keeping stats on postgame chat

i've been curious about how the actual sportsmanship and toxicity question around this game so so i decided that i'd keep score for a little while and report results
my sample size here is 1000 games, which is admittedly fairly limited
of the 1000 games:
721 were 'wins' (herein defined as 4k or 3k with hatch or exit gate powered by hatch)
105 were 'losses' (0k or 1k)
174 were 'draws' (2k or 3k with generators done)
in all instances, after each game i typed 'ggs' in chat with no further response. i always did so as soon as possible after play ended
the results:
428 games had no chat from survivors
72 games had 'gg' or equivalent
221 games had a significant response. of the 221, 186 were negative, with 104 being complaints about playstyle (tunneling, camping, etc), and 82 being 'miscellanious toxicity, of which 43 were directly targeted at my usage of pride cosmetics. the remainder of interactions were neutral, usually discussions of the match's events or complaints about teammates.
132 games had no chat from survivors
23 games had 'gg' or equivvalent
19 games had a signicant response, of which all but 1 were complaints about playstyle.
22 games had no chat from survivors
64 games had 'gg' or equivalent. of these, 21 were followed by toxicity, in most cases being 'ez' or 'zzz'
17 games had significant response, 9 of which were complaints about playstyle and the remaining 8 were toxicity. no loss had an extended interaction that was neutral or positive
Thank you for these stats! 1000 games is huge, and that's a really thorough look into an interesting beast that's hard to measure - I don't think I've seen sportsmanship stats before, and especially not in such a distilled environment (because posting GGs without interacting further is as neutral as you can prompt.)
And the results… aren't great. Not that I was expecting better, but it's disappointing to know that we've got such a low baseline for good sportsmanship. And the crap with the pride cosmetics especially, oof. Hope you reported.
I would hope BHVR sees this, because the mood in the game, and player goodwill towards the opposing side, has been poor for as long as I've been here, and I would love to see some incentives for better sportsmanship. I've long loved the idea of rewarding players for thumbs ups, for instance.
Out of curiosity, what was your playstyle, or did you not really have a consistent one? I say this with the caveat that survivors constantly accuse me of things I wasn't intentionally doing, if I was even doing them at all (and streamer vods often trashtalk me within an inch of my life for very average or even forgiving gameplay, the number of times I've been accused of streamsniping for returning to a contested gen or reacting to an aura perk is wild). So that isn't an accusation that the overwhelming bent towards negativity was deserved… just that I would expect someone who hard tunnels would get higher rates of complaints than someone who 12-hooks, even if I expect both to get complaints as a baseline, so I'm curious where between those extremes you fell.
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Survivors are unlikely to hang around and watch the entire game once sacrificed as they want to go to the next match.. So expecting to hear from any one other than the last survivor in chat (unless they're a swf) is probably pointless.
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Damn, I'm grateful I don't have as many of these bad sports in my lobbies.
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this is a limitation of the data, unfortunately. i didn't follow any hard rules in that regard, generally playing a variety of killers.
in general, i played in good faith with the intent of winning, without observing any 'unwritten rules' but also without ever intentionally griefing. the predominant complaint was tunneling, which was never consciously employed as a premeditated strategy but was also not intentionally avoided when survivors with accrued hook states made themselves targets.
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Console players may be a contributing factor to the no responses as we cannot see or type in chat
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That's a good point, as the vast majority of the playerbase is on the consoles.