2v8 Killer wait

So BHVR just has absolutely ZERO plans to address the waits? Even though the answer to at least starting it would be so incredibly simple.

In fact, they've actually decided to make it worse. We're back to splitting incentives with the …"lovely ppl"….who don't want to play in the event? So now there is even LESS Incentive to play survivor on 2v8 and the killer wait should in theory be even LONGER.

Boost incentive to 500%. GO from there. Not hard. Could also use very small amounts of shards. Would still take 50,000 matches to buy an outfit so why not?

250% incentive is nothing. Thats basically like playing in normal incentive with 1 BPS in the match…a 2nd would be 300%. Now we're not even geting the 250% it says 150% on my end….


  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874


    I think splitting the player base and allowing people to play normal mode during events is stupid.

    However, 2v8 is the only exception to that I think. With that being said I still think it's weird to want to play normal mode over the event while it's active.

  • BorisDDAA
    BorisDDAA Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2024

    Bps bonus is even lower than last time (always 400%). Now you have 150% but turbo gens. So boring having to play survivor all times.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,388

    You're exactly right - and feedback is just what they need. Not harsh useless criticism on an issue that is more obvious to see than a pink elephant in the room.

  • beater15
    beater15 Member Posts: 64

    The fact that they even allow BP bonus to go down to 150% as survivor is stupid, whenever that happens I just take a break until it hits 250 again.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 223

    Personally, I try to get iridescent rank on both survivor and killer every month, the issue is that this mode dosent allow you to rank up.

    The BP bonus should be always at least 250%

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379

    400% minimum bonus. Just my 2 cents if BHVR sees this thread. Shards would be cool too, but BP is hella free for them, can only be used in the bloodweb. Come on BHVR… dig deep lol

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    This may come to a shock you but some ppl don't like 2v8. Im a killer main and I HATE 2v8 bc I dont like any the killers in it, I dont like having to play with a random player, I don't like the wait time, and over all, I find the mode boring as hell. I been playing it as Survivor even just to do the challenges and I find the mode so ######### boring. I take normal 1v4 any day of the week over 2v8.

    So Im happy they don't replay 1v4 with 2v8, the issue tho is that 2v8 still affects 1v4 making killer queues painful wait over there as well. Honestly, if it was up to me, I would scrape the whole 2v8 idea and think up other modes that could be fun for both sides.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Easy, because this is the 2nd 2v8 and absolutely nothing changed. Now after several days in they've even allowed the incentive to lower for survivor when it should be increased. That is the most simple and obvious thing to adjust first and see the impact it has.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    So obvious that they allowed the survivor incentive to lower……

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Good for you. I'd maybe get the chance to get bored of it myself if I didn't have to dedicate an hour or so to maybe get to play in 3 matches hopefully no one is AFK in.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    Some people do not like the Modes. This was true of Lights Out. And Chaos Shuffle. And every event. It is equally true of 2v8, why is it weird someone may not want to play a mode they aren't interested in? They are also allowed to have a game in 1v4…

    I am genuine here, I don't get where you are coming from. What's so weird about the idea that a mode may not be everyone's cup of tea? :/

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    This is me. I'm a Ghostface Main. He's not in 2v8. In fact, of the ten or so Killers I do actively like playing frequently only ONE is in 2v8 and it's Wraith. And I pretty rarely play Wraith because I find him boring compared to everyone else I DO play.

    I do not know, know how to play, or enjoy even half the options in 2v8. I don't want to play Slinger. Blight and Nurse make me nauseous. I barely play Trapper seriously and don't consider him part of my roster. I wanna learn Spirit but not in such a noise-heavy mode. I suck at Huntress and do not enjoy her. Billy is hard for me to control on my console controller (I play on PC but use controller for comfort reasons). Wraith is basically my only real option and I get SICK of playing him all. The. Time. He's glitched right now anyway, his uncloak is bugged in a way that is stealing parts of his lunge-hit uncloak speed and when he does get it, his lunge is the incorrect boost.

    The wait time, the gens going so fast I barely have time to breathe, only one Killer I enjoy playing in the mode or even want to play or know how to play, and all that on top of the fact that Surv side is still boring as sin and now, is too easy on top of it all. Why would I, someone who likes and mains Licensed Killers primarily and plays Killer mostly for the sheer joy of getting to be Pig or Ghostface or Myers or Freddy or Pyramid Head or Pinhead or Wesker or Nemesis or Sadako, wanna play this mode again? There's legitimately nothing in it for me.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    Some people didn't like different events for the pettiest of reasons. It seems odd to me to give those people an option to split up the player base. I don't believe any of those people would've actually quit playing.

    So you think since 2016 every event should've had an opt out option? Even though 90% of them impacted the actual game in the tinnniieesst of ways? Modifiers are different. The Halloween event had an opt out even though the actual game is basically exactly the same.

    Should there be an option to avoid all players doing rift challenges too? That can also bother some people having to play with people only going for their challenges.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    The Devs clearly agree that it is a good idea to let people who do not want to engage with events or modes have a space to do that. They and most players agree that nobody should feel FORCED to play an event or mode, or otherwise not play the game, if they do not want to. They believe it is unfair to ask players to be forced to engage with things they have no interest in just to play the game, and most people here seem to agree with them.

    Why don't you? Why do you want the game to FORCE people to play in a way they do not enjoy, just so you can have more BP? Why not just ask the Devs to bump the incentive and call it a day?

    If that isn't what you are asking for, why make a thread that implies that is exactly what you're asking for? If it IS what you're asking for… why do you believe people should be forced to do something they don't want to do in a game?

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874
    edited November 2024

    You say that like it was up for debate or something….they're the ones who've allowed it. Yeah?

    Why don't I what? Not play the new mode they want us to play?

    That is a very slippery slope. Why should ANYONE have to put up with ANYTHING they don't like. Yeah, try balancing that out and see if it works out well for you. Spoiler, it wont'. Why not allow people to avoid certain killers? Why not?

    I feel like half of you are being disingenuous on purpose. I make a thread about the ridiculous killer waits and somehow that means I want to play survivor more and get even more BP? What?

    Also, regardless of what this forum says. Those of you who hate 2v8 are in the very small vocal minority.

    Ask the devs? Again, disingenuous. Here I thought being on social media was the best way to do that. Do let me know of the better option. Theres a phone number I can call?

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    Same! Im a Legion main who also loves playing Nemmy, Xeno, and Wesker. Same as you the only killer in 2v8 I play is wraith but I really don't enjoy playing him that often since he is so bare-bones. I hate nurse, I never liked her, Bill and Blight are hard for me to control even on K&M(I have issues controlling dash killers like Chucky, Oni, Blight, and Billy), and I don't like range killers bc I have no crosshair for aiming. I do enjoy Spirit but I stopped playing her bc I have been having issues with some bugs she had, having a hard time with the sounds when she uses her power.

    Honestly, even if they didn't add my fav killers I still really wouldn't play it because of the queue time and having to deal with someone I don't know. I don't like playing with randoms in a game like did. Other PVP games Im fine with like OW2 but I feel solo queue in dbd is painful.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Yeah, I don't have much reason to play killer this time.

    The first time I wasn't going solo as killer, and overall I think the first version of 2v8 was better than this one. I basically don't play anyone other than Freddy and Knight, so having to go Wraith every game isn't really fun.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 887

    I don’t think additional BP incentives would fix the queue times, tbh. Playing killer with another person is novel and fun enough that none of the downsides matter, the killer queue is still stuffed full. Playing survivor with 7 other people is not that different from playing with 3 other, so it’s not novel in the same way, even with the classes and new abilities.

    I don’t think BP incentives will change that. They could make them 10000% and I think the queue times would be basically the same.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2024

    e: double post

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    I agree but they should test that % just to be sure. 😂

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    But I thought the event was survivor sided?

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 114

    it is massively. We were getting butchered by nurse and huntress first match and I thought we ded ded. But somehow 5 people escaped. Only in two matches from like 30 I haven't reached endgame.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited November 2024

    True that Survivor Queue should be locked at 250% minimum BP Bonus for the event but not letting players queue into regular matches will likely just result in those players putting the game down until the event is over.

    As sucky as wait times are, it isn't like BHVR can put the controller in anyones hand and force them into a lobby. The issue might be alleviated a little by introducing new killers to the mode, creating a wider spread of appeal and less cases of killers being incompatible in queue because they're playing the same character, but whether that actually creates a noticeable effect remains to be seen.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    The BP bonus should be at least 300% minimum for survivor always, but other than that I'm not really sure they can do anything more about it. There's always going to be an certain appeal for playing killer with a teammate that you can't get in the regular mode. There isn't anything quite like that on the survivor side of 2v8 (ie. having 8 survivors isn't as special as having 2 killers because there are already multiple survivors per match in the regular game).

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,673

    I don't think that's a good incentive. You'll just have people who want to play Killer throw themselves at the Killers in Survivor Queue to get the required Survivor matches over with.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 994

    Yeah, that could happen I suppose. Maybe something fun and incentivizing instead like "top 3 finish in a survivor game gets you one priority killer queue pass" or something like that to encourage the person to actually try

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 378

    I really feel they don't have enough survivors to split and there are more people in general that play killer. If the incentive was there more people may tend to play 2v8.

    From a survivor stand point your matches go either way. The fact they added the Blight is a huge turn off for the average player let alone Blight on Steroids. The amount of matches where there are 4 players left is frequent and no one is doing a gen and the killers are usually slugging for the 8K. Then the fact that cages don't teleport when a survivor is around, that's stupid because the survivor is being chased. I have died more times that way than actually being hung three times. They also added the oblivious selection on killer and that isn't fun either. Not only are these killers on steroids they are undetectable as well. More and more killers are dominating the wins because they are working together so no matter who you are as survivor you're getting killed.

    I do find this to be survivor sided in the beginning but it seems as though killers are teaming up more or figuring out how to clear the board. I feel it is slightly tipped in the KWF way but it is what it is.

    As for the amount of slugging, not being rescued, and majority of the killers flying to where everyone was caged it isn't fun as a whole for survivors. That being said most will play 1v4 because their odds are better.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    "You're in the minority if you hate 2v8", but those people still should not be forced to play a mode they don't enjoy if they want to play the game at all. It's still selfish to ask that. Would it have been fair to force people to play Lights Out if they didn't like it? Many people hated Lights Out, I bet you probably did - what if YOU had to play it or not play at all just to get a chance to enjoy the game? Suddenly not such a good idea now…

    You're deflecting from my question based on me saying I do not enjoy this mode, later focusing on that instead of answering me. Why do you believe it's a good idea to do something to the game that FORCES people to play a mode they aren't enjoying? I do not want to be FORCED to play 2v8 or not play at all. I'm certain people don't want t be FORCED to play Lights Out mode or not at all, either. My choice and everyone's choice should always include 1v4, or the event/mode on offer. And BHVR, the community, an everyone else besides you here pretty much agree with me.

    We're arguing in circles. Answer me or don't bother responding: Why should I only have a choice between a mode I dislike and not playing at all?

    It is.

    Last one was more balanced than this, but still lightly Survivor-Sided.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874
    edited November 2024

    …..I DID answer you. You've just chosen to ignore it because you know letting people avoid anything they don't like on the the game is overall a HORRIBLE idea. Once again, shouldn't people be able to avoid certain killers then?. You're talking about deflecting and arguing in circles when you somehow took away from this that I was upset that I couldn't get even more BP as survivor? Again, WHAT!?

    Overall you're talking about ppl shouldn't have to play with what they don't like. Yet that is literally what DBD IS. You said you mained Ghostface. lmao, you know how many people HATE Ghostface? THey should be ableto avoid you right? Or does it only apply to situations you personally don't like. There, own logic flipped on you.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    Please stop pinging me, I genuinely do not care. Didn't read your post either. You just want to argue.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,874

    You literally quoted me. What do you expect. You didn't read it actually means…..I read it and know you're right. Thank you.