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Survivors How is 2v8 for you?

im having alot of fun! Survivor is alot more better now then the first iteration!

2v8 round 2 is actually a lot better this time around for survivors able to get pallet and flash saves and the insane class ults is a comeback dream Medic ive gotten a 6 man heal, Guide you can pop an entire gen in seconds, Scout rebuilding strong pallets is a life saver!

Survivors i think is on the right path to being a better experience in 2v8 and were escaping alot more then before cant wait to see the stats!

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  • Member Posts: 227

    i think the issue is he has 33% turnrate buff i think if they remove that itll be more fair i do think guide class needs a nerf as well

  • Member Posts: 227

    agreed i do think billy needs his turnrate buff removed and a nerf to blight thankfully there adding new killers every iteration so it should solve that down the line finally new classes will be added like boons and hex classes to do something about useless totems in 2v8

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I had fun playing with a friend. Quite chaotic and unique enough to stand out from the main mode. But in the end I still prefer 1vs4. Especially because of the killer options.

  • Member Posts: 227

    yeah im kinda seein it as a chaotic wackyness for both sides and the 1v4 is the mode ur serious in next 2v8 iteration though will bring in the next 3-4 killers like Oni Legion artist singularity

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I would want to see Vecna added to 2vs8 so badly, but I know that probably won't happen due to the survivor items. I'd be surprised to see Singu in the next iteration though, since he as well depends on items that survivors have to use.

  • Member Posts: 588

    I'm having fun. I really like how fast paced and wild it is. I am lagging alot though which is furstrating. I think the gens are still really fast, and could use some slowdown. And I think Billy is a bit too strong right now for this mode. But I am having a good time. Much better than last.

  • Member Posts: 227
    edited November 2024

    Vecna is licensed so he grouped with other licensed killers for the very last iteration so they have time to get permission from the holders any original killer could be added though could be hag doctor clown trickster or twins

  • Member Posts: 185

    First imression: Hook returning and tunneling. No real Self Care option

  • Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2024

    survivor is worse this time around imo. Billy + 1 simulator. Only game I won as Survivor was cause a nurse hit 3 blinks the whole game tops. I’ll stick to other games

  • Member Posts: 185

    Killers are DCing to prevent survivors from getting challenges completed. This time it's really toxic.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I watched my friend complete the first level of the 2v8 Tome today as survivor. I'm glad he did it so I don't have to. He did not have fun. Survivor teammates aren't magically better just because there are more of them, so it's the same problems as 1v4 only multiplied and with 2 killers. Even running out the exit gate was rarely a happy moment, he was usually annoyed that he was escaping in spite of his teammates rather than them all working together. If I touch 2v8 at all as survivor, it'll only be to do the second Tome level. As is, I don't feel like letting myself be manipulated into an unfun experience with BP incentives or a seemingly easier escape just to minimize someone else's queue times.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I personally haven't seen a save yet but the event is still early. My game results have been 50/50 so far.

  • Member Posts: 379

    I was on a DBD break for 1.0 and almost came back for it but then realized it was almost done. So can't give how I like 2.0 over that one. But it's a blast. Switching from perks to a class system with their own skills is also very interesting. And I feel for killers right now, I really do. Especially ones who are streaming. RIP killer queues. I play killer too, would love to try killer for this but don't want to make queues worse for them and I'm ok with that because the BP bonus for survivors is INSANE (at today they have been)! Milked the Halloween event for as much BP as I could, but now we got this for 2 weeks? If the game is that short on survivors vs people wanting to play killer, I'll gladly do my part LOL.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Same, I feel like the next iteration, they're gonna need to nerf Guide or possibly buff gen control for Killer. It still feels like games swing one way or the other too much.

    I wonder if this means the catchup mechanic is a failure? Or maybe it needs adjusting. It seems really weird they gave us a class that does 8% repairs AND STACKS but only a 5% decrease catchup mechanic. Surely it should be more than that? Or maybe we need more than 8 gens?

  • Member Posts: 227

    i just think guide is too good right now and when nerfed in 3rd iteration itll feel better

  • Member Posts: 194

    2v8 has been fine. I find as survivor, the map and team make can make this a win, a blow out. Bigger maps and the killers can't keep up. I've played both sides. It's the same story

    Billy chainsaw was a mistake. Without it, all my games would have been escapes. I'm not saying with good survivors as a team can't combat Billy ... But a team of solo is bad. It's a mistake. Hope they fix that next 2v8.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Really fun. I'm enjoying it. It's something actually new. I had a "HOW AM I ALIVE" moment where I stunned a Wraith and then 360'd a Blight rush. I really like the class system. Been mostly playing Scout.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    Pretty much yes: sometimes you can even start to down very early and get people super consistently and fast and you will still lose as long as you hook because of the speed bonus, it's horrible. It just makes more sense to slug people for as long as possible if you don't want to get rushed xD

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I actually prefer the normal game mode, I just do 2v8 for the BP incentive and faster queues since more people seem to play it.

    Getting double teamed by 2 killers who cant individually catch me does not feel good to me personally. It removes a lot of the nuances of play for me but hey, I will just go with it and take the extra BP and look forward to it ending

  • Member Posts: 336

    I like the fact in enables more players in a match but amount of aura reading is even more ridiculous than the first iteration thanks to the class changes which doesn't feel great when paired with weak servers etc

  • Member Posts: 2,014
    edited November 2024

    Heavily depends on the killer combo. Billy + blight is just as miserable as predicted.

  • Member Posts: 342

    As long as the gens fly and the survivors escape, it's always fun. But if it doesn't work.... oh dear, then there's a lot of moaning

  • Member Posts: 151

    Its still fun, but i prefered the 1st version. I dont like the changes ( cages, gens, killer class ) etc

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    Yes of course, Idk if it's the mechanic alone so testing it first would be worth it.

  • Member Posts: 141

    Typically not enjoyable, it isn't fun playing against turbo-charged killers even if repair speeds are against them. Although repairing pallets hits the spot.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Played 2 games in total.

    Game 1: I was definitely targeted. Killers left people when they saw my green hair and ttv in a name.

    Game 2: Been slugged and bmed for 4 minutes and then moried.

    Yes, I turned of the game after 2 games.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    It's all right. I don't enjoy playing as survivor in general. I do like the changes to medic. It feels good unhooking a couple players and AOE heal.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    So as much as I hate the lack of killer variety I am actually 10-0 in my survivor games. I would have been 11-0 but I just got a dedicated server error. It might be… too easy? I feel like i'm playing killer in 1v4.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm surviving way more than 1v4 and having more fun id say. Looping 2 killers who are teaming you is peak DbD

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I disliked it! Yesterday, I played two 2v8 games, and they were simply not enjoyable. I ended up with many brand new teammates, and there was excessive slugging from the killers. Dealing with killer combinations such as Billy/Blight can be very unfun. Additionally, I forgot to equip a challenge, which is typical for me, haha. I likely won't play Dead by Daylight again until the event is over unless I opt to play as a survivor in 1v4, and that's only if the queue times are short.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    I haven't seen any slugging, somehow.

    Though I have had 1 game that wasn't against a Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Dying more than I did in the first iteration but still less than I do in 1v4. Not a fan of some of the changes they made because it made 2v8 more sweaty. Hate that the cage doesn't move if a survivor is nearby, that should only apply to the like last 5 seconds of cage not the entire time a survivor is in a cage. The survivor bonus abilities are nice but the Escapist one is pretty lame, it should hide scratch marks too not just silence rushed actions. Overall still prefer 2v8 to 1v4, already hoping they extend it again.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Enjoying it a lot. Haven't seen the lopsided nature some people are talking about. Survivors are definitely stronger than 1v4, but I think I've only seen 1 8e so far.

  • Member Posts: 160

    Lots of fun as both killer and survivor gameplay-wise.

    But it’s unplayable as killer … I mean that literally. 20 min queue … 😫

  • Member Posts: 1,347
    edited November 2024

    Survivor comeback mechanic is very goofy it should be based on deaths instead of hook states and guide basically nullifies killer gen debuff

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited November 2024

    First day was pretty rough as about half of my matches had lots of teammates that did absolutely nothing and refused to touch gens. Today has been completely different. Every match has had 1—2 kills at the most and playing as survivor has felt insanely easy. I died once, and only because both killers camped me and kept teammates from rescuing me. They really overbuffed survivors for this 2v8 and I feel very bad for the killer players who are helpless as gens fly left and right. Reducing the gen speed buffs a bit I think would put things into a much better balance. I guess killer plays don't seem to mind though as the killer queue times are still very long.

    I really wish BHVR would post live stats and make adjustments to gens speeds maybe once per day as the kill rates go up and down to keep better competitive balance.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    2v8 the most fun i ever had on both sides. I like the last iteration of the 2 V8 more but this one still good. Survivors definitely got over buff with the repair speed stuff. Play some games with @HerInfernalMajesty and had a blast. Even got a good excape streak going... which is unheard of in solo q.

    For killer solo q brutal but a duo feel pretty good. My killer games go about the same everytime. 3 gens pop with a few hooks and then the team fall apart from endless unhooking and healing.

  • Member Posts: 227

    honestly this itll give killers more time at the start to midgame and starts getting fast after a death but the numbers would have to be buffed cause losing a teammate is a major dent in efficiency maybe like 6% boost per death

  • Member Posts: 1,347
    edited November 2024

    I can live with that considering atm if you aren't trying to kill someone you end up with games where you have 12 hooks (30% speed buff) x 6-8 survs on top of guide. The comeback mechanic is practically placebo since more survs alive = more gen time even if they only end up getting 10-15% per surv after gen debuff.

  • Member Posts: 227

    i do think guide will be nerfed though for 3rd iteration

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    I’ve been having an amazing time.

    @solarjin1 Is savage! We won all of our Survivor and Killer games!!! Idk what came over us, it was like a demonic possession or something 😅

    Let’s just say… That the stages were painted red with blood 🩸🩸🩸

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