I died so much during the Halloween event that my mmr has tanked badly

Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412
edited November 2024 in General Discussions

I figure I died in 9 out of 10 games. The event was way too killer sided. My mmr as survivor got to a point that my teammates are clearly new judging by the characters and cosmetics they are using, and when I investigate their Steam profile, I see a bunch of people with 30 or 50 hours of game. I even saw someone with 2 hours!

It's also reflecting on the killers. I have 4k hours in the game and I have been playing since 2021. I feel dirty when I notice the killer is really struggling to catch me, most of the time the mindgames don't work among other things. However my teammates are either not lasting in chase or they are doing dumb decisions that ends the entire match for everybody.

Because all of this, I keep dying as well, so my MMR is not going up.

Can't remember the last time I saw Pain Resonance in my games (including the Halloween event)

I keep getting killers with prestige 0, using yellow and green universal perks such as Unrelenting, Monstrous Shrine and Whispers

When I loop the killer for almost the entire match I feel so bad I decide to just give a kill to them. Hopefully just me dying still don't mess with my MMR (pretty sure BHVR said not long time ago that if 1 survivors dies it doesn't count as a "lost game" regarding mmr)

But I digress, just getting off my chest…
