Have you ever 'given up' too quickly because of burnout?

Applies to both sides. Either hook suicide, or perhaps staring at a wall as Killer for example. You overplay the game to a point where even the smallest things tilt you and you throw in the towel.
Have you ever 'given up' too quickly because of burnout? 40 votes
I mean, it doesn't happen often. But you don't go few thousand hours without having a match like that occasionally.
If it gets to the point of that, tho, I'd rather just DC and exit the game for a while, be it few hours or few days - until I'm in a better place to comeback. And in the meantime - maybe play something else, or listen to music, or watch some Critical Role streams.
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'Either hook suicide, or perhaps staring at a wall as Killer for example.'
… in a different way but yes.1 -
Absolutely. Not too long ago I was having a rough day and got sent to RPD (which I hate) and what's even worse, the survivors were VERY competent at looping so I just DC'd. Not proud of it but I'm only human lol.
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Whenever I try playing killer on Switch, I inevitably end up dealing with so many performance issues that at some point I break. It'll be the beginning of a match, I'll whiff twice in the first chase, and after having whiffed constantly in every previous match as well I just can't take it anymore and I go stare at a wall. I'm sure the survivors are confused as hell why a killer gave up less than 60 seconds into a match.
I probably burnout every single time I attempt killer on Switch. Just thinking about it brings the frustration and despair boiling up to the surface.
(I think this counts as a kind of burnout. Maybe.)
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Today I first time in more than year gave up on hook from first stage. I did almost two gen and 2 other survivors didn't even touch them at all. Almost 5 minutes I was watching how Ash run across the map without any purpose. And I just tired to watch how soloq survivors do more impact in killing than killer himself.
I actually hate giving up and sure it should be extremely punishing, because survivors give up literally because of everything and even without a reason, ruining match to 4 other players, but SOMETIMES I can feel this burnout too. But if you feel it every game, just take a break and don't push "ready" in a game, where you are not ready to take most matches.
And talking about killers – no. Yesterday I had most stressful match in months, where SWF literally destroyed me with 1 hook only and I felt awful, I knew that it's 100% a lose from second minute of the match, but took it to the end. Because why not? I enjoy chasing good survivors, especially when they are not toxic.2 -
Id say I spend one In 10 games or so wall staring.
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I never give up
I never really give up, but on eyrie and garden of joy as excampel I don't really care that much if I win or lose. Normally I try my absolut best to win on every map but on those ones I can't bother to care anymore, they feel horrible to play in every aspect as killer so yeah... xD
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Spoken like a true android. Were programmed to never give up.
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If I am getting bad game after bad game, and I decide to go for one more, only to get Wesker as killer… yeah, there is a chance I'll give up.
I cannot deny that it happened a few times, but I am not proud of it. I am very much against the idea of giving up on a trial, and as matter of fact I had a perfect record until Wesker was added to the game.
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I never give up
meanwhile i just get mad and start being a tryhard and if they win i go to the next game and forget the previous one existed
then again i forget my previous game every time
love the fellow human amalgams
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I never give up
If I feel this way, then I do my best to stick it to the killer.
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Solo queue can be very frustrating at times. You can have several matches in a row, where you lose purely because of things outside your control. Not to mention that if one survivor dies early, the match is doomed after about a minute or two. Then you are stuck playing the match out. That can get really old after a while.
Edit: Meant to choose Yes.
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I never give up
There are some matches where i want to give up.
But i don´t do it. I always play to the end. Sometimes crazy things happen and it can be worth it.
Often not and it is just an awful match. The anger goes away pretty quick.
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There is nothing to do after gates open, just being tea-bagged at the gates, i face the wall and go for a drink.
Unless obviously i have perks to avoid the gates being oppened or i see i can still kill or camp someone.1 -
I personally prefer not to camp after gates are open. If you're trying to secure the kill and they end up getting the save, it just makes their teabags all the sweetier.
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There are no teabags if i dont go to the gates.
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Got tunneled by weskers so often that for a time id so much as open the first case and see a spray and dc.