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If players aren't going to interact with the event...

Member Posts: 11,763

...Why do they choose the event queue?

So, I would like to promote a little discussion here and try to understand why this is happening during the last few days of the event.

This has genuinely caused me a distressing level of frustration. I was and still am really, really happy with this event and it has been the most fun I've had with DBD since the old days, but some of the players I've been paired with have really done their best to hurt the experience.

And unfortunately, this goes for both sides. I've seen killers who never crushed pumpkins or picked the haunts, and in my last games as killer I had a grand total of 2 survivors who interacted with the void.

This isn't fun. As survivor it just means I am the only one with the crystals available and the only one putting themselves in a dangerous situation. As killer, I'm forced to ignore some pumpkins and don't take the time to get the haunts otherwise I will lose the match.

But what I cannot understand is why players select the event queue if they will be playing regular DBD. It doesn't make sense.

Does anyone have any idea why this has been happening?

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  • Member Posts: 748

    On the one hand, there's a bunch of folks who just want to sweat and ruin the event for everyone else who is actually trying to enjoy it. On the other, it's true that non-event queue times are kinda hellish rn. I must admit that at times I queued for the event without caring about it because the regular queue was taking too damn long. However, I did kick a couple of pumpkins and went into the void if I found it could be useful. But now that the event has been up for a while and that I have completed all the tome challenges, I'm not that interested in engaging with it beyond an occasional visit to the void and one or two pumpkin kicks.

    However, I'm sick of the no scratchmarks bug and smoke bombs in general so since yesterday I've permanently switched to regular queue despite its long waiting time. And I also switched because I agree that it's kinda cringe to queue for the event if you're not gonna engage with it at all lol.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Honestly the event is just not as fun as it was last year for me anyhow i play both sides more killer than survivor and found most survivors play the same as the main lobby either hiding, rushing etc, don't get me wrong play how you want i enjoy the challenge, but there really is no incentive to take part in the event.

    I only did what i needed to do for the tome that was it really maybe they could of set more community driven tomes like they have had in virtually every other event over the last couple of years.

    Smoke bombs are just obnoxious to say the least on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 395

    Queue is faster aswell

  • Member Posts: 322

    You get bonus BP for finishing gens / hooking

  • Member Posts: 319

    For me, I play all aspects of the event as survivor. However, when I swap over to play some killer I select the event queue purely based on the better queue times.

  • Member Posts: 206


    Depending on role, the BP bonus is always 50%+, but sometimes 75% and 100%.

    Then there's the cosmetics, why wouldn't I try to get them? Some of them are fun.

  • Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2024

    I enjoy going to the void as survivor as its a free 20k points per gen as 50% solo is 2 crystals. only real points for survivor in the event.

  • Member Posts: 3,982
    edited November 2024

    I was playing Bubba and realised I subconsciously went serious on a team during the event after being map offering'd to the Game. Normally I wouldn't care, but I then also encountered a Boil Over player.

    No goofing around now, I got my third kill on the BO player, then saw the event whirlpool, awoke from my blood haze and thought "Oh... somehow I completely forgot about that...". I needed an injury using a haunt too... so that game was largely a waste of time event progress-wise. I gave hatch to the Mikaela as an apology xD

    Moral of the story? Do not take Boil Over. It rarely helps, and otherwise turns normally rational, fair and reasonable killers into... well… merciless killers. 😅

  • Member Posts: 828

    Sometimes I ignore the event to focus on gens when the other players are all ######### around with the void.

  • Member Posts: 2,067

    As killer, I use the void from time to time, depending on how the trial's going.

    I ran Impossible Skill Check Doctor during the event and it gave me enough time to go to the void and do event things.

  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited November 2024

    The void is mostly a hindrance for the killers, unless the survivors are slow. So once I got the rifts I needed, I've avoided the void.

    … and once all my rifts were done, I've not touched the event anymore.

    I've also tried to play it as survivor several times but the queue were too long.

    Survivors on another hand have quite some interest interacting with the event: entering the void at the right moment in a chase can be very effective losing the killer. Grenades are great. And if the killer is dumb enough to chase in the void, he has several obstacles to go around and the other survivors have free reign on the gens.

    I see no reason for (decent) survivors not to take full advantage of it.

    edit: nonsense auto-correct fix

    Post edited by drsoontm on
  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Honestly I have felt like this event is mostly pointless and I only play that queue as survivor (I rarely play killer at all at present) because it is faster and has the matchmaking bonus more often than the normal queue.

    I wont complain when its over tbh, not to be a whinger as I will take the free cosmetics etc any time they are there but I feel like I just ignore pretty much everything in this event and play like a regular match.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Because the split queues suck, because theres better BP incentives on the event, because interacting with the event is just bad for killers just like anything that tries to take them away from gens. Because of event items and rewards.

  • Member Posts: 1,399

    For me: BP incentive, Event offering, Q-times & the occasional pumpkin on the way.

  • Member Posts: 643

    Alot of time survivors solely jump in the void when I'm about to down them knowing I won't waste time going in there.

    ...I do kick pumpkins though.

  • Member Posts: 2,293

    Hex_Ignored probably has it best, event exclusives. Only a handful of challenges we can think of actually involved going into the void, the rest were relatively standard challenges that needed done in the event mode.

    For whatever small comfort it is, we and our friends have been liberally using the void and to our detriment so have many killers we've seen. (have been "training" new blood so that might have something to do with it)

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, I think that settles it.

    Thanks for the comments and opinions, friends! I appreciate it.

    I hope I get some better games today (and survivors who don't know that entering a portal will end the Knight's Guard hunts because that is really annoying).

    And when the next event drops, which should be the Winter event after the 2v8 modifier, hopefully they won't split the queues again. It is not clearly not having the intended effect.

  • Member Posts: 4,204

    The nerfed haunts are garbage and aren’t worth the time it takes to get them. And killers don’t have time to do event stuff, unless they are clearly winning, and have extra time to spare.

    This means that I’ll do event stuff in killer games when I’m clearly winning, but I’m ignoring the event stuff in killer games if the survivors are doing well.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yeah, in my last couple games as killers I feel like I was forced to ignore some of the event stuff because survivors… well, I won't say they were " gen rushing" because I am not sure if they spent all of their time doing gens, but they weren't taking their time with the event, and therefore I couldn't take my time with the event either.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Thank you for your comment, my friend, I see where you're coming from.

    Though I gotta say, you smashing pumpkins goes a long way, actually. I've had killers and survivors who didn't even bother with them.

  • Member Posts: 1,162

    I really enjoyed this event when both sides have wasted time going in and out of the void as often as possible to load up on haunts and void bombs. But the event doesn't really work if only a few players are interested in doing so, because you are essentially throwing the game for your side by doing event stuff. I've played a few Killer games where the Survivors gen rushed only to go into the void at the very end of the game (presumably to complete challenges). I've played Survivor games with Killers that only ever entered the void to find Survivors, because you are such an easy target in there. Totally pointless.

    Consequently, I've only played the regular queue for the last few days. It feels bad when you still want to mess about doing event stuff, but other players in the lobby have different ideas. Since I've already completed the tome and bought all the cosmetics and few players bother at all with event stuff anymore, there's no point in joining the event queue for me. Kinda sad, really.

    I think some players are joining the event queue knowing they will get easy wins (because their opponent might be preoccupied with event stuff) or to join the faster queues and for no other reason. The BP gains certainly aren't worth queuing for unless you really join in.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    The DBD community is sadly full of boring people as well as people who are out to just make others miserable.

    My experience has pretty much been the same and it's insane to me that when there's a whole normal queue, people go completely out of their way to queue up for a holiday event queue and slug everyone to came and tunnel or do gens and leave immediately.

  • Member Posts: 5,789

    I love void as survivor and take some good chases there, but when I play as killer I almost never see a survivor enter the void unless they want to score some points outside of chase after they have done ~3-4 gens

    Theres almost no point to go alone there as killer since the power up usually takes more time to get than it saves so its really unfortunate.

  • Member Posts: 478
    edited November 2024

    As survivor being in the void is most likely a death sentence to yourself and in the end for the whole team. Every time my mates swarm the void, no one scapes, cause noo one does gameplay properly. And the event is not for farming only. Most games i go out with 3 times full bar and no profit, cause iam the only one sticking to objectives. This event is just bad for survivor in so many ways.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I really enjoyed this event when both sides have wasted time going in and out of the void as often as possible to load up on haunts and void bombs. But the event doesn't really work if only a few players are interested in doing so, because you are essentially throwing the game for your side by doing event stuff. I've played a few Killer games where the Survivors gen rushed only to go into the void at the very end of the game (presumably to complete challenges). I've played Survivor games with Killers that only ever entered the void to find Survivors, because you are such an easy target in there. Totally pointless.

    My thoughts exactly, friend.


    That is why I believe the next event, which will most likely be the Winter Solstice / Bone Chill after 2v8, shouldn't split the queues.

    Because clearly it is pointless to do so. Might as well avoid the problem with queue times.

  • Member Posts: 8,913

    The rift challenges require people play the event mode. "Get 5 hooks" for some reason can't be done on normal mode.

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