sadako sucks

to preface this post I am a sadako main with 3k+ hours on her. I have mained her since release and have played every single iteration of her

the point of this post is not to say that her older iterations were good but rather to point out how weak she is.

current sadako is only a slightly better version than release sadako, who was d tier by herself.

current sadako:

the teleport (which is 50% of her power) is honestly terrible because survivors can literally just counter it for free. there is little to no consequence to shutting off every tv that could even slightly inconvenience you as a survivor. quite frankly it is boring. what is even the point of a map traversal ability if the survivor can just turn it off for 70s and there is nothing you can do against that, and the survivor is not punished at all for doing it. also it still takes 5 years for sadako to emerge from a television. they could have given her an alright chase power by making it faster and make tvs an actual threat but nah

in terms of tapes, they do not do anything unless youre running a green addon (even then its not much) tell me, what kind of cursed tape allows the survivor to hold it for as long as they want? the fact that there is pretty much no difference between holding a cursed relic which has killed hundreds and not holding it is just hilarious

condemn is the most controversial topic, im sure some will disagree and I get that because its an instakill feature but IMO its too weak as well. since survivors can run around with tapes forever and can insert them in your face in 1 sec (lmao) its really not much of a threat to them when its so easy to avoid and cleanse. oh and I honestly dont think anyone even takes the condemn lock in mechanic into account ever given how useless and counter-productive that is.

so we have a killer who has virtually no chase power, and to make up for it she has map traversal, stealth, and slowdown. except the map traversal can be shut down in one second for free, the stealth is garbage because she literally has a lullaby, and the slowdown is easily countered because half the time your tvs aren't even on and also tapes dont do jack.

I know shes a noob stomper and listen, I dont want a killer that has a crazy miserable ability to instakill survivors at 5 gens and make an insanely oppressive secondary objective. I want a killer that lacks in chase but makes up with it with decent map traversal and a slowdown which is actually threatening. that's not too much to ask for. I a


  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    "im sorry you dont like survivors having counterplay against that too"

    that is just a wonderful way to shove words down my throat, dude.

    to put her any close to a tier is insane. seriously? shes on the same level as artist, wesker, plague? shes m1 and her ability is easily countered.

    part of me thinks youre trolling with that "are you doing the best you can" comment. I have played thousands and thousands of matches of this killer. I know what I am talking about.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    it's easier to deflect genuine questions as trolling than actually answer them if they challenge your authority.

    sadako's kit allows insane map presence and condemn playstyle is incredibly difficult for survivors to deal with due to how much it punished macro mistakes.

    survivors having counterplay doesnt really shut it down entirely, they still cant keep TVs down all the time, they still have to rotate around the map and expose themselves to a risk of being intercepted, especially if you play hit&run.

    i wouldnt say she is as strong as artist, but she's definitely on the same level as wesker or plague, even stronger than the latter.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 745

    I frankly do not know why survivors do not gain passive condemned from carrying a tape anymore. The fact that they can retrieve them with pretty much no consequences is absurd.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    im not gaslighting you, im asking you a genuine question you seem to be avoiding with immense effort which makes me think my initial assumption was very much correct.

    if you get looped for minutes on this killer and, judging by this response, you are, then i suspect you're overcommitting too much in chases. that's not a smart idea, you're supposed to play hit&run with her and utilize your strong sides - mobility and stealth, force survivors to rotate around the map and catch them out of position.

    her power requires constant attention to shut down and that one way or the other grants you value. it's just a matter of how you use it.

    it might be a good idea to watch strong onryo players and what decisions they make throughout the match. Onryo is a killer whose power requires high skill and game sense to use which most players in this game don't develop because they focus too much on mechanical skill and chase aspects of the game.

    Her power gives her a lot opportunities and possible moves she could take throughout the match, however they aren't obvious. It's unsurprising that even after playing her for years you still might not be able to make correct decision in the match all the time and that often loses you games.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    "any team with half a brain can counter it, still get gens done, and loop you 4ever because you are m1."

    please calm down and stop gaslighting me

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,661

    Thats just downright untrue.

    They are two very different killers.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    she was d-tier, and the only reason people think she wasn't was because she had a cheese strategy which worked extremely well against unorganized survivors but fell apart against good teams.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857

    Interesting because onepumpwillie who is a onryu main still get tons of condemn win streaks on her and most people copy and paste what he does like the one I had 3 days ago that done this very boring and all that for 10k points.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 460

    Winstreaks just prove people suck at the game lmao

    Like if you look at momo's2000 streak Is just 99% people not looking behind them and giving up

    Literally remember going into Willie 's stream and people giving up 4 games in a row, and if you saw the marches you would get bored pretty quickly

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    winstreaks also prove a person can play the killer and win no matter what on long distance. an average timmy cant just hop on any killer and streak for hundreds of games (unless it's chucky, this killer is an autopilot). you need to be a strong player and play the killer that enables enough skill expression for these results.

    OWP had a bunch of games where he had to sweat against people who were clearly good at the game and yet he still ended up the victor.

  • Jacknalls_Paw
    Jacknalls_Paw Member Posts: 240

    Most of strategies fell apart against good teams.

    They cannot be taken as a sample because compared to their non-expert counterparts they are much less representative in percentage.

    Sadako has to be played in an alternative way than the other killers, there are several strategies that you can find quite easily around and implement.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 460

    Yes, but those games are the ones that prove whether the killer Is good or not.

    No one will care if Willie adds matches where people give up first minute.

    That's why I believe winstreaks are kinda wortless personally

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    good point, yes

    if we compare killers exclusively vs strawman "good teams" then we should abandon the concept of tiers altogether. we will have nurse, blight, billy and everyone else.

    like, be ######### real, there are NO killers except blight-nurse-billy who stand a chance against the strawman competitive meta running map offering SWF that is playing seriously. that's just how the game works, boo-hoo, deal with it. Teams like that dont care if you're playing doctor, xenomorph or whatever other trash, they're efficient enough to boil the game down to 2-3 chases (or slightly more if you have 4 slowdowns that trigger off fresh hooks, in which case you'll have a person dead on hook MAYBE + freshes on everyone else assuming they give you that) and then escape giving you a single kill at most. Good news is that people who yap about tiers more than anything else usually lack skill to compete with such teams ANYWAY.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    and willie wins those games which is the point. otherwise he wouldnt have those streaks.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,256
    edited November 2024

    Don't forget that there like a condemn auras radius for survivors to realize they can be condemn. Like why do they need to know when they can just grab the tape....

  • NickMilian
    NickMilian Member Posts: 115

    she’s strong against players (when played well) who completely ignore her ability but struggles greatly against experienced players, especially in chase which is why many sadako players won’t commit to long chases - this is why you will never see sadako played in a competitive environment.

    i’d say shes C tier at best.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,661

    Disagree. Mained her. Perfromed well without slugging, ring drawing or iri tape.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    I mained her too and performed well but that's because of my own skills as a killer; not sadako's kit. I beat teams that were really good but when I did I never thought "I won because her power is amazing and clutched me the game" I could've beat the same teams if I were playing trapper/myers/freddy.

    she had crappy stealth (still does lol) her condemn was horrible, and her tvs had 100 second cooldown. she was put in d tier by otz when she was in that state for a good reason

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    because they were super overkill to make sure survivors never complained again

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    mentioning strawman then saying "competitive meta SWF running map offerings" is crazy dude. u really need to stop shoving words down my throat, im getting full.

    it did not take a team of that caliber to beat that strategy.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225

    Hello! sadako main too. I do empathize with some of your comments, yet I do not find her as weak as people suggest she is. I’m pretty sure I am almost at max MMR with her because every match is hard and I get a bunch of p100 survivors that loop like gods and bring over everything to destroy me. I do believe she needs some love and I made a post with a few suggestions, I’ll post them here so I can get some feedback.

    1- One of the main issues with Sadako is the perks she needs to run to perform against a good team. The thing is, you kinda have to forget about any aura reading perks or location perks so you can have enough slowdown or chase potential to actually have a fighting chance. My first suggestion would be: Make survivors carrying a tape scream and reveal their aura for 3 seconds every 15 seconds or so.

    2- Make survivors hindered by 2-4-6% depending the amount of condemnation they have.

    3- At full stacks of condemn, injure the survivor, then he needs to deliver the tape, heal or risk being downed. It would grant condemn a bit more of risk.

    4- For every 3-6-7 stacks of condemn, a pallet is locked. Like 1 pallet for 3, 2 pallets for 6 and 3 pallets for full condemn.

    5- Survivors carrying a tape that are healed, share a condemn stack, or basically, if a bunch of survivors are grouped for 10-15 or whatever, and they have any amount of condemn, they spread a stack.

    Idk, I am just thinking, I am not suggesting implementing all of these.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    I dont know why they never implemented debuffs for the amount of condemn you have. It would be so much healthier. Right now you either have 7 stacks and are killable or you are not, and everything is balanced around that. It's binary and boring. Having debuts based on the amount you have then nerfing the spam condemn strategy would make the killer 10x more healthy.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895
    edited November 2024

    then it's evidently a skill issue, no offense.

    sadako struggles hard only against comp level swfs as shown by multiple showcases by various CCs like hens and even so she makes them SWEAT to get a win because any mistake is punished hard.

    anything below is perfectly crackable as long as you're good enough with the killer.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225

    I love the idea of making condemns gradually affecting survivors.

    Maybe something like condemn:

    At 3 stacks makes the affected survivor hindered, blind or scream revealing their aura.

    At 6 stacks broken maybe? Maybe make sadako lullaby silent or making her faster against you.

    At full stacks I don’t see why not the survivor gets at least hurt 1 health state when first getting the final stack of condemn.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,661

    I don't really care and didn't really care about otz opinion on her now and back then. He didn't nearly play her as much as other people and didn't even try to play her to perfection, which took a lot of practice, or even understand what that needed.

    Sadako was very difficult to perform well with against better teams because her power was so undertuned. Many of my games saw me losing 3-4 gens before I got condemned going. From there though, the game often turned in my favour.

    She was more of an all or nothing character that had to be played almost perfectly to stand a chance.

    However, she had a chance. Killers like Trapper or Myers did not have this chance.

    Not d tier in my opinion. Somewhere in lower c.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    lololol, gonna stop responding to you now because its clear you have absolutely no intention of addressing my posts claims and just wish to say "skill issue" in different ways each time you respond. hope your life gets better dude

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    i addressed everything and you deflect it by calling it trolling.

    i cant help you any more than giving you a perspective you refuse to accept because of your heavily screwed viewpoint.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,395

    Everyone knows my thoughts on her so I wont go into it.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,395

    " considering how low her skill floor is" This makes me question if you even play her at all.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    do you know what "skill floor" is or you just got triggered by the words "skill" and "low" in the same sentence?

    FYI: skill floor is generally what we consider the difficulty to pick the character up and play them at minimal capacity. Sadako is a very easy character to learn to play as. She's hard to master though, but that would constitute her skill ceiling and that's not what I was talking about there.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 505

    I dont really teleport much, maybe 2-3 times in an entire round and still get wins from the on/off switch of her terror radius. But any killer struggles against a swat team, even my 100 xeno they can just dance around (didnt help that his new outfit kinda screws up your tail strike aiming lol)

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,395

    Love how you go to triggered immediately.

    I disagree. She’s not easy to learn or master.

  • YayC
    YayC Member Posts: 134
    edited November 2024

    I disagree that Sadako is better than release (which I'm assuming you're referring to as 1.0).

    Sadako is objectively in the weakest state she has ever been in (for live builds if we aren't counting the state she was in for 2 weeks at the start of this version where her power was on a 15 second cooldown).

    1.0 Iri tape facilitated you to be able to play full condemn which could get you multi-hundred win streaks as showcased by OnePump and facilitated no condemn builds because your TV's were in your control and thus you could consistently use them for builds like make your choice.

    2.0 Sadako (tape breaking) Sadako had counterplay to survivors stealing her power (exactly how it should be).

    Current Sadako it doesn't matter if you are the greatest Sadako player in the world, your power is held hostage by the survivors with 0 downside and there is LITERALLY nothing you can do about it. I say this as someone who has won every single match vs her when I play with my friend.

    The problem is people play 1 game as her, spam TP again survivors who don't know what they are doing, get a 4k then say she's insane. In reality the second you play vs 2-3 people who understand your power and actually play against it properly like most survivors do for every other killer in the game, she literally has no power. This could be stopped in 1.0 with iri tape, this could be stopped 2.0 basekit, this can't be stopped in 3.1 no matter your addons.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    yes, I agree with you actually . she was mostly worse but had some nuclear options in there that could help you out. taking tapes wasn't a braindead decision and iri tape gave her great mobility. and survivors couldn't see the ######### auras of tvs like what the ######### lmao!!!!!

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    Seems like an appropriate word to use for a situation when a person makes an incorrect statement purely as a reaction to a word they didn't understand in context.

    Either way you're free to disagree, the fact you can't argue any further than that proves I'm right.

    Sadako takes barely any skill to pick up and the fact she has such big killrates proves that. Her power's difficulty is dictated by survivors performance which makes her uber easy to play on beginner level and very difficult on master level.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,395

    It proves nothing. Your word vomiting. I’ve no reason to argue. What do I gain from an incomplete assessment that you have given her? Nothing….so I am moving on.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    now you're just coping and insulting me because your ego doesn't let you let me have the last word.

    i think you should stop making such a big drama out of it and reconsider your position on this matter. maybe sadako isn't as hard you thought she was and your perspective is a bit flawed. A killer with no extra mechanical skill required and whose power must be manually countered by survivors at all times is going to be easy to pick up by definition.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,395

    Wrong. There was no insult thrown at you. My ego? It was a reply. Funny you mention that - as you write back. Like I said - moving on.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,395

    I was never upset and thank you so much 👋🏻🙂

    Have a lovely day back!

  • NickMilian
    NickMilian Member Posts: 115

    That doesn’t make much sense - if she was that easy to pick up and do well with then her pick rate would be higher but she’s currently the 8th least played killer in the game.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    pickrates arent strictly caused by easiness to pick up.

    there are a lot of factors for that like character's overall aesthetics, gameplay appeal, power design.

    people dont like macro killers like sadako even if they're easy to get into and there are lots of more appealing options.