Show us the Killer screen names

There is much discussion about content creators and how they play. Some are good and most are just miserable. I think we need to be able to see the killers screen name so if it is a content creator NOT a Fogwhisperer we can opt out. 90% play less than desirable and since they won't do anything about these ones that have allowed the toxic game play to go on we should have the option to opt out because of that.
I'm not concerned about TTVs - most of the distinctly unfun or outright griefer killers I play against are not content creators, just regular jerks. The correlation between TTV/YT and toxicity is not nearly as high as people think it is, in either direction.
But I'm torn on the actual suggestion. I do kinda want it. More than that, I wish we could chat with all players pre-match… though I suspect BHVR doesn't want that and wants to discourage killer-survivor collaboration if at all possible (a la "hey guys I'm trying to get this achievement, help me out and I'll do whatever you want.")
Showing the killer's name results in the same possibility of messaging the killer pre or mid match, for good or ill. But more importantly, I'm certain this would lead to a lot of profile inspection and dodging over -reps and other complaint litter that people get. If your lobby's killer has 40 pages of -rep hard tunneled and -rep camping bubba, do you really want to load into that match? Even if you're a god looper and you don't feel threatened, the chance one of your teammates comes face to face with a killer playing hardball and either messes up and dooms the match or just ragequits is pretty high.
Killer anonymity does serve a purpose. People already dodge teammates over perceptions of 'this player doesn't have enough hours', now imagine how they'd react to a 5000 hour killer. I think this would make private profiles all but mandatory.
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I personally haven't noticed streamers playing in any particular way. There's a few with a decent audience that I regularly get matched with and my games with or against them are fine. I feel like the ones who play purely for content (ie trying to get a particular clip or outcome) are a very small minority. Most just play normally.
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I think as long as killers can lobby shop by checking profiles from the lobby, survivors should have the same privilege in some way. If it leads to more dodging then lobbies should be made blind—for all parties.
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I have actually been messaged by the killer beforehand and find it unfair that they can see us and we can't do the same.
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I have mostly negative encounters with them. YT tags are better than TTVS. It isn't just killers it's survivors too.
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Nope. You can hide your name and profile too. Fair is fair.
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exacly. End of discuss
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Anonymous mode exists to combat exactly what you're asking for. I don't think we want people targeted as Killer the same way Survs can be just because they have TTV in their name.
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Not really. Most people have their TTV or YT on their screen name. Anonymous is for hiding so you can be found. If that is the case no one really wants to play with low level content creators and there is a reason for it.
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unless you’re on Xbox T_T
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Until 0 players can see any info that isn't directly gameplay related (basically survivor picked and item equipped, as item counter pick perks and such is a part of the game), then I think everyone should see names/anon mode status of everyone in the lobby. Trust me I'd rather no one gets to see it so there's no room for dodging based on "I don't like that guy!" or "Don't want to play with anon mode!", but until 0% of players get to make decisions like that, 100% of them should be able to.
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*Sheepishly raises hand* sorry. Was just trying to be friendly.
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You’re making good points but the problem is these things already happen but only from the killer to survivor which is unbalanced. Killers can see screen names, they can click to view profiles, they can go to survivor TTV streams asking for help with achievements, they can stream snipe. If that’s going to be a thing then why not allow survivors the same benefit?
Personally I think removing everyone’s screen names from lobbies once you load in with the killer would be the best option, but then you’d also have to make it so survivor names in the match default to their character names. No one sees anyones names until the match ends.
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It's all just confirmation bias
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I would embrace this
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Those of us on Xbox cannot even use their Anonymous Mode
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Do you know how common that would make lobby dodges?
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Lets also show when people are SWFing then for the same reason. Im down if both killer name and swfing are revealed.