If you don't want to play the game don't bloody load into it!

I'm sick today and can't go to work. What better way to relax (LOL!) than play a bit of DBD?
Not this today it seems! Almost every single match the first person caught kills themselves on hook. It's just getting stupid now. This is going to end up killing the game at this rate. Why bother even loading in at this point? So far today, it's happened against Plague, Chucky x2, Freddie, Pig, Leather face, Spirit. Only game it didn't happen was against Xeno. Seven out of eight games made pretty much impossible to win by one idiot each time. Two of the games we managed to get all the gens done somehow still. None of the killers was being too sweaty or having any build too ridiculous.
Seriously have a word with yourself if you are doing this against some of the killers I've listed. Easily the biggest problem with the game right now.
Funniest moment I had recently was playing as The Doctor. I did his Static Blast to find Survivors. I found one, and two players instantly became bots! My logical conclusion was that the Static Blast was so super-charged that it knocked out two players' computer/console. 😁
On a serious note, it's embarrassing how people decide this is the way of playing. They probably do this most trials, then complain about why they team up with new players (which they'll berate as "potatoes", or some other term, when ironically they were this exact type of player in most others). They need to just play right through. I've had trials where I was the victim of being hooked twice, and on a couple of occasions deliberately tunnelled, yet still escaped.
It's just painfully weak.