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How old is too old to play games?

Member Posts: 1,554

Copped this burn playing today, I guess because my Steam profile has "member since November 17, 2004" (20 years in a few days woohoo!).

So, how old is too old?

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  • Member Posts: 376

    Bro don't let them shame you. Ive cooked someone and they proceeded to talk about my age, kids, and all kinds of stuff. Literally called me poverish because they heard my daughter. (3yo She literally sits in my lap while I stream 90% of time she just likes it lol.) Told me I was a bad parent etc. What's crazy is I get it all the time. I'm 35 work six days a week and grew up in the Golden age of gaming well at least for me. It's more ingrained into who I am so I'll be playing until I physically can't anymore. Having helps relieve stress and keeps my mind sharp.

  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited November 2024

    I don't think you are ever too old to play games. I'm going to be playing games until i die or can't anymore.

    Gaming for me is good way to reduce my stress which i have way too much. I forget my problems at least for a while.

    I have son which i love and take care of, but having life and family doesn't mean you can't play games on your free time. I rather play games at home than go outside for drinks or whatever. 😄

  • Member Posts: 296

    Games, albeit on a simple level, have been used for years to help elderly people by keeping their brain active.

    You're never too old.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    You're too old when you upset someone enough that they go to your steam profile to find something to talk trash about because they have nothing better to say. If you lost to them then you're not too old. It's that simple.

  • Member Posts: 54


  • Member Posts: 2,203

    Too old is probably when you can’t press the buttons on your own anymore.

    Joking aside the obvious answer is that you can never be too old to enjoy games.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    I’m 23 and will play video games for many more years to come, your never too old to enjoy playing any video games in my opinion, just relax and have fun! :)

  • Member Posts: 591

    There is no age limit to fun. Games aren’t even typically created by 18 year olds. They’re created by people old enough to be the parent or grandparents of an 18 year old. I also really suspect the amount of people that play DBD are much older than what others may think. It’s easy to dismiss mistakes or immaturity we see in this game to just label them as children. I’ve only met 2 underage people while playing this game. Usually they’re always adults. Kids of today didn’t grow up with the horror icons like we did so I think the appeal isn’t as strong 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    I usually counter with: "You have X hours in DbD over the last 2 weeks. You should probably be doing your homework."

  • Member Posts: 894

    You're never too old to play games, adult animals also still play. It's normal to want to play sometimes.

    You did nothing wrong, this dude is just an ageist a-hole, and probably Gen Z or Gen Alpha - an ACTUAL KID - if they think 30 is old. I'm personally 33 and I have zero kids, also you're not really "old" IMHO until you hit like 50 years old. In any case that doesn't mean games aren't for anyone over 50, gaming is for everyone. There's actually evidence that videogaming can help preserve reflexes and prevent cognitive decline in older people, because it keeps you always engaging your hands and your brain. Ignore this person or report to BHVR and move on.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Not too old to play games, but old enough to tell those kids to get off your lawn, and go back to playing more DBD!

    Don't let anyone tell you what to do, especially not salty people on the internet. Gamer age is going to rise simply because people who grew up with games are more likely to play games, and it was in the 90s when games started becoming really mainstream. I'm 30 and have no plans to put down the controller until my hands don't work anymore. And at that point I hope they'll have developed tech that let me play with my brain.

  • Member Posts: 7,063

    lil bro was probably procrastinating on homework so dont worry 'bout him :)

    no such thing as being too old for anything :)

  • Member Posts: 767

    I’ll stop enjoying games, animation, comics, and TCGs when they stop being fun and not until then which I guess will be never

  • Member Posts: 266

    Pauline Esther is like 50 and still playing games lol. There isn’t a limit to it.

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    There's no age limit on when you can play video games. People who try to age shame it are usually salty because you just beat them in the game.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Na, who reflexes is that? I'm 31 & my reflexes are sharp like they always been, I solely win games and or fights in PvP FPS games because of my quick reflexes where I'm able to shoot someone first or react first or do something first or even think of a counter first lol. There's never no age that's too old for gaming, once you really can't see what you're doing then yeah of course but I mean as far as the actual age no because there are people that still play games and their old

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    I will probably die on my gaming chair.

  • Member Posts: 1,154
    edited November 2024

    There isn't, everyone insulting you because you're in your 30s (does this even make sense? In germany your 30s would be 30-39 and not 20-29 xD) is probably too young to even play this game lol xD

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    So long as you enjoy playing the game, be as old as you like. I remember over a decade a go, I was getting tips on Red Dead Redemption from a 65+ years old, who had recently retired a couple of years before and had decided his post work life was to be dedicated towards playing video games!

    Wherever that guy is, I hope he's still out there, blasting aliens, assassinating unsuspecting people, and exploring strange, new worlds.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    There's no such thing, as more and more generations that grew up with/around video games get older it'll only get even more normalized than it is now. Do people stop watching TV or reading books just because they get older? Not at all.

  • Member Posts: 679

    People that have been around since it all began properly in the early 80's could be anywhere between 45-75 years old. If you've been gaming for the last 40 years then I doubt anything is ever going to make you stop. It's basically engrained into your DNA.

  • Member Posts: 708

    Agreed. I have a relative who's retired and likes online gaming. She's awesome!

  • Member Posts: 3,386

    Im 31 and I still play. I dont care <3

  • Member Posts: 478

    Im 36 and will be playing video games till the end. I don't get the insult you got to be honest. These young whippersnappers need to learn to respect their elders :)
    Now the real question everyone should be asking is why they still allow kids (under 18s) to play this game?

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    People who are under 18 play M-Rated games because the ratings are really just suggestions. It's all down to the parents on whether or not they trust their kid with playing a game that's considered to be mature for their age.

  • Member Posts: 380

    I'll be 47 in a few weeks and I've been playing games regularly since the early 1980's (Colecovision was my first system). My kids are now in their 20's. I don't see myself stopping any time soon. I hope to continue gaming long after I retire.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Yeah! Same boat as you. I also surprised a lot of the regulars I play with, who are all in their 20s, because we so effortlessly mingle when it comes to just gaming. When I was rather forward with my age, they all went "no way, you are lying".

    I recon that gaming will play no small part in the way future generations age. I have a background in health care and seen my fare share of retirement homes, and most old folks just sit there watching TV or occasionally go on a stroll, but when our generation hits that age, well, there will be some sick setups in some of those rooms, you can bet on that!

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Yo, it's crazy, I didn't even think so many 40y+ gamers here! Ngl, it's heart warming <3
    I always say that age is nothing but number, it doesn't tell anything about person at all. And everyone who thinks that games are only for children should put his clown's nose back C:
    Pretty sure I will play games my whole life!

  • Member Posts: 6,140
    edited November 2024

    No such thing as too old for games (I'm in my thirties fwiw)

  • Member Posts: 2,220

    Another DbD player here who is in his 40s. Yeah the reflexes slow down a little bit after awhile, but hopefully your gaming experience gives you much better game sense and keeps you calm in the stressful moments.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Close to 50 and have played all my life.

    I hope i never get to old for this.

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    You should behave like one of these stereotypical seniors that always get angry at those pesky kids. It would be glorius.

  • Member Posts: 436

    You're definitely too old to be caring so much about what someone says in the post-game chat that you needed to screenshot it and make a forum topic about it. Unless your job requires a public persona, you really should stop caring about what random people think about you sometime in your 20s.

  • Member Posts: 4,620

    I have been gaming since I was 9! SEGA! If it had a forum then, I would be a dinosaur, is never too old to play games, heck if I am 89 I am stil gonna game! take that people on Fortnite after granny demolishes you! lol

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