No Mither needs a rework, or a buff, at the minimum. Here's what I think:

While the changes over the years have certainly helped it be better, it's still terrible. Eventually, though, I think I kind of get the theming behind the perk. Let's refresh our memory with the effect and why it's bad.
The following effects apply permanently during the Trial:
- Suffer from the Broken Status Effect.
- Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while either in the Injured or the Dying State by 25/50/75%.
- Increases your Recovery speed by 15/20/25%.
- Unlocks the Self-Recovery ability, allowing you to fully recover from the Dying State.
Multiple problems.
1 - In trade for a health state, you're put into, effectively, a buffed injured state with no protections whatsoever.
2 - The killer can easily see you're running the perk, and simply put, would know not to slug you at any cost. It's one thing to anticipate an Unbreakable. It's another thing to know they can recover from dying every time.
3 - Any synergies it has are either buff the existing values (Iron Will / Tenacity / Unbreakable), reduce the risk of running it (Dead Hard / Information perks), or used to manually activate perks that activate whilst injured (This can't be happening / Resilience / Deadline). Which aren't that powerful, nor make it worth running.
And keep in mind, you're trading a health state in return for:
Essentially being in Healthy, but being one-downed (Think of always being exposed as a perk, that's basically what this is.)
Free Information to the killer that you counteract a playstyle that isn't always used
And remember that health states in this game are extremely powerful. Anything that grants an additional life, let alone for free has been historically nerfed repeatedly. So a perk that takes away a Health state in return for negligible upsides isn't a very good idea. All risk, no reward.
So, let's start brainstorming. For one, David King is portrayed as a reckless protector. Prone to picking fights, oftentimes ones he shouldn't pick, for the sake of protecting not just himself, but the people he cares about. "We're gonna live forever" is proof of that.
"No Mither" literally means "No care", or "Unbothered". The idea originally, is that in trade for a health state, you become more self-sufficient. Hence the Broken status effect, since you can't be bothered to let other people care about you. "You can handle yourself", basically, which fits David's schtick.
So, lean into that aspect by having it so that No Mither, at the cost of a health state, give you a self-regenerating health state.
Obviously, it'd have to be on a cool down whenever it triggers. Maybe making it so you always have the Endurance status effect, and only you can recover from deep wounds in trade for it taking longer than normal. Or have it work like Mettle of Man and just ignore the hit before going on a long cooldown.
Whatever it is, it must be slower than normal heal rates. If it's faster, or god forbid as fast, then we reach a problem where No Mither becomes meta, and suddenly hitting survivors offers no pressure whatsoever. Messing with health states is a delicate matter, one wrong move, and we'll be stuck with something horrifying.
Perks like "Moment of Glory" seem to fulfil the same concept, but the cost of Moment of Glory requiring you to search chests and avoid the killer long enough to heal a health state. So No Mither has to be a passive, more than anything to have it be unique.
Adding to this: No Mither should at least fit the playstyle, in both theming and effect, of a "Reckless Altruist". The other 2 perks belonging to David match this idea. With Dead Hard reducing the risk by having a pseudo health state whilst injured, and We're gonna live forever requiring you to save survivors in need of your protection.
No Mither should play into it by making it so you being injured isn't causing huge problems for yourself and other people by letting you heal yourself autonomously.
Maybe making it as slow or slower than Self Care's healing speed would be a start, actually. Have it regenerate your heal progress at a reduced rate over time until you heal to full while preventing other people from healing you. It'd be interesting to see it be countered with Hemorrhage status effects, too.
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Why not let it use dead hard as many times as it wants idk
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I say just put grunts of pain to 100 and all actions increase by 5% It use to be at least strong with old dead hard and it also should not trigger oni power its stupid. Just as how adrenaline no longer wakes you vs Freddy, why should this perk trigger oni power for free?
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Isn't the entire point of the perk supposed to be hard mode
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Yeah basically. I run No Mither occasionally for that very reason.
According to one of the developers, No Mither is supposed to be the "Start the trial injured" perk. Those were his exact words.
People who ask for No Mither to be reworked / buffed are completely missing the point of the perk.
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The fact you can always come back from dying state makes it good enough, specially with the combination of toxic perks some people bring paired with it.
Can’t have a permanent unbreakable without consequences, period.
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I don't think this is a completely off the mark idea, but I do feel it loses something of the spirit of the perk. David's a rugged and tough individual, the idea that he'd willingly forgo healing entirely to push forward does make sense for him.
Rather, I'd like to see it just improved. Increase the hidden grunts to 100%, and make it so you start healthy + the killer can't see your Broken status. That way you'd get more full use out of its effects because the killer would need to be paying attention to know you're not healing, you're not dropping blood, and you're picking yourself up.
This change would also lose something, that being it being a hard-mode "start the trial injured" perk, but no change that improves this perk wouldn't be losing something in the process, in my opinion. It'd still be hard mode in that you can't heal no matter what, so I think it'd be close enough.
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I'd be happy with those changes, too, honestly.