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What is the counterplay in chases against Xeno?

Member Posts: 11,763

So, I am requesting help here because I am afraid I do not understand what are you supposed to do against a Xeno when you are being chased.

If you hold W you get hit, if you vault a window you get hit, if you go for pallets you get hit, if you try to loop him you get hit. Turrets aren't available every single time, and when they are it eventually recovers crawler mode and you get hit. Spinning doesn't really work against most players.

What exactly is the counterplay here? Any help is appreciated.

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  • Member Posts: 3,322
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    If you are found before you have a chance to set up turrets your main concern is the crawler mode. The only way to disrupt the tail attack in that case is by a pallet stun (obviously risky) or keeping it blocked in some way by line of sight blockers/objects it cannot hit over. The tail’s hit box is kind of strange because after it strikes you can still be hit when the tail is being pulled back, so watch for that. The creature does slow down to use the tail attack as well. Your counterplay mostly comes down to reactive timing and map/environmental protection.

  • Member Posts: 2,280
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    What we do is run to the closest turret (sometimes to the detriment of others) to hopefully kick them out of tail mode but otherwise play it like a more dangerous Nemi or Slinger. Anything a Nemi would whip you at the tail can do, but better and anything a slinger can shoot through gets the nope treatment as well (aka don't stand near holes in rails or walls). If not in tail mode then xenos a temporary m1 and is treated like a t2 Meyers, could pop into power at any point.

    Supposed when typing this that the short version is be paranoid...

  • Member Posts: 7,245
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    Use the turrets when you can, but if you can't, then stick to high-wall loops as much as possible. Treat him like a short-range Huntress that can wind up much faster.

    If you do get him to miss, make distance if it's safe to do so. The miss cooldown is a full 3 seconds and he loses a lot of movement speed.

    For turret set-up: Try to put them in places that are advantageous to you but also aren't super obvious. Don't put them directly in front of tunnels, they disable for a few seconds when he comes out of a tunnel and he'll be able to destroy it or even just ignore it in some cases. If he uses his tail to destroy a turret, it counts as a missed attack and slows him down, so use that opportunity to get away.

  • Member Posts: 8,327
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    You aren't totally helpless if there aren't turrets around, but everything you have available is much higher risk and relies on either having high-wall cover available or baiting the killer into a miss. The goal with Xeno is to have a web of turrets set up that you or your teammates would have readily available within a short sprinting distance if a chase happens.

    Xeno can be kind of annoying to face in solo queue because you're somewhat depending on your teammates to make smart decisions (and we all know how that goes) but you can be fairly self-serving here and just make sure your exit is covered by a turret if the killer comes after you. The turret stations are near generators, so you spend a little prep time grabbing one and putting it nearby before doing gens and you're usually gonna have it available when you need it.

    The turrets are best being placed in or near loops rather than directly next to the generator you're working on, as a tip.

    Xeno excels at catching survivors out of position and unprepared, but struggles if survivors are more cautious with their positioning and prepare their defences in advance. Even at the start of the match, the tail attack is formidable but Xeno doesn't move any faster than the default movement speed, so being extra safe and keeping an eye out until turrets are set up is usually a solid plan.

  • Member Posts: 161
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    The Alien is a very unique killer in the sense that it is very lethal up close and survivors have to outmacro it to keep it at bay. You are right, the Alien is very hard to loop (maybe even impossible in good hands and a non bustes tile).

    So, to answer your question:

    In the early game, try to start slow as it will patroll everywhere for a noise. Crouch, grab a turret, set up and brace yourself for it is probably coming. If it has lethal, well, good luck, you will be in the worse position:

    Worse position: If the Alien emerges from a tunnel near you and you have no turrets in sight you can try to bait the tail strike by faking vaccum or stuns, of course it's a 50/50, either he sees it and you get m1'ed or you win the mindgame. Windows are way more dangerous since Alien can tail strike on reaction the vault (the danger of the stuns makes pallets safer),. Obviously if you have the distance, run away. Try to break LoS as much as possible, sharp turn windows are great and can nullify is tail strike for a loop or too, be wary, lots of Alien plays Self Destruct Bolt (30% vault speed in crawler mode) + bamboozle.

    Good position: If you have a turret nearby, you can run to it, even if the Alien just smack it instantly it will give you a "bodyblock" of distance (depends if it has particular add ons but we'll keep it simple). The burn is only a punishment for ignoring the turret, you should not bank on it, place them away from you path so the Alien has to deviate it's pathing to get it and lose precious meters.

    Okay solution: If you have a bad turret, either you move it, or you use the motion tracker to GTFO as soon as the beeps gets too violent (don't wait for it to emerge, it's too lethal for you to lose distance, you can stay and bank on the fact it won't hear you but it will probably emerge if the gens has progress or you runned/walked), crouch and holding a turret will hide you from it.

    By fire be purged solution: Double turrets will either force it upward for 35s (without ovomorph add on) or make it retreat to the tunnels, be carefull, it could follow you from below and follow you while recharging crawler mode. You have to really place them badly to not knock it out. You can use double setups in high traffic place, or in crucial moments to obliterate the Alien's momentum.

    Alien is really uniquely challenging to play and to face, and i do understand that many hates it for that. I personnally love it just like you with Freddy so im biased. At the end of the day, there is no miracular solution against the Perfect Organism.

    I won't lie to you about your chances, but, you have my sympathy.

  • Member Posts: 895
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    keep distance, use turrets, win 50/50s. if pallet is normally safe, then predrop and force xeno to break or play around it, if it's unsafe, then greed it till kingdom come or fake greeding or double fake greeding etc.

    always try to run such direction where you immediately turn into pallet/window and dont give xeno immediate straight line LoS on you to hit in animation or see what you're doing.

    when you vault window/pallet / drop it and xeno is about to hit, dont crouch, keep running and breaking LoS. crouch only if you clearly dont make it in which case you may try to gamble and crouch behind tall side of the pallet.

    if xeno tries to hit you over anything that isnt a pallet then just crouch. learn where he can you hit you where you're crouched nonetheless and dont crouch there, instead change your movement direction and avoid playing those tiles.

    as a last resort juke if you have nothing and xeno is likely to hit with tail, run directly in xeno's face and crouch. if they dont heavily adjust tail's trajectory, they miss.

    generally, this isn't the killer whose power you're meant to counter consistently in loops. it's a power which has the entire design based around the idea that it's incredibly lethal if survivors do let you get within attack range, but they are given full carte blanche to never let you have that - xeno has no ways to catch up to w key fast, destroy predrops faster and on top of that has to deal with turrets which allow survivors to get more distance or get a chance to leave a loop.

  • Member Posts: 3,449
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    You need to double up on turrets. The only bad thing about this is that if your teammates don't know this, they'll just waste them by putting single ones somewhere.

  • Member Posts: 9,039
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    from my experience the counterplay is hoping the game bugs out and the tail attacks miss plenty of times where the tail visibly went through my hitbox and nothing happened


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