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2v8 PSA for survivors

Dear survivors,

Doing chests and dull totems doesn't help your team, sure you may get a nice shiny flashlight etc if you're lucky but you wont get to leave with that item if you don't do gens.

Please wait until AFTER all gens are done and exit gates are powered to search chests and you can even do a dull totem if you are that desperate.

Chests are there to help killers, NOT your team.

Thank you, have a nice day (do a damn gen please).

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  • Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    It's a casual game mode.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Member Posts: 10,362

    Not everyone is playing casual, especially not playing so casual that it's at the cost of winning. That's what these teammates are doing, and it's why putting in totems, and SO MANY chests in this mode was a huge design flaw. They won't even succeed in getting BP by doing what they're doing. Looping, getting gens done, and escaping gives more BP than doing pointless side objectives and then dying.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I full believe the chests were put in very intentionally to help killers.

    I mean sure, you say this but my (of course) anecdotal experience doesn't really match this.

    I find pretty much every match where team mates are prioritising chests, we lose and are lucky if anyone gets out. In an ideal scenario they save a toolbox to power through at the ideal time with the repair boost but in my experience they empty the toolbox as they get it, or they just outright leave it if it is brown one so that time was completely wasted.

    Otherwise they get medkits which may help but often group heals are the far more efficient option, especially with medics (my preferred role as team mates go down so fast).

    I had a team mate leave me caged to open a chest nearby, while we had one gen done with one closest to us at more than half. I am not exaggerating at all and while this is a particularly egregious example, the lack of any real MMR makes this kind of thing far more common than normal matches.

  • Member Posts: 4,934

    Medkits and Flashlights are very useful in this mode.

  • Member Posts: 746

    In my games, medkits, flashlights, and toolboxes came in clutch multiple times tbh. Especially the latter. Gen speeds are already insane so if you add toolboxes into the mix they get even crazier.

    I admit that totems are useless. But I love doing bones and I love getting bloodpoints for it, and besides they are multiplied due to the 250% BP bonus >:) I'm getting a couple totems done every game and most time we are still winning by a landslide. Gen speeds are so crazy that I honestly can afford doing a couple of bones with no punishment whatsoever. I'm just playing the mode for bloodpoints if I'm honest.

  • Member Posts: 1,399

    Can you do chests at the wrong time? Absolutely. - Does that mean people should never do chests? No. Does that mean opening chests always works against survs? Also no.

    Can chests come in clutch? Absolutely. - Does that mean every chest has to be opened? No. Does that mean opening a chest is always a good idea? Also no.

    It's nuanced. Making a blanket statement one way or the other just doesn't do the mechanic justice.

    On the anecdotal evidence: The TBs I've found in various matches made the difference between us getting a gen- and losing anywhere between 5 and 10 hookstages to one crucial gen (usually the last - and sometimes that meant an 8E turning into a less-than-3-E).

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    who cares you don't even pip in dam mode

    can't wait for it to go away.

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    All this. There's more to having fun in this game than mobility, map pressure, and looping in order to win EVERY ROUND all the time forever. Winning is not the only way to have fun and get results in DBD. And the Devs have pretty much done all they can to ensure that aside from literally outright tell the playerbase this is so.

    This game is casual, but the players keep wanting it to be competitive, so the Devs have to balance around that, meaning nobody is really happy and you get posts like this one.

    Post edited by SidneysBane1996 on
  • Member Posts: 6,154
    edited November 2024

    This. I'm still making my way through the Tomes and currently on a 'Cleanse 15 totems' challenge. Am I cleansing a totem every game? Heck no. Am I cleansing one if we're clearly winning and the team doesn't need my behind parked on a gen? Yes. There's definitely a wrong time for these things, but I can gauge the right time too.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    The matches where survivors are opening chests or cleansing totems mid match haven't contributed to my survivor team losing. It's survivors avoiding gens in the middle and instead doing the ones at the far edges at the beginning or focusing on gens on one side of the map instead of spreading out between middle and other side of map - either way they're clustering the remaining gens together and making it easier for killers to patrol/chase survivors off. As far as I'm concerned do whatever chests/totems you like as long as when you do work on gens you're spreading them out and not leaving us with a group that are close together in the middle or one end of the map.

  • Member Posts: 2,267
    edited November 2024

    I really hope I don't get you as a team mate!

    Oh and it isn't about "policing others playstyles" it is the fact it is a team effort and when you contribute nothing of use to your team then it usually results in nobody getting out.

    When I have teams where everyone slams gens, it is a decisive victory pretty much guaranteed. When I have team mates who waste time on chests and totems… nobody gets out and your item from the chest did nothing for anyone including you.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah this.

    I would not say I am hardcore but I find winning fun, so I play my best and I play for the team and I do acknowledge it is partially a 'me problem' in that I find the selfishness and stupidity of random team mates very difficult to be patient with in this mode.

    Either way it is a losing battle really, I have to find a psychological method for coping lol

    As I realise from match after match and some comments here that people think doing chests genuinely helps you and your team in the long run, when in my experience it does nothing but help the killers and most of the people opening chests are the same selfish players who will hide rather than unhook you and will open a chest only to reject the item in it anyway, as a nearly complete gen regresses right next to them.

    I guess I am a more serious player than many as I at least attempt to win.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    I absolootly lute chests because I want that flashlight. Flashlight saves are the funnest survivorly thing to do in this mode besides rebuilding pallets. That or scamming people out of the loot pickup.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    And how often do you get a flashlight first chest and how many saves do you actually get vs chests searched?

    Then how many gens could you have completed in the time you wasted?

    I guarantee that you are sabotaging your team more than helping

  • Member Posts: 14

    I will open chest and cleanse totems whenever I want regardless.

  • Member Posts: 3,753

    Challenges are priority for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    It doesn't matter. There are times I want to win in DBD, but not in random 2v8 matches. You've seen the streams and videos of friends playing DBD and laughing because they got dunked on for some stupid #########? That's me and my friends. I don't take this mode seriously at all.

  • Member Posts: 100

    ”dear survivors, if you are not on a generator at any point in the game and dare delve into any fraction of altruism , your useless and literally are horrible at the game”

    theres 7 other survivors, i think with already decreased gen times, survivior favored mode, and 2 less gens that i can spare 10 seconds hoping to get a purple beamer rather than play generator simulator, getting a 8 man escape literally doesnt even contribute to any awards or anything.

  • Member Posts: 968

    In the matches i've been in, we've lost more due to 3-4 people all running to unhook just 1 person at the same time instead of sticking to a gen.

  • Member Posts: 378

    ExExactly . The other day I got 100,000 points for unhooking, healing, and chests. I did two gens but still those points add up

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    Arguably, 1v4 isn't competitive either, everyone just decided to make it be competitive because it's technically ranked… for as much as grades matter in terms of rank. And they don't. They're not even ranks.

    So really, 1v4 isn't competitive or ranked, either. The entire community just BADLY wants it to be for some weird reason. :P

    If being able to get points and pip in other ways besides gens and chases is viable - and it is, BHVR made sure it is - then that would seem to indicate we're all taking this game much, much too seriously and need to calm our entire asses down about needing to win. Both sides. BHVR can further fix this by making losing sting much less when it does happen. If they truly care about making the game feel casual and fun, let's see them implement stuff like easier pips and changing the defeat sound for one, and by making Killer success oriented on number of hooks for another.

  • Member Posts: 10,362

    It's like, "Hey! You found a medkit! Now you're wasted time will make up for the teammate you let get hooked for free!" They don't understand that doing gens, no matter what, is the best play. Searching chests, you're risking so much for so little. It literally could give you the opposite item of what you're looking for. But people still do it, all the time and constantly. It's maddening.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I think its because casual minded players simply don't understand how important every second is in DBD.

    At this point I have given up as team mates constantly sabotage the team for chests and pointless dull totems, getting annoyed is just raising my blood pressure and nothing changed.

    So my solution? I cant beat them so I have joined in sabotaging my team with wasting time on chests, if the team is good and they do gens we can survive and despite me (and many others) wasting time, we still get out… sometimes.

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