Que times have made the game fairly difficult to play.

akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

I really don't like waiting in que then waiting in lobby as a survivor it feels like I have to wait 10 minutes just for a full lobby and someone could still dodge or dc. I'm just a casual player and I enjoy DBD as a casual experience, but if it has too much downtime I just get bored and load up a different game.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    My lobbies are really quick since the change.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Yep, It is bad right now. Usually it will put me into a lobby that isn't full after waiting for 5 or more minutes to even get into one...

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    I mannaged to load into a match after 26 minutes today, its much better than before when i used to wait AT LEAST 40 minutes without any hope of ever playing...

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Havent had a wait over 3 minutes in the last week.

    You guys are having some weirdly long times.

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    It hasn't been fixed .

    It actually got worse .. what was instant killer lobbies on PS4 .. I started to wait for 5 minutes over to 15 minutes .

    And I was just in a SWF lobby and we waited for 15 minutes without getting a lobby . We were Ranks 15 , 13 , 5 , 6 . On PS4

    Even when I play solo survivor I'd have to wait 1-2 minutes and then after like 5 minutes .. I join a half empty lobby or someone Dodges because of the ping and the game gets stuck not connecting any survivors .

    That's the main Reason why many people stopped playing DBD and there'll be a decline if this isn't fixed .

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    Weird. I havent had this issue at all. We (I and two others) get in in under 2 mins. As a solo or killer it's usually a minute unless I'm on at like 4 am. Then it's about 3.

    Also, YOUR swf may take a while because it goes from rank 15-5, making the matchmaking probably have a harder time finding an "appropriate" killer for you.

    The times arent what are causing (if anything) players to leave. I'd say it's the toxic, back and forth from both sides, as evident here on the forums, a lack of total balancing (which is almost impossible at this stage in the games life, but theyve done a decent job imo), and the simple fact that while the design of the game is good, it hasnt changed at its core for years. Some people get burned out on even the best of things.

    I'd wager that the rampant DC from salty/toxic players is what's doing it, but even I havent seen that many DCs lately.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    I am on xbox so maybe there's another issue. I didn't have to wait so long before the patch and now I have to wait 5 minutes on average for just a lobby.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Ah yeah I'm on ps4. It shouldnt be that big of a difference but it may actually be the case. If the coding/algorithm or playerbase is different. Damn, that sucks.

  • Duckodb12
    Duckodb12 Member Posts: 45

    We tried swf last night with 4 people and sat 45 minutes and never got a match. With 3 we’d sit there 15 minutes usually with 2 about 5 to get a lobby then that much longer waiting on it to get 1 person to be full usually. It seems like they’re trying to discourage playing 4 man swf now. I doubt after all 4 of us hit ready there was never a killer that readied up and made a new empty lobby we all could’ve joined so why would it never put us in one?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    We dont know your ranks, or how the algorithm works. If it is a "bucket of players " they may have filled the lobbies with 1 spot open, and you 4 free. Meaning it had to do another matchup.

    That's speculation based on how theyve described their matchmaking.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    I started playing killer last night on xbox and my lobbies were quicker as killer than survivor, this is the first time ever seeing this in playing this game for over a year on pc and xbox.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 214

    Who in their right mind would wait 20 minutes for a game to start ?

    PUBS joins 100 People in less than 2-3 Minutes, I have yet to wait more than 2-3 minutes for a Doom 3 game to form, a game of CS:GO with 8 people gets together in less than 3.

    These devs should go out and seek a beginners class for game programming eventually.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    @Sheldor , DBD have much more spread of playerbase, and it have 2 different roles.

    If game could work as Friday 13th with unsepparate queue, things might be better.