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Why is nurse allowed to be broken?



  • Member Posts: 87

    She might have got more nerfs than any other killer except Pig, so that part about her is already a lie. And I've seen some people (including top comp players) argue that Blight and Billy are better or at least on par with Nurse now that her mobility and map pressure is mathematically weaker than theirs, so at the top level she even lost her aura of the undoubtedly best killer in the game cause of the multiple nerfs she received (so saying that these nerfs were just a slap on the wrist is again, a lie).

  • Member Posts: 222

    Nurse is god like when you have a player that has dedicated time to perfect her. Skill has to be rewarded. A normal nurse is not that bad.

  • Member Posts: 969

    ´´just´´ is a interesting word, being unable to use most perks on her blink was really good

  • Member Posts: 376

    Nurse is at the tip top as far as potential goes that's not even an argument, but in practice not everyone can tap into to that potential this is not an excuse. I think if they took away the lunge extend addon, made her 4.4 with one blink, and unable to blink between floors, and through walls she'd be fine.

    I mean honestly from my 1000 hours of nurse I learned one thing for sure, most survivors refuse to learn her kit and how to effectively loop her, they still camp pallets, still wait at check spots, path the exact same way even though she's downed them however many times etc. the most cracked survivors that I managed to run across all either mained her at one point or labbed to be able to know how to loop her confidently.

    While she does need nerfs, she isn't entirely uncounterableb as many seem to think. Yes anyone with over 1k hours on nurse alone will cook most teams, the same is true for all s-b tier killers as far as win rate goes.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Literally what I was about to write.

    I think the only reason why she stays as she is – there is a need to be something as broken as SWF for killers.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Yup, this is my thinking.

    Only, I wouldn’t consider either broken as long as MMR works as it’s supposed to and matches the sweaty Nurses vs sweaty SWF. I’ve never had issues with Nurses in my MMR range (except when MMR is bad and mismatches us). My biggest issue is when a teammate gives up and just stops trying.

  • Member Posts: 1,815
    edited November 2024

    Yep, one of my most memorable match against Nurse was where Mikaela instantly gave up on hook and we with 2 other amazing teammates did 5 gens. And Nurse wasn't even bad, we just were slightly better. Sadly only me escaped, because she snowballed it in endgame, but imagine we had 4 survivors from the start and not 3.
    I do think Nurse is broken in right hands and needs nerfs, but not before SWF nerfs. Because 8 out of 10 Nurses I went against are more than winable. And if someone want to balance something around best players on one side, don't even start with this classic hypocrite bullshit that "not every swf is coordinated god players". Not every Nurse either, but yeah, it works only in one side as always.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Nurse is a free killer and is the strongest killer in game.

    As long as she stays this way the game will never be pay to win. So this probably will never change.

  • Member Posts: 11,763
  • Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2024

    What you described in the first paragraph is essentially Chucky but without stealth, third camera or short size.

    Post edited by Jock21 on
  • Member Posts: 473

    Because her kill rate still isn't as high as the others, because she is not as easy to play.

  • Member Posts: 522

    For the majority of people that play this game, as seen by released stats 3 TIMES now being one of the lowest kill rates:
    Nurse is not OP

    For those who are capable though?
    Shes beyond what any other killer can do, and is OP.

    So good luck as a developer trying to please anyone in this scenario. They put themselves in this position.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Most players quit halfway (and play her occasionaly again). Most players dont bother even learning. Most players are bad no matter the character. Choose whatever reason you want.

  • Member Posts: 451

    It doesnt even matter if she has been nerfed a thousand times or just once if she is still the most OP killer.

  • Member Posts: 32

    I got a theory that it's because of how weak most killers really are, so they keep her like that as a sort of fail safe, rather than, you know, putting the work in and buffing other killers.

  • Member Posts: 968

    So are you saying she's not difficult to play? Is that based on your own personal experience?

  • Member Posts: 1,227
    edited November 2024

    Her pickrate is low because not everyone finds nurse fun to play as nor is everyone looking to play killers that are very strong. This was a horrible "gotcha" question.

  • Member Posts: 299

    Ive stated previously that nurse should not be allowed to phase through objects. She can be balanced around that fact in a lot of ways. The backlash came from people saying it would change what makes nurse special and that she was fine. Well if the community thinks nurse being broken and unfair is what makes her "special" and that's "fine" then ######### if I know anything.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Nurse is the most powerful killer in the game. But:

    • She is hard to play due to her unique playstyle, which is impossible to translate to one of a normal killer.

    • Almost everything that could have been nerfed, is already nerfed.

    • You can't really rework her without it either having no impact or destroying her.

    • She is a motion sickness nightmare.

    • If survivors know what they're doing, they can outplay her.

    • She is the only argument against the P2W accusations.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    She is at least not as difficult to play as people claim her to be. Sure, learning her is hard, but actually playing her after learned… There are other Killers who are harder to play after learning them.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited November 2024

    Show us your winstreak with no perks no addons. That would be easy right ?


  • Member Posts: 820

    Nurse is hard to change because of how different she is from the rest of the cast. In the early days, it didn't really make a lot of sense to give her a from the ground up rework when it was only really stuff like 8 blinks that was obscenely OP, especially since this was the era of completely insane items, perks, and offerings.

    Afterwards, Nurse got steadily adjusted to being the top, but a somewhat manageable version of it. Her add-ons got gotten, weird quirks smoothed out, mechanics like Lightburn got tossed. Generally speaking, unless they give her a full rework, the only real change I see appropriate to her current design is putting blindness on auras when readying a blink, so as to keep her from confirming hit after hit.

    She's in a weird place where giving her a sizeable nerf will make her feel awful and ruin what already frankly boring gameplay she has, but keeping her as is simply too much to ask of most survivors.

    Some in the thread have mentioned that survivors need to simply learn her instead of complaining, but I'd argue she's so different to face and there's so much less agency in facing her that it's honestly unreasonable to expect most players just casually develop the skills to face this one extremely difficult killer that most of the time is being played by Potatoes but in the hands of someone trained can turn most matches on their head.

    Nurse having such an abysmal killrate isn't normal, and it isn't indicative of her strength, it's simply proof that she's a bad design for the game in its current state imo

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Nurse remains broken because the only way to effectively unbreak her is by totally scrapping her power and replacing it with something entirely different.

    And that is a lot of work, and would leave all Nurse mains kind of disenfranchised. So we're stuck with her, for better or worse.

  • Member Posts: 149

    As a Nurse main; I agree.

    There is nothing, and I'm speaking as someone who main her, there is nothing you can do against a good nurse; and don't even bring in aura reading perks.

  • Member Posts: 149

    But that doesn't excuse it neither; "well yeah she's broken but only by the top 5 players who know how to play her!" LOL broken is broken. I just feel nothing in game helps against her, pallets = easy hit, flash light doesn't burn anymore, most perks don't affect her such as sprint burst/dead hard/etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited November 2024

    If a killer is strong, it is regardless of addons. Ex : Blight. I can easily stomp with this killer.

    Now without perks so you don’t get carried by them. If a killer is very strong, you don’t need them to win consistently.
    I trust you to not do this win streak with a low MMR account on her.

    As for why : I think people should back up their claims, especially when they claim something is broken / overpowered and should be nerfed. Plus, you said she is easy to play.
    If I were to claim some survivor perk is absolutely broken I would demonstrate it first. Why is it for this particularly killer you don’t want to ?

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited November 2024

    There is nothing you can do against any good killer, except making the chase as long as possible (same with Nurse).
    Killers should not be loopable for 5 gens.
    Ex : Singularity. Anyone decent with it will catch you and there is "nothing" you can do to prevent it.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2024

    You break line of sight and dodge her blinks. Most Nurses are more than manageable so long as you learn how to feint your pathing and bait her blinks the wrong way, allowing you to extend chases as long as any other killer. Not unlike Blight.

    The only time Nurse is broken is when she's stacked with aura perks and ambushes you without warning through a wall. But that can also apply to Wraith, Sadako, Artist, Pyramid Head, Dracula, Vecna and Mirror Myers.

  • Member Posts: 567

    You break line of sight and dodge her blinks. Most Nurses are more than manageable so long as you learn how to feint your pathing and bait her blinks the wrong way, allowing you to extend chases as long as any other killer. Not unlike Blight.

    Literally it doesn't matter because whatever you do after you lose line of sight, she still manages to hit you because she can rotate 360 degrees after blink and has insane lunge on top of that.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    She’s a product of 2016 DBD and was the answer to infinites in the game at the time. She’s been grandmothered in so they aren’t gonna spend resources changing a free killer that’s entire power would have to be reworked because there’s no money to be made that way.

    She is hard to pick up and play and most casual people will play her a few times, get destroyed, then never touch her again. She has a low kill rate, isn’t nearly as busted as she once was, and people rarely play her to her fullest potential. That’s why she’s in the state she’s in.

    Yes she is the strongest killer in the game and will most likely continue to be that way because of when she was created and her fundamentally flawed power. Might as well just accept it, the rest of us have. It’s just how Nurse is.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited November 2024

    ^This. It is what it is until the devs decide to make the tough decision to completely rework her entire kit and essentially repackage her into a new killer…but that would take time, money, resources, and would more than likely be faced with a degree of backlash from the community. Until they decide to cross that bridge then might as well just accept it.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    She's not hard.

    There are a ton of killers that are a lot harder to play. Performing well with nurse comes down to game knowledge and a bit of muscle memory. Mastering nurse is something entirely different.

    A decent nurse, however, wins a majority of public matches. Mastering her is, based off of my experience, not necessary outside of a comp. setting.

    Her design is outdated and should change completely for the game to prosper.

    She has proven time and time again to be a problem, but rather than taking the time to fix this, bhvr chooses to balance the game around her, ignoring the problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    She easily the most difficult killer to get into and learn to play because you’re playing an entirely different game that ties directly to muscle memory. Most players will not stick to Nurse because of her steep learning curve. Your skill as every other killer doesn’t transfer to Nurse.

    Now if you do stick to her and learn that muscle memory and what you can and cannot blink through then it’s smooth sailing. She’s by far the easiest killer to perform well with against most teams. She’s not mechanically difficult but you cannot deny that she’s harder for the casual player than most of the killer roster.

    But the argument of “this killer isn’t hard” is will vary from person to person because if you practice ANY killer then you will eventually become good with them, it just takes time. Like with me personally, I think Singularity is very overblown when it comes to how hard he is, I think he’s pretty simple to play and not as hard as people make him out to be but I cannot get the hang of Wesker. It’s like I’m learning trigonometry when playing him.

    TL:DR; Nurse is hard for most of the player-base and most people will not perform well with her

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Like it or not, Nurse has her dedicated players and she’s an iconic figure in DBD. We’re so far into DBD’s life cycle that’s it’s like a “why bother” situation.

    Whenever I face a Nurse and she destroys my team I’m just like “just another Nurse match. Classic” and I go next. She’s been here for almost a decade so I just accept it

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    In terms of raw power it seems that Nurse is at the top with Survivors right below her, then all the other Killers come after those two.

    She’s probably “broken” so that the game doesn’t definitively become Survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    Ok… Have you played Pinhead? His chain works the exact same way. Just saying.

    I play one game of Nurse after playing her not for multiple months and do poorly. Then atfer 3 games, I dominate survivors with okish builds. This is not because im insanely good at games, but because ive played a LOT of killer and know survivor pathing and map layouts like the back of my hand. If you know all that, nurse becomes a monster. Again, im not talking about mastering her. Only about performing well with her. Most survivors in public lobbies make a lot of mistakes and are not great my any means. Therefore you dont need much to beat them. Nurse feels overkill for most public matches. Its why I limit myself when I play her. "No aura, no slowdown" or "only allowed to use 2 blinks after a hook".

    Nurse is not hard at all. Shes as close to a dbd-win button as it gets. Does that mean, that your wrong? No. Absolutely not. A majority of dbd´s playerbase sucks at her. Just like a majority of the players in Dark Souls 3 have not beaten the Nameless King. Most people play games for shorter amounts of time and dont want to invest that much into one aspect. Nurse is no different. The general player probably picks her up, plays a few rounds and dropps her because they lack the knowledge that is needed to make her the power house that she is. Then they play trapper until they get stomped and switch the game. Most people dont stick THAT long to one game as we insane people here on the forums do. Steam achievents are proof of that.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Can you do anything besides assuming and mistreating words?

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    It is a fair question. I don't know why the concept of balance doesn't apply to her. It would be so easy to fix nurse too. Make her a 4.4 movement speed killer and make it so her blink has a cooldown of 15 seconds. Boom. Done. She's balanced. You're welcome.

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    This is why Tierlists are dumb, and make no sense for DBD - They're way way WAY too subjective and don't really tell you much of anything about how good the Killer really is, since it completely depends on the player. A really damn good Trapper who has played him for 8 years is always going to be much much better than a Baby Nurse.

    Take me for example. I am a halfway decent to good Ghostface Main. I'm not in the top 10% like Esskay or anything, but I AM a good one. I win most of my matches as him. I know his kit in and out. I can even use his power in chase in ways that make people want to quit because I am that good at M1 chase. I can consistently do this on just about every map, though of course some maps are much harder. I cannot do this with Nurse. I cannot use Nurse.

    Ghostface is considered a high C to low B tier, and Nurse is considered S tier. But if we ranked on my skill alone, Ghostie would be S tier and Nurse would be F tier, because I simply CANNOT use her, my mind is tuned for stealth gameplay not the highly predictive super precision gameplay Nurse has. Now, I am grateful I learned her, she helped me understand Pinhead who I also enjoy, but I cannot play her effectively and win. And most people can't.

    This is, incidentally, why most people tend to play M1s with a lower skill ceiling, like my main. Because although potential is lower (and tierlists pretty much ONLY rank based on potential), it does not reflect the reality that most people win more with an easier to control and master Killer.

    Killers excel at different things and different people master some things better than others. If you judge a Killer ONLY by their potential f you master them entirely, of course some will look bad. If you judge a fish's intellectual potential by whether or not it can climb a tree, it's going to spend its whole life thinking it's stupid.

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