any way yall could give us a survivor scream volume setting?

survivors scream too damn loud, and with headphones being exposed to that could lead to partial hearing loss, but i lower the volume for the screams you miss out on important audio signals. so please add a scream volume slider they dont need to be sooo loud.


  • turksmall236
    turksmall236 Member Posts: 158

    Yes and this game is still missing some basic QOL settings. Toggle sprint option, brightness setting for consoles, better controller settings for consoles (deadzone, etc.), and removable accessories (hats, masks, and backpacks)

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    They should add an option to remove blood too

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 580

    Also need an opacity slider for when a survivor gets hooked and gen explosions

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    It wouldn't be DBD if the hook screams didn't implore the neighbors to call the police

    seriously though, they're way too damn loud

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 855
    edited November 2024

    It may make killers ( doubt it,) not hit people on hook as much or all but as someone who run calm spirit I still get hit on it simply for outplaying the killer though xd. Overall good idea. Grunts of pain too should be added so I do need to run iron will.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,070

    idk man I think we should bring back PTB Kate and Switch Elodie

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379

    Screams and grunts of pain should be able to be either turned down or off on the side of the player. So if survivor doesn't want to hear it, or at the very least turn it down, they should be able to. The killer would still get all this information. So if a survivor wanted to run Iron Will and or Calming Spirit but still turn off their grunts of pain, or screams, turning the volume down/off would only be on the survivor side, killer could still hear, but then if they brought Iron Will/Calming Spirit, that'd be for the killer to not hear.

    But it really is too much noise to deal with for some people. When I'm injured, I know I make noise the killer can hear, when something makes me scream, there's an animation the survivor does that's more than enough to let me know it happened.

    Some people want to not be able to hear the survivor scream when hooking a survivor. I'm all for that too, tho survivors screaming while placing them on a hook never bothered me much but I know it's a lot for some people.

    But I just saw DBD is nominated for some horror game award for "Most accessible horror game" and honestly, they do listen to the community on that front, not saying they don't deserve that, but for people with noise sensitivities, or PTSD, in a lot of ways this game falls short for them in the sound department, and it's (I'd assume, could be wrong) a relatively easy QoL change.