Does 2v8 Wraith feel odd to anyone else?
Played afew games as Wraith since that was what I used most LAST time and couldn't help but notice what felt like a delay after uncloak before you can swing. Is anyone else noticing this? It kinda removes Wraith's super lunge.
I didnt make the game, but ill be right on that -grabs duct tape-
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Duct tape in general isn't very effective for fixing software issues. Also, if they sell the IP, they wouldn't then be able to USE the IP to make a sequel.
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I only play one match with wraith in the 2v8 but i immediately felt the delay uncloak. I'm not sure do it trigger every time but it was definitely noticeable in pressure situations.
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How to tell if someone has absolutely zero knowledge about gamedev in a nutshell.
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Yeah, I noticed it. Hopefully they fix it because Wraith feels better to play with the super lunge.
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I think it is more of a general thing. I also noticed slight Delay with Chainsaw Downs when playing Hillbilly and the Auto-hooking also feels a bit clunky (but maybe this is intentional to give a chance to get a save).
But I would guess that it might be the servers who are a bit janky with 10 players on it. (At least when it comes to my Hillbilly-experience)
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II'm Pretty sure the hook delay was intentionally. They wanted to have a window where flashlight and pallet saves could be attempted, which was the whole point of doing away with stomping.
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Would still leave the other delay I mentioned.
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I'm not denying that. Haven't played Billy enough to have noticed it. The Wraith change just seemed blaring obvious since I actually play Wraith.
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Just played a game as Wraith and I can confirm this happened to me too. It's not THAT much of a big deal but it is there and it makes him feel super clunky, lol.
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Isn't that just a default Wraith issue?
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i played him yesterday and didnt notice anything. Was only today during 2v8 when I noticed it.
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i think its a server issue
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I probably not the best to report but I didn't notice anything off with the wraith. I had a daily to complete. Again I don't play often.
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Yeah it's like the game doesn't recognize you uncloaked the second it should
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Did you do that daily on 2v8 mode?
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I just tried out wraith and yeah, there is a huge delay on being able to attack after cloaking. I really hope this is a bug because it feels absolutely awful.
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He feels normal to be compared to the last version of 2v8 if noy better. I don't notice anything truly.
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Yeah, you uncloak much faster, but can't hit anything for a quick sec.
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The uncloak animation seems way quicker than it should be (I know it's supposed to be 22% faster but it looks even faster than that) but then you can't attack for a moment. Regular 1v4 Wraith there's no problem, it seems to be a 2v8 exclusive issue.
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With 3 killers bugged I guess I made the right choice sticking with Trapper
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Wraith, Deathslinger and who else?
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Spirit. You can hear the husk moaning. Tbh i was really hoping it's be fixed for 2v8. It's not the end of the world, but it's enough to convince me to only play her solo and not on comms
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Oh I thought I was going insane, I'm so happy it isn't just me.
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I play mostly Wraith in this mode because he's basically the one I know best. He does in fact feel clunkier and have a delay here, it feels bad.
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Nope, in usual games this doesn't happen.
As to the original post, my guess is that the animation elapses sooner than it should, but the actual uncloaking happens as intended.
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That would actually make sense. It's annoying and confusing, still. :(