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New game mode idea

Got to thinking about a possible game mode.

Survivors each get a killer ban choice. Killers that load into this game mode have access to all killers and perks and are given a set time to choose a loadout. This way survivors that believe they would have done better not playing against a certain killer can see if they were right, or if a survivor just didn’t want to face a certain killer.

I feel like it could be a good idea for both survivor and killers. Survivors get a “choice” in who they are facing. Killers get the challenge of trying to figure out who would be a good fit based off bans, or a chance to try a killer they don’t have as they are unlocked. This way they can save the shards to buy them, or make the decision to spend the money to buy the killer.

Does anyone else feel like a game mode like that could be fun?

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  • Member Posts: 769

    I feel like the primary incentive here is killers and survivors being able to play characters they otherwise don't have, as well as use perks they also don't have. A free trial period so to speak for players, similar to the splinter shards that existed long ago.

    The ban part of this seems like the least interesting part. Banning 4 killers doesn't quite put much of a dent in the over 30 playable killers currently available. Giving them more bans would just make the pool limited because the same killers would always be selected more or less, and would defeat the purpose of having such a free trial period.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    On the one hand, a mode where survivors could give the killer a selection of killers to pick from sounds neat. But realistically, I imagine it would be used pure meta.

    If you can tell survivors which killers the killer can't be, they're always going to pick Nurse and then some mix of Blight, Billy, Hag, Plague, Legion, Twins, Pinhead - the ones that are strong and the ones that are annoying. If you tell survivors which killers the killer can be, they're always going to pick Trapper, Freddy, Myers, Ghostface, Sadako - the ones who are easiest to beat. While I would hope there would be Resident Evil survivors putting forth Wesker and Silent Hills wanting Pyramid Head, or snoot boopers and puppy petters - goodwill is so low and frustration is so high in the community that I'm pretty sure people would mostly try to handicap each other as much as possible within the constraints given.

    Though a mode where people can try out characters they don't own yet would be pretty cool. What if, instead of survivors picking a ban list, killers are randomly generated a few killer choices, and they have to pick one? Like it gives me Billy, Pig, Deathslinger, Xeno, and Dredge, and I have to choose which one I want to play? And it can generate characters I don't own, and let me play them with their t1 perks as well as all the perks I already own. And lean RNG towards characters I don't own, or always have at least one unowned option as long as I don't have all characters.

    Such a mode would be popular with people who don't have all the killers yet, though for someone with all the unlocks, gameplay would need to be changed in some way (and survivors also given different conditions to work under, like being locked with a random item, or also getting random character selection and having to use at least one of the perks of the survivor they pick) to make it worth checking out.

  • Member Posts: 3,936

    I feel like a ban system would likely only serve in a 5vs5 kinda setting. Something like 2 teams of 4 survivors and a killer face off on the same map to see who gets the most hook stages/gens complete.

    Both teams get to ban 3 killers each, and 5 survivor perks each, which is all applied to both sides. Each team can only take 1 version of each perk between the 4 survivors on their team, and killer drafts at the end.

    It's the only context a ban system makes sense to me.

  • Member Posts: 130

    I just wish you were able to play any killer in custom game. Idea sounds neat but as others have pointed out the "meta" killers would just be banned every single time.

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