2v8 griefing (blocking unhook prompt)

So I just had a survivor stand in front of me for 2 minutes until I died, while I was in the cage. Both killers ignored them, because she was basically helping them. No other survivor could unhook me, because the Meg was blocking the prompt.
I know it probably won't happen a lot, since hopefully most killers will be decent enough to down the griefing survivor, but it seems like an oversight that the unhook prompt can be blocked.
Seems like this needs the old swivel hook treatment. Cages can only be unhooked from the front, which is what allows this kind of griefing in the first place.
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2016 Face Camping has returned! 💪 💪
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I’m sorry that happened to you. If it ever happens again, try to record some footage (make it as long as possible) and then report the person. Get a support ticket and provide the video, as body blocking like that is reportable. Again, so sorry that happened to you :/
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At least cages move if the killer is too close. At least thats what happened to me when I blinked on top of a cage.
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They changed it. The cage won't move if a survivor is near the cage.
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They were anon mode anyway, so I just left a report. I suspect they were working with a hacking Nicolas Cage, who were also anon. But yeah, I've got OBS running in the background now, in case it happens again
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Ahh okay gotcha. Side note - I dont play deathslinger much but I am having a lot of fun as him! Im about to do a blight/slinger combo
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- I'm 100% sure that in the last 2VS8 in some cages there was a bug that didn't allow the survivor to save... before you say it was a troll, are you sure it wasn't a bug? Maybe the survivor in front of you was also buggy?
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I don't see why anyone would stand in front of a cage, teabag, point and wave at me from when I get hooked till I die after 2 minutes. Didn't let the other survivors that game try to save me, despite showing multiple times she was able to move around. Biggest giveaway, after I died she did it to another survivor. Killers ignored her, just nodding at her while she nodded back at them.
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Thats some really bs, why would they change it?
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Pretty sure you can report someone for AFK/Helping the other side/body block briefing for that.
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because a survivor could be going for a last second save with the killer closing in and the cage goes to the other side of the map killing the survivor.
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Would have been better to stop the cage timing for like 15 seconds after the teleport
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If the cage still moved when a killer was near that would've stopped the survivor from being able to prevent you from being rescued when the killers came over to check it out. I wish they didn't change it to the cage doesn't move if a survivor is nearby. I've died so many times now in my first cage because someone decides to loop the killer near my cage and other players don't want to attempt a rescue with the killer right there. They should've made it so the cage doesn't move when a survivor is near for the last 5 seconds during the second cage if the problem was people dying when someone was going for a last second save.
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TBF I played a match where it bugged me and another survivor... The other survivor was able to move on the spot, point, crouch but couldn't be healed and they couldn't move from that spot. After a while a cage with another survivor spawned in the exact location of the bugged survivor that couldn't move. The killer downed the bugged survivor and tried to pick them up but it was bugged so much the animation for picking up got interrupted each time so they gave up and left them bleed out (at which point they fell through the map) lol I was watching this take place through spectator mode as I already died due to a similar bug.
Point is, the game is very buggy so it's possible that a griefer might be bugged in some way. But they also might be griefing... Difficult to tell sometimes
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Finally, Bubba will take his seat at the top!
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What are the devs to do? Create countermeasures for every possible grief?
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Yes? Why do you think it's outlandish for the devs to minimize the potential for players to grief in their game.
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no way 3v7 mode
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Yeah.. I know it's hard to create solutions for every kind of grief, but they already have the solution for this in the main game. Had it happen to different survivors in 3 different games now and it's fully up to the killer if they wanna stop it or not, while survivors can't do anything
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And this is the reason why AFK survivors and killers should lose colision.
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I hope they make the cages move again in a future iteration. They should never have changed it in the first place.
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That is part of their job, yes.
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Report stuff like that, I was surprised I got a notification action had been taken when I reported a couple of survivors griefing us and the killer (not unhooking, hiding in the basement and taking the game hostage) so they do act on these.
I didn't send in footage either but the survivors were not the smartest and essentially admitted to what they were doing in chat lol
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Y'all make it sound like this is happening every match. Why would someone do this?
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They've done a pretty crappy job of it, historically. Especially when it comes to killers getting griefed.
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Hacking players don't happen every match yet it's still reportable and is something the devs constantly try to crack down on.
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That you get feedback only means that someone worked on your Report. It can also just mean that someone maybe read it and closed it without action.
But agreed, griefing should be punished. Just came out of a 2v8-Match as Killer where the other Killer decided to sandbag me the whole game by bodyblocking. Reported it with a video and I really hope that something will be done. (Just imagine sitting in a queue for over 20 minutes just to sandbag…)
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Close enough, welcome back OG face-camp.
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Oh I see, well that is disappointing then.
I would rather they only notify if they actually took action but oh well…
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Pretty sure they cannot do that. They also dont say in Support-Tickets whether and which actions are done, if they would only notify you if actions are done, they would do something they are not allowed to do.