Wraith should not be able to bodyblock while invisible.
Wraith is fine as he is.
I will say though, I don't think they should have removed the Lightburn mechanic.
It made a lot of sense thematically, as the killers in DBD are sensitive to light. You can clearly see it on the perk description for Lightborn and the original description for Shadowborn:
"Unlike other beasts of The Fog, you have adapted to light".
"You have a keen vision in the darkness of the night but are highly sensitive to light."
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Just because I have a reflective opinion of what others may also say doesn't mean I'm the same person.
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It might be more of a believable post if you had explained how his bodyblocking was so oppressive to survivors to the point where he needs to be nerfed and have collision removed while cloaked.
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Based on how they actually know how to use the forums (unlike many new users) im gonna guess its 1 person who is very upset creating a handful of accounts
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I feel like the concept of lightburn was definitely a good one I just don't think it played out well in actual matches as it made killers not get treated equally by items. I think it makes sense to bring lightburn back but I also understand why it was removed.
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Not at all...but sound off I guess
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Wraith should have extra collision while he's invisible. Make him twice as wide.
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OP are you able to explain why you think he needs to be nerfed? It's really not that hard to play around his power and body blocking is the only thing that he can do at loops other than mindgames, he is a relatively middle of the line m1 killer.
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I don't really have a alternative solution to what would be a alternative it just sucks dealing with his body block at pallet loops and simply wish that he wasn't able to do so
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Yeah, I can understand the reason it was removed, but generally speaking I don't think the game's balance should take priority over theme and atmosphere.
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I get that some killer powers are frustrating to go against but that doesn't make it inherently bad or powerful, I mean everyone hates doctor and he is definitely not that strong if you understand what you are doing (and I also hate doctor).
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If Wraith had no collision while invisible he would be absolutely awful. The counter to bodyblocking wraith is knowing distances and prerunning when you suspect or know he is approaching.
His uncloak slows him down too much to make him able to be passed through like sadako is.
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So you don't like how you mess up and don't throw the pallet so wraith body blocks it? Sounds like a major misplay to me.
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Not particularly it's frustrating with the haste boost in 2v8 and he's already able to pass by you and Block your exit routes it's less of a problem in 4x1
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I don't find it inherently overpowered just it's a bit scummy like when survivors crowd a downed survivor to avoid a killer picking them up it's not realistic in sustainability in my opinion
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I think preemptive movement is of lateral importance for survivability for any survivor with the killers I feel a possible change could be to simply widen gaps to avoid a total path block
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Happens more often then you would think plus what else would wraith do if he couldn't body block, there is almost no other subtlety to his gameplay besides that and would only incentivize the more boring playstyle of hit and run instead of chase oriented
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That could help in some instances but wouldn't be feasible at pallets or windows right? Or did I misunderstand you and your issue was being blocked from pathing elsewhere, like in indoor maps?
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I'm not entirely sure how it would be implemented relatively so that it was mutually beneficial to both killer and survivor without destabilizing either sides play I'm sorry
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As long as the visual representation fits the hitbox it would be fine. The actual hitbox that blocks windows dose not visually fit the model and lead to confusion and frustration among new players. That just bad game design in my opinion.
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He's not a Ghost like Sadako. Of course he should be able to bodyblock.
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not op.
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I should have clarified on the header that it's less problematic in 4x1 and more problematic in 2x8 with the added haste buff he's easily quick enough in wraith form to cut you off with body blocking...I think it should be reworked is all
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The bodyblocking is the only thing he can do to you while he's cloaked.
He can catch up to you quickly, but the uncloak time is so long you can get to a pallet/window most of the time anyway.
So, I'm asking you: Do we really need to remove one of the few advantages Wraith has, just because?
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What your asking is rhetorical you know what I'll say.
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This right here is the real reason the devs wont do nothing to nurse and I support it. People complain about EVERYTHING!
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In 2v8 pallets are everywhere? if its such a problem do the simply wraith counterplay of pre-drop and spam vault the pallet until the wraith manages to get the prompt.
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Wraith is fine, geez. In a couple of days this dumb mode will be over.
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I would personally like for it to become a permanent addition of the game
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Yeah, lightburn was fine for me until flashbangs become a thing. That was so annoying to deal with…
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I'd just like lightburn to come back for killers with high mobility, Wraith players used to be able to dodge well and also he has fast enough uncloak now to make it less a problem anyways.
Right now he can bodyblock with no counter in some cases, but I'm also bias coz I think Wraith is one of the most boring killers to play and I don't know why people like stale bread.3 -
Yeah, the mechanic worked better before Flashbangs. It is more manageable.
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Very simple explanation:
Wraith is invisible; not intangible.
There is a difference
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Wouldn't this make him Sadako without condemned to slowdown the game?
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Let me translate every survivor request ever in these forums:
“I want killers to be like puppies chasing me, I want to make sure I escape every match, I want to be able to mock them and destroy their experience while at the same time I want to be able to finish objectives, and if somehow I lose I will blame that to killers being op”
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Maybe they legit can't win Survivor games any other way than in 2v8. They literally need to win as Survivor, or the game isn't fun to them.
It's a pretty sad state of affairs when the ONLY fun you can have, as either side, is predicated exclusively on winning…
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I'm really sorry to say this, but both times this event has happened have proven why it never can be permanent - because the queues legitimately cannot handle it, no matter how many things they add to entice Survivors to play. The Survivor gameplay is just that boring.