I died so much during the Halloween event that my mmr has tanked badly

I figure I died in 9 out of 10 games. The event was way too killer sided. My mmr as survivor got to a point that my teammates are clearly new judging by the characters and cosmetics they are using, and when I investigate their Steam profile, I see a bunch of people with 30 or 50 hours of game. I even saw someone with 2 hours!
It's also reflecting on the killers. I have 4k hours in the game and I have been playing since 2021. I feel dirty when I notice the killer is really struggling to catch me, most of the time the mindgames don't work among other things. However my teammates are either not lasting in chase or they are doing dumb decisions that ends the entire match for everybody.
Because all of this, I keep dying as well, so my MMR is not going up.
Can't remember the last time I saw Pain Resonance in my games (including the Halloween event)
I keep getting killers with prestige 0, using yellow and green universal perks such as Unrelenting, Monstrous Shrine and Whispers
When I loop the killer for almost the entire match I feel so bad I decide to just give a kill to them. Hopefully just me dying still don't mess with my MMR (pretty sure BHVR said not long time ago that if 1 survivors dies it doesn't count as a "lost game" regarding mmr)
But I digress, just getting off my chest…
I could be wrong but I thought MMR was disabled for events and special game modes.
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This has been an issue with MMR since its inception. Low MMR is a positive thing for killers. You get 4 weak opponents. You can raise your MMR easily as long as you have basic game knowledge. The only time MMR drop is a problem for killer is if they're a skilled player playing friendly, as they'll fall out of their actual skill level and have to grind babies to get back to where they belong.
Low MMR is not a positive thing for survivors, it's a quicksand pit. You get 1 weak opponent and 3 weak teammates. Even if you outplay your opponent, you're still likely to lose because survivors are not built to carry the game on their own shoulders, and low level survivors are notorious for wasting time. They're bad at doing gens when you're in chase, even if you can pull off very long chases, and they'll fall over immediately once chased. When neither player knows how to run structures, the killer wins by default; if a survivor doesn't run anywhere purposeful and doesn't mindgame, a single healthstate is lasting 15 seconds tops. Many newbies I see will run straight through pallets without even realizing they can drop them to block the killer.
My survivor MMR is better now, but I was stuck in elo hell maybe two years ago and I don't even know how I got out of it. It was just miserable. Actually, I think I do remember - my games got better after 6.1 because everyone's MMR got destroyed in the ragequit epidemic and better teammates buoyed me back out.
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100% was not
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I feel like the current game balancing and SBMM system is making things worse. I think alot of killers are increasing in MMR faster than their actual skill can keep up with (hence why we see so many killers believing they're in high MMR and facing 4man swfs every single game), and survivors, during long losing streaks, are dropping into lower brackets (hence the frequent complaints about novice team mates).
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Honestly I think SBMM never worked.
The system wasn't a good fit for DBD and it was flawed from the start.
It should be removed from the game, imho.
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"When I loop the killer for almost the entire match I feel so bad I decide to just give a kill to them."
If you want to rank up you have to stop doing that.
"pretty sure BHVR said not long time ago that if 1 survivors dies it doesn't count as a "lost game" regarding mmr"
There's been no mention of how the MMR actually works by BHVR but the wiki says that it just reduces the MMR lost when dying. It also says this only applies to SWF. So if you want to rank up, stop giving the killer a kill because you'll just go down lower.
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Got any source on that? Other than your own subjective opinion
Post edited by Triplehoo on0 -
Not disabled, but should not change. So you would still have your MMR for Matchmaking purposes but you would not gain or lose any MMR.
Source for that? Since you say "100%" I expect a source and not "I think it is that way".
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The source is my own experience
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So that's a "No". Gotcha
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Implying that the game is giving me the correct match ups, gotcha
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Dbd needs a ranked mode 🤷♂️
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So youre just gonna go against statements of the devs for your twisted personal feeling?
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Okay. So youve just thrown away all credits to make statements anymore.
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Look at all the random things that break all the time. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that, at any given time, MMR is not working as intended by the devs. Sure I will believe that they believe the MMR works and the event gamemodes do not update player MMR and that this is also how it is intended to work - but that doesn't mean that it actually behaves that way. This does not mean that anyone is lying but rather that it's possible that it's one of the many random things that break in basically every update.
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Okay, let's say the event should have not changed anything about my MMR whatsoever like the devs mentioned. Considering my games were fine before the event and now something really has changed, you must only be trying to say one of two things: MMR as a whole is broken and doesn't work as intended, or that I am lying about my games and the whole thread is a bait.
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I’ll follow the advice of some people here and stop dying on purpose for baby killers (only if the other 3 survivors escape), but my games are still hard to survive until the end, so…
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I got some news for you though,
MMR was used for matchmaking purposes for events, but they don't modify your MMR.
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Events and modes use MMR to matchmake, but you do not gain or lose any. If your rounds were bad your overall MMR was off.
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This is the correct answer. The SBMM system is completely non-functional.
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Hence why I'll always support its removal from the game.
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If someone is curious to see how my games are going, I recorded one here
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The video doesn't work
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I dont understand why its taking so long to publish
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The event was not killer sided at all. Survivors' smoke bombs were way more effective than the killers' haunts. I got lost just about every time survivors used one, because it's so blinding and it sticks with you even out of the cloud for a few seconds. Whereas the haunts... let's just dive into their used. The ones who needed them the most were M1 killers, who probably performed just as bad once they had the haunts, because they're still M1 killers. The others, like Huntress, Doctor, Demogorgon, Deathslinger, Blight, they could get the power, but 9/10 times it would be just as effective if not worse than their killer power. So basically nothing, is what killers got, in the grand scheme of things. Sure, survivors had to waste time going into the void to get their smoke bombs, but they were a free chase escape, most uses. The only thing I didn't like is that killers could touch the middle thing in the portal world, and get their power, whereas survivors had to transfer power and grab the smoke bombs as 2 separate actions, meaning many times you'd just forget to get, especially if you played both roles because that discrepancy was confusing. And going into the world itself was nothing to complain about on the survivors' end. There were loads of very safe pallets and windows, it's actually ludicrous, so the only issue you'd have is getting through portals slower than the killer. The people complaining about that though, just need to get good. It was not only an extra way for you to get away from the killer, which they just take for granted since they're complaining, but it also required game knowledge of the killer's position and speed relative to your own. If you don't have enough time to enter the void before getting hit, then just don't take it.
So there you go. Nothing about the event was killer sided. If anything, it was survivor sided because the killers waste more collective time going into the portal world than the survivors, a net gain for the survivors. The problem with the event was that there was no MMR, so you'd get put with complete morons as survivor who didn't know what they were doing, and didn't take advantage of any event twists, or didn't use them effectively.
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The better plan is to fix MMR, to the way it was when first launched. If you don't like the on again/off again difficult/easy matches now, removing MMR is gonna be more of the same.
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You're correct.
I'm not saying that killer ever gets easy, because of how stupidly easy the game has been made for survivor (math-wise, objective-wise, on and off the hook benefits-wise), but it gets easier against weak teams when compared to 4-man competent SWFs.
Honestly, I get more mad as survivor, because of how drawn out and hopeless these countless easily winnable matches become. Take the most mediocre killer players running Doctor, Pig, Legion, etc, and they'll somehow beat these team I'm on like they're nothing... because they are nothing. They don't do gens quick, ever, they don't heal/push while injured smartly, they don't run killers well, they don't bring good perks, and they overall make complete nonsense plays, of which DCing/giving up is their favorite. We could be completely set to win the match, 99/100 times, and they still find a way to throw it, almost like it's on purpose. MMR hell is no joke. It's killing countless good survivors like myself (if I may be so bold), for no good reason, and it inflates the kill rate massively. It feels almost impossible to crawl out of, because the gens almost never all get done, and just when you think you have escaped it (because you got 1-2 great teams in a row), the game just throws you another streak of extremely clueless players which get you killed over and over. MMR is super bad right now and needs to be fixed; it might be the #1 issue killing this game.
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Wrong, it was killer sided, people were just bad at killer
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If MMR could be fixed, I think it would have been fixed by now.
Between this system and the old ranks, I definitely prefer ranks.