Why does onryo need a lullaby in the first place that kills her stealth ability?

The same reason why wraith makes sounds when cloaked.
Sadako has the fastest transition in and out of stealth in the game, while maintaining full movement speed when demanifested. I assume, to counter these points, the lullaby got implemented. It's also pretty accurate to the film.
I don't think the lullaby kills her stealth. It just let's the survivor know that she's approaching. Doesn't tell them from where and when she will appear. Therefore it is still very much possible to get some free hits due to being demanifested.
I wish however, that some of her useless addons would change to effect the lullaby. The telephone could invert the lullaby, making it play map wide and only getting silent, when sadako is approaching.
Addons like the sea soaked cloth or rickets pinwheel could decrease the radius of the lullaby.
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The developers said "The Lullaby is by design for her" I assume the purpose is exactly what Radiant just mentioned. I would agree with the suggestions radiant made too honestly. It would be nice to have some more variation other than what we do have with rickety pinwheel, clump of hair and reikos watch.
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I don't think the lullaby kills her stealth. It just let's the survivor know that she's approaching. Doesn't tell them from where and when she will appear. Therefore it is still very much possible to get some free hits due to being demanifested.
I believe her lullaby becomes directional at some distance, so, there is little chance to catch survivors off guard
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With that logic, spirit should rarely get a hit.
Edit: what I mean by that is, that most people don't play with really good headphones. A good amount of people don't play with headphones at all. Directional audio can be hard to make out sometimes.
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spirit moves MUCH faster than Sadako
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She indeed does, that does not negate my point though if a survivor camps a strong pallet against a spirit, they should never get hit by your logic. In reality, this is not the case. You'd be surprised how many people still fall for the stand-still-"trick".
On paper, you are correct with Sadako. In reality, it's a viable stealth tool.
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by that logic you can safely remove directional lullaby, since survivors, that don't pay attention to it, will see no difference, but it will help Onryo against survivors, that do pay attention, rendering her stealth much weaker
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I don't mind the lullaby as I think making her totally silent would be a bit unfair, however I would like to see them make it map wide like Dracula's in bat form - that way you won't know where she might appear from.
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I would remove the directional part, yes.
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It probably only exists, because it is in the movies. I don’t think it has anything to do with balance.
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The audio for her Lulaby might be fair, however with the visual heartbeat, you get a clear indication the moment she crosses into range even when undetectable.
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I know and I think it's too much info.
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She was actually stealthy before the visual heartbeat was introduced. Nobody did notice her lullaby back then and most people didn’t even know she had one. Good times!
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It still kills her stealth because her lullaby notifies survivors that she is approaching that is why they should remove her lullaby period