  • Member Posts: 1,993

    It probably is lol

    I'm responding to the part about this game being anywhere in reality with it becoming 'balanced.' It won't. But your line felt unique, in a positive way, so i wanted to highlight it. Apologies if it seemed offensive, its been a really long night. <3

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2024

    Yea ok buddy if you say so. OP had nothing to say about balance in his first post and all i see through the thread is nothing of real constructiveness just people complaining an AYSYMETRICAL GAME 1 V 4 pvp game is not balanced lmfao.

    Continual bs about how hard done by survivors constantly are and how horrible it is for them without even a spec of self awareness nor most ever seriously playing the other side to see it from the other perspective.

    Act like a bunch a spoilt brats you get treated as such

    Seriously look through the recent discussions and all you ever see is survivors complaining about every perk that makes the game a challenge and they want to gut it so they do not need to try at all, or they want all their second chance perks to be reverted so they get a even better advantage.

    They offer no real middle ground suggestions it is "this perk is not fun for me nerf it" You gutted generally most if not all good gen regression perks to cater for who the survivors while at the same time increasing the speed a gen can be repaired.

    Gone are the days when this was supposed to be a actual horror game where the killer was meant to be the power role

    As for soloq that is the fault of survivors not completely game mechanics lmfao maybe stop DC'ing on first hook, maybe use the HUD to determine who is doing what, maybe do gens and save and not farm off hooks etc. Sure game mechanics are part of the issue but the main issue is the players themselves your all so selfish in soloq and just have no awareness of what others are doing

  • Member Posts: 706

    If it gave achievements, challenges and BP rewards I would play custom games and v bots. Being as I'm getting regular 3/4k I wouldn't say it's due to skill issue lol. Bots don't suicide on hook, or don't rant post match or hide for the hatch in 2 v 1 situations. Like I said it's more casual and I'm not pressured into playing sweaty to get the kills.

  • Member Posts: 557

    Anyone chooses how to play the way they want. If you think you have to play "sweaty" to get your "regular" 3/4ks, that's your choice. It's a pvp game, you have to outthink other human beings if you want to win, and that does require effort. To say that you'd prefer bots because it's "less sweaty" sounds like a grass greener on the other side situation. Winning versus bots as opposed to humans is not anywhere comparable to being rewarding, and that "thrill" you might have not worring about the minutiae will wear off extremely quickly.

  • Member Posts: 706

    Im just saying I would happily play bots sometimes, maybe not all the time but on occasions I would like to have an easy going match and still get the BP rewards and do tome challenges. On the odd occasion where people have quit and I'm left with bots I have enjoyed the match. Just saying that if survivors think quitting the game will make things unfun for killers then from my point of view it won't as long as I can get BP and challenges and achievements.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2024

    I say it here as well i have more respect for players who bring something to the table a change or a way they feel it is better for all involved instead of the simple "I dont like it nerf" or the "I going to quit cause its not fun for me anymore" it simply sounds to me like listening to my kid stamping her feet on the ground having a temper tantrum.

    I play both sides and honestly survivors are the main problem in soloQ not killers i am tired of the gaslighting, sure there are killers that are just tosspots but it is certainly not an epidemic like ppl claim. I have no idea how many times i played survivor to be left on hook, farmed off hook or simply killed because of what a random has done. I honestly rarely get slugged for the 4k so i find these posts saying they get slugged every match a bit hard to believe.

    Just read a lot of the recent discussions it is mentally draining to see so many survivors just complaining because it is not easier for them or that the killer is not catering to their fun or their playstyle. This entitlement needs to stop and more constructive suggestions made.

    I see your point in other threads too and i agree to a point with some of them but yeah end of the day this is a pvp game and a asymmetrical game and it will never be truly balanced and the balance of power will always sway from one side to the other depending on the changes.

    Sure maybe i should not be calling people brats etc but i am fairly blunt and i say it how it is basically maybe i could be more "tactful"

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I've never understood the point of these kind of posts. You don't want to play DBD anymore? Great. Snaps for you. Do whatever it is that brings you joy. I've played games past the point where I was having fun to where it felt more like work. I've learned my lesson and will never do that again. But you know what I didn't do? I didn't go to forums for those games to talk about how I don't play those games anymore. If you are going to move on then you should fully move on. Don't go around crapping on something for people still enjoying it. Just because you aren't swimming in the pool doesn't mean you should leave a turd in it.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited November 2024

    Good for you, I quit for a while and came back. I really can't take much more, matches are so one sided I have a hard time even understanding how it's possible.

    Post edited by SharonPancakes on
  • Member Posts: 76

    I would argue that the devs have made solo pointless, which in turn has made solo survivors not care at all.

  • Member Posts: 707
    edited November 2024

    Yeah, I definitely agree that the balance is super challenging since it has to balance across all MMRs and playstyles. There's only so much that can be done to satisfy everyone with different approaches and preferences. It's almost a miracle that BHVR manages as much as they do.

    Also, about survivors, getting left for two hook states still blows my mind every time it happens. I run kindred and sometimes watch from the hook as one teammate sits on a gen, one is getting chased, and the third is invisible, clearly in a locker while I go to second stage. Not too common, but those are facepalm moments.

    Personally, I probably post too much on these forums these days, so I very much get the weariness with constant complaints too and hope I don't contribute too much to it. Though I'm sure I write some repetitive things in different threads and sometimes get a little preachy ☹️

    Anyway, if you're wanting to see some positive stuff in the forums, there are some posts in the last couple weeks titled "DBD - A Halloween Story" and "Positive DBD Interactions" that have goofy or cute killer-survivor interaction stories :)

  • Member Posts: 295

    Don't belittle other people's opinion, especially if you don't understand the reason. It's called freedom of speech to tell others what you don't like and that's the only way a society functions - through the constant exchange of opinions.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Take a page out of your own book sunshine

    Maybe he was a little sarcastic in his reply but he never once belittled the person so stop reaching.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Good to see somebody in the forum that has some actual logical thinking and common sense :)

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