It's been 8 years of DBD and still no Team Tags?

Everyone knows that voicechat gives you bonus beyond the game mechs, yet the devs are just using this as a balancing tool to hold good killers with longer gaming time. Like I don't wanna play ultra sweating with 4 flashlights after 8 hours working shift. I just want to select and play some casual games that could be fair for both sides.
The devs didn't even give us any choice over that while many other games provide tags like 'from same IP', 'teamed players' etc. Or at least, games like Rainbow 6 supports ingame chat where both sides are equally arranged. DBD is a 4V1 game and you can't just ignore these things.
If anyone from the devs is watching this, do something. I know survivor players are 4x more than killers and you're making money from it. You've added the anti-cheat and upgraded it several times but blind to the biggest issue for now?
So that Killers can cherrypick their Lobbies even more?
18 -
That would cause a lot of lobby-dodging.
14 -
Almost sounds like facing a sweaty swf squad is no fun … I wonder why.
Nah for real OP is on to something. The difference communication makes is quite big the official stats show that too. However this game is not easy to balance but that is mostly because bhvr as a dev company is not very good and keeps tripping over itself7 -
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it only around a 3% difference. Now granted those stats were from around a year ago so we do need to take them with a grain of salt. That being said I’m all for seeing who was paired up in end game lobby.
8 -
Except that SWF does not mean sweaty SWF. Most people in an SWF are just playing to have fun, they dont play in an SWF to win every game. And there is 0 distinction between them when it is shown who is in an SWF or not.
Yet SWF is the ultimate Scapegoat for bad Killer players - they dont lose games due to their mistakes, they lose games because their opponent was in an SWF.
There should be less information. Gameplay-wise there is 0 point in keeping that much information, and even less of a point to give more information to the Killer, since all information is just used to dodge the Lobby.
11 -
The problem is that there's a perception that SWFs are terrifying monster squads whose only drive in life is to bully the killer and tbag them on their 4man out, but the majority of them are casuals and barely play better than solos, if they do at all. Some of them are even worse than solos because they're suicidally altruistic for each other, or they want to do cool plays but don't have the technical skill to pull them off. None of my games end faster than when I get three people crowding me with flashlights and they can't even hit the blind, much less linger a safe distance away or hide their grunts of pain.
Simply put, it's not fair to those players to slap a big "BRING YOUR MEANEST PERKS AND TUNNEL SOMEONE ASAP" label on them. Because that's what the SWF boogeyman label will elicit.
I'd rather just leave killers to the current system where they can adjust perks (or even lobby dodge) based on seeing 4 toolboxes or flashlights. While imperfect, that's a better indicator that that squad's playing hardball than if they're a SWF.
7 -
Every time this comes up, the same counter argument destroys this line of thinking:
Why not let survivors see the killer? If the only concern is that people don't want to play against a sweaty team, then let's just show the Blight/Nurse right in the lobby and let them decide?
Because it's a terrible idea, and those players would just likely never get a match because of it. That's why.
12 -
So people get punished for playing in a group. All this will cause it's killers dodging lobbies with that tag. so that 4 man, 3 man, 2 duos will all be subjected to longer times to get into a match as well as killers that think they have to sweat like their life depends on it. Not every swf group is this try hard group of people. Honestly, the majority of them are not even good at the game. This is nowhere close to the biggest issue in the game.
Post edited by selflessnea on4 -
They arnt going to introduce anything that would incentivize lobby dodging
4 -
thats one of many examples why judging by escapes/kills is so flawed.
SWF can make a difference between killer winning at 5 gens and 0 gens barely with all the stuff they had and the stats would be none the wiser.
2 -
Honestly, they should just introduce this for a week or so. And then suddenly a few Killers would barely get a game, even those of players who dont play sweaty. And whenever someone has the idea again to show SWF in the pregame-Lobby, it can be linked to the time where Killers were visible in the Lobby for Survivors.
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You would also see alot of counter picking happening. People would swap off their medkits if they KNOW it's a Plague, or they'd equip calm spirit against Doc, ect.
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I wouldn't trust myself with that power.
I would dodge every Wesker, every Trickster, every Blight, every Artist… I know for a fact I would lobby dodge until I get a killer I actually like going against.
And that would just make things worse for the killer players and the survivors who don't want to dodge.
3 -
if i could see the killers id face, id be rolling lobbies for hours till i find myself a xeno or singularity.
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I would not be able to do that.
Maybe with Knight or Myers. But with Freddy?
Nah, it would be almost impossible.
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I'd be interested in every players ratio on what killers they like and what killers they don't.
Does the playerbase even like going against 50% of the killer roster?
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Bet Vecna would be popular though~
….still looking for a damn vecna2 -
I’d like this display on the results screen! I want to check the answers afterward. I don’t think it should be shown in the lobby.
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they dont
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I'm editing this comment here, my friend, because I did a little something and I think it is what you're looking for:
It is in order from the killer I like most (Freddy) to the killer I dislike the most (Wesker). Now we need one of these for every player out there :)
Post edited by GeneralV on1 -
While I agree states don’t tell the whole story(nurse having one of the lowest kill rates) if you are still getting 3-4 killed against a SWF and your complaint is that it’s happening at 0 gens this still isn’t a bad thing. I think killers being able to get a 4k at 4-5 gens is indicative of both bad gameplay design and matchmaking. Much like how survivors getting a 4 man escape is with only 1-4 hooks. Stomps are miserable to play against. It just sounds like you are asking for an easy 4k every game. If killers could see premade in lobby’s, lobby dodging would be even more.
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Thx for taking the time. Funnily enough, I agree with most of them. We seem to have similar taste.
1 -
No problem, my friend, I'm happy to help!
And I'm glad to know we agree on most of them. Seems we both have good taste in killers :)
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Maybe the survivors shouldn't make it their life's work to make the killers' lives Hell.
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The game industry is going in the opposite direction when it comes to your request. For example, Overwatch & Texas Chainsaw both allowed everyone in the lobby to see who was teamed up, and both games removed that information from the lobbies.
It’s crazy to me that game devs know stacks have an advantage, players will dodge lobbies with them, yet instead of doing something about it- they think removing the information is the healthiest option for the game. It’s not.
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If you really think that, you have a sad life. Do you really think that this holds any value in someones life? To make the life of Killer players miserable?
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I see comments from people all the time claiming that SWF teams have no advantage from comms and that it's just as easy to win against them as it is against solo queue teams. So if that's true then why would killers dodge lobbies with known SWF teams?
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This is not related to the topic actually. It doesn't matter with the skills, but the gaming balance.
Voicechat gives bonus which beyond the gaming mechs. This equals to at least 1 or 2 aura perks.
You can say sometimes bad killers are finding excuses or sometimes SFW survivors are not that good. But they're gaining benefit from a thing which is not included in this game. I mean, why dont we want to see cheaters in this game? They are gaining benefits from beyond the game. Voicechat and cheating share the same in the base logic just in levels of impacts over the game.
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This would cause lobby dodging on Killers side. My solution for this, is that you can't switch anything in the pre-game lobby. You have to do that in the off-game lobby before you find a match. This will end last second switches.
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So what?
You rather have people dc'ing ingame or killing themself on hook?
The only reason they don't see the killer is because they could have a full build to counter the killers power while the killer can only guess from the items if he want's to adapt his build. The advantage this makes for survivors is quite huge.
I get that nobody wants to play against another tunneling meta blight. But on the other hand nobody wants to play against toxic swf bully squads. Rarely anyone wants to play against comp squads too.1 -
Yes actually, you'd be surprised how toxic people can be.
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Are they being toxic or are you just struggling to pressure them.
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Swf may not have a huge impact on the outcome of games but it sure does make the game feel less stressful to play in a team.