Knock out

Anyone else noticing a knock out meta right now?
Just non stop slugging games.
I haven’t seen anyone use knockout in months.
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I faced a Wraith using it today. He had Knock Out, Infectious Fright, Predator, and I believe Generic Limits. Jr was one of the Singularity’s perks.
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I honestly haven't had a full blown slugging match in a very long time. Early game tunneling? Sure. But no slugging.
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Had a slugging Wraith running this yesterday :(
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Doesnt really make the Perk healthy. Quite the opposite.
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Where did OP say the Perk was "good"?
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The majoirty of survivors are Solo players, so Knockout is "good" more often than it is not. (good as in effective.)
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I haven't seen knock out in so long I honestly forgot about it.
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It's barely used, quite honestly. Nowhere near the meta. It's just the games where people use it to it's fullest extent are unpleasant and hence more memorable.
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4% (actually higher?)I don't think slugging is justified considering that you can get away with it and then face DS,OtR.
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I just answered to your comment. Your comment was quite unrelated to OP and also sounded like a justification why Knockout is fine.
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You mean that perk that you run into once a month? I think he needs to be changed just because how garbage it is honestly.
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its not meta, its just a troll perk that had zero changes happen to it, even indirect ones, that people started using because slugging people to death is a way to cause reaction.
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I had one knock out in like 15-20 games. Thats normal to me. Its not a common perk. Thankfully. Its extremely unhealthy and should be changed.
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I personally enjoy plot twist as a counter since it denies knockouts effects and forces the killer to pick you up.
Terribly designed perk but that is my recomendation for now, since it also doubles down as a self-heal you don't have to work for.
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No its annoying to swfs too and and some swfs can have a person that is new to the game and is uncertain of map lay outs 😒
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Sounds like an easy game to win
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Granted, it's been a few years since, but in 2022, they released the following:
- ~ 3-5% four-man
- ~ 9-13% three-man
- ~ 28-30% duo
- ~ 54-58% solo
(I attached a screenshot as well hopefully it goes through)
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I had a trickster with knock out / forced hesi / deerstalker / something else around a week ago. And I think that's the only knock out user I've seen this week.
I've seen more slugging, but not as many knock out builds thankfully.
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There’s really no way to tell if survivors are in a SWF group unless they say so. It's likely very common that when a group of survivors plays well, people assume they’re SWF, even if they’re not—just like people assume a killer is ‘sweating’ when they might simply be good. Sometimes, players are just skilled. But even then, top 5% of MMR SWFs win 48% of the time so they can be the best of the best and still lose more than half their matches.
According to statistics from the devs, SWFs are actually pretty rare, which is why I don’t think they should be used as a benchmark for balance. Setting standards based on the smallest percentage of players isn’t a good idea, just like balancing around Nurse isn't a good idea. Both SWFs and Nurse can be strong, but they’re also both uncommon, and even more rare for them to be very good.
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Yeah, unfortunately I think 2022 is the most recent stats we have on it, but I would love to get even more recently as well. Perhaps if we express an interest the Devs will be so inclined.
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Played the game since 2019 think i have gone against maybe 4 or 5 killers with knock out in that entire time.