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Queue times

Currently been waiting in a queue to play killer for 18 minutes.

Ware the plans to fix this ridiculousness?

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  • Member Posts: 311


    Now at 21 minutes. I came back from a break for this garbage. I would leave and play something else but at this point I feel I've waited here for so long I have to commit

  • Member Posts: 266

    I would personally love it if they made this game mode permanent and put 2-3 bots in each lobby. Make it seem like a real person though with a fake name and everything. Maybe buff survivors a little bit to counter bots being so garbage but it would be fun.

  • Member Posts: 325

    I just grab my Switch and play a game as I wait. Goes by fast for me.

  • Member Posts: 531

    And this is why Im not playing killer at all in dbd right now. Overall Im only playing survivor just to do rift challeges and then logging out XD I HATE 2v8…. It ruins the game for me honestly.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I think bots are something to consider but I think your solution is the wrong way to go about it. I think you could offer killers the option to play 2v8 vs bots and offer them a 100% bloodpoint bonus for doing so. There are no doubt plenty of killer players that would choose the instant queue time and bloodpoint bonus to play against bots which would lower the queue times for players that only want to play real players. Saddling real people with a handful of bots isn't fair to the survivors.

    I think another option would be to make it 2v6 in future game mode but give the survivors 4 life states to make up for the difference.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Waiting for 2v8 to be over so I can play Clown. I am not waiting 20 min for a 4-6 min game, lol.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I just hopped on, queued killer 4v1, got a game instantly.

    I've now been trying to get into a 2nd game for 15 minutes.

    God I can't wait until 2v8 goes

  • Member Posts: 306

    currently on EU West

  • Member Posts: 3,403

    They added pallet saves, and flashlight saves which was the biggest complaint the 1st 2v8 session had when it released was that survivors couldn't interact with killers in that regard. We have that now and more. Survivors are over buffed in certain classes which adds to the chaos of fun and frustration due to gens moving way to fast.

    I think a lot of people are enjoying it. The issue is the number of killers outweighs like it did in the 1st iteration and does now by far in how many survivors queue up.

  • Member Posts: 3,403

    I think a few bots wouldn't hurt per match. It would speed up queues thats for sure. Even if it was 2 or 3 bots at most. It would help a lot in queue times. Is it the perfect solution? No, but it would be good.

  • Member Posts: 894

    This is kinda why 2v8 can't be permanent and why I think it's DOA. You need double the Killers, and you can play with friends, so more people are waiting longer for the chance to do that. Meanwhile they turbobuffed Surv side AND gave incentives AND the mode is absolute easy peasy mode for Survs as long as you have at least a partial SWF, and they still cannot make Survivors queue up to play it.

  • Member Posts: 6,154

    I think it would put a lot of people off (I know I wouldn't play with bots). 2-3 bots would push out quickly to 4-5 bots when alot of survivors just go back to 1v4. Also someone mentioned not letting survivors know who is a bot but if you've ever played with them you know lol especially once all the gens pop and they immediately open the exit and leave you to die. If they were gonna add bots then offer full bot lobbies, don't just saddle real survivors with them.

  • Member Posts: 192

    I would be playing it as surv non stop (by non stop I mean every second I can play any game would be 2v8 until it leaves) if the BP incentive stop fluctuating that much. There's some hours that there's 0%.
    My Vecna is not p100 yet.

    Playing as surv is fun, specially if you do like me and listen a OST from your character while you play (Jill while listening Sad, but True both from RE5 and MvC3), but I prefer to use my time in it when the incentives are at least 250%

    What about a 800% BP for surv?

  • Member Posts: 379

    Absolutely this. But it dropped to 50% BP bonus earlier for a good 40 minutes. 250% is getting pretty rare so far. I'm really grinding to P3 a bunch of killers, it'd be nice if the BP bonus stayed at at least 250…

  • Member Posts: 531

    I can't help but compare all this to Overwatch 1 when the game was 6v6. DPS had long queue times bc no one really wanted to play Tank, tank was and still is the least popular role. Survivor is DBD's tank where it is the least popular role and having a mode that doubles the number of survivors you need for a match leads to long queue time for the most popular role. The devs tried to get ppl to play tank in overwatch by offering incentives but nothing really worked. The devs admitted in OW2 that the only solution that seemed to work was switching to 5v5.

    So in my opinion, nothing will be enough to make enough people want to play Survivor. I don't think just adding more blood points, adding irl shards or adding a priority queue system is going to fix this problem at all. I feel the only ways you fix this without completely getting rid of the mode is either completely change Survivor as a role to make it look more fun to play, or change 2v8 format and lowing the amount of required survivors needed for a match(2v6 maybe).

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited November 2024

    FFXIV have this issue too dps queues takes forever as no one wants to do tank or healer role especially healer since 98% of the as healer your pressing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1111 1 3 111 which is your one boring dps button or your 1 to 2 mean cool down 2nd dps spell. Healers use to have have so much more dps buttons. Sadly mechanics from 95% of content hit so low in damage 90% of your kit being over bloated amonts of heals means nothing.

    Its so trash how 3 exp healers are this way even tanks have a few dps buttons. You will never see bonus role for dps, only tank or healer. The lastest expansion even had people go on a healer strike and refuse to play it but I still play it haha.

    Back on topic imo even when no 2 v 8 and I try killer specially in the early morning queue times are like 10mins+ and 98% it seem on Na east coast its always survivor bp bring giving.

    I mean we have to expect this survivor just gets worst with every major update and even swfs are sick of it and move on to other things, people who keep saying swfs are never affected by x y z is just ridiculous and obnoxious.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 6,504

    Yeah I really doubt that nobody enjoys playing survivor. You don't speak for everyone.

    Survivor could definitely use some improvements, but this is such an exaggeration considering queue times are generally fine when 2vs8 isn't out.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Seems to be a consequence of 2v8 going on atm.

  • Member Posts: 266

    That’s not even remotely true. It’s region based. It’s always a killer bonus for 7pm to 8am and a survivor bonus the rest of the time. There is no lack of survivors trust me.

  • Member Posts: 6,504

    Sure but queue times are still pretty stable for the most part when 2vs8 isn't out. Not to mention DBD needs 4 times as many survivor players as it needs killer players for stable queue times. So saying that nobody enjoys survivor anymore is still an obvious, extreme exaggeration.

  • Member Posts: 51

    People who want them to systematically statt adding bots are absolutely delusional and would kill any online game they worked for. Reminds me of some clowns advocating for bhvr to remove the leaver penalty back when they added bots on dc. Obviously didnt happen but if you were here then youll remember those clown posts.

    Its an online game. People dont want to be interacting with bots. The instant you turn your game into a bot game by design (as opposed to just a failsafe to do a lesser evil situation when someone quits) you are activelly ruining your online game.

  • Member Posts: 894

    It's certainly nice for gaining BP as Surv. The problem is, the mode is really only fun as Surv because if half of the team has half a brain, the wins are free since Survivors got extra buffed and Killers got slight nerfs this time.

  • Member Posts: 894

    That… that has nothing to do with 2v8. You can't bring slowdown in 2v8.


    The queues are not long because of Killers "playing scummy", the queues are long because of everyone wanting to play Killer with a friend which is the only ACTUAL appeal of the mode. It sure isn't the lacklustre Survivor side gameplay…

    And queues in1v4 are totally fine, near instant for most people, in 1v4 with no mode or event on even with Killers camping, slugging, tunnelling, AND bringing slowdown. People still queue up.

    Your post makes no sense and adds unneeded us vs. them for no reason.

  • Member Posts: 5,305

    with 2v8 mode both modes 1v4 and 2v8 finding a lobby in survivor pretty much instant but both modes for killer take forever so playing more 1v4 survivor then anything killer.

    can't wait for this mode to go away.

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    Exactly. Bot behavior is incredibly obvious, so it might "fool" people once but afterwards, they'd be aware that the devs are putting those awful bots into real lobbies and I think most players would not play a mode that pairs them with said bots (I know I wouldn't).

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    They're not going to go the bot route. People don't play multiplayer games to play bots.

    I don't think we're going to see the disappearance of 1v4 during 2v8.

    More likely, they'll just keep working on the survivor side of the equation and try to offer more gameplay improvements.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Exactly! I'm not understanding why people are saying this is survivor sided. Is it because you can't proxy camp or tunnel? I have been tunneled a handful of times but this matches are over quickly. Thing is of the killers work together the match is quicker. I found the most popular way for killers to play is together around the board so I stay behind them. There are some questionable things and having two killers that can super speed the board isn't fun but overall this is more fun that 1v4. I think the killers that complain are the tunnelers and proxy campers.

  • Member Posts: 317

    It's survivor sided because of the immense number of pallets, lightning fast gens, incredibly fast heals etc. That's why lol

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited November 2024

    When is the mode going to be over so that normal queues for killer be back ? Garbage failure mode like every event has been since anniversary.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Then why does killer have to wait and not survivor? I feel it's balanced it's just how you play.

  • Member Posts: 1,066
    edited November 2024

    With Nurse, Blight and Billy in the mode (as well as Omega-Wraith with his bugged .5-second uncloak time), it is still entirely possible for two good killer players to win every time. I do think the mode favours survivors to succeed on paper, but in practice it is only even more chaotic for survivors than groups of 4 already regularly are, and this chaos always benefits killers. Instances of nobody going for unhooks ("uncages") because they assume others are, or yet 3+ people going for the same unhooks because they all assume they have to, or people being even less dilligent in doing gens because they assume there's enough survivors around to do so anyway are only some of the most obvious examples of how this chaos skews things. Kill/escape rates from the previous 2v8 iteration also suggest a similar 60/40 killer-sided average as the main game. I think one thing that would improve things a lot is to make it so that looking at other survivors reveals their auras to all other survivors.

    Anyway, balance is probably not the issue with the queue times, especially because camping, tunnelling and slugging - the most pressing balance concerns in the game - are not nearly as problematic in this mode. Being able to play killer with someone else is simply a much more intriguing gameplay proposition, and the survivor gameplay in this mode if anything is a dumbed-down version of what people are already familiar with, with more limited ways of expressing skill or having a big impact on the match and less exciting, potentially game-deciding situations to maneuver, less tension or "fear".

    That said, while there could definitely be things that make this mode more of an attactive sell for players to go survivor too (for example having special abilities that can for instance help them when being chased by both killers simultaneously, such as some sort of old dash-based Dead Hard in those situations which could be really fun and exciting; more chests that you can loot more quickly and are also more likely to give you a flashlight or firecrackers; or even a gameplay loop change where instead of getting caged, survivors simply respawn upon being downed and therefore have no boring downtime), I don't think the mode has a glaring flaw or anything. It does get to be fairly boring after a while in a way the regular game does not, it's not as engaging as the 1v4 format and yields more samey matchflows with less strategical depth, tactical plays and unique gameplay scenarios to navigate, but this goes for both sides to a degree so it shouldn't skew queues all too disproportionally, and it also isn't like it's boring in and of itself, it still has various of the same thrilling gameplay elements and even some upsides such as not caring so much about killing everyone or escaping because everyone understands that it doesn't reflect too much on the players' abilities as it is a for-fun, chaotic mode the balancing of which is an even more elusive concept…

    I would sooner look to other ideas to improve queue times, such as giving people a priority killer queue if they have played as survivor, the more they have played survivor the higher their queue priority. Or giving more soft incentives to play survivor, such as the ability to acquire a special cosmetic for every character you have played in 2v8 (there's obviously a lot more survivor than killer characters in the mode). Hell, they could even make it so that everyone simply queues into the mode and is randomly assigned the killer or survivor role, albeit of course with being able to pick which killer they want to play if they do end up being killer, as well as their chances of ending up as killer increasing with every round in which they hadn't, and an ability to set a preference of whether you would rather want to play killer or survivor. Queueing together as killer with someone else (or as survivors) could still be possible with this, there could be various solutions to that issue.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,513

    Even if players were okay with having multiple bots as survivors, I've heard (anecdotally, to be fair) that anything more than 2 bots really messes with performance. The bots are resource-intensive and the servers can't handle more than a couple in a match.

    Again, that's anecdotal, so it's not necessarily true, but BHVR has said the reason Nemesis only gets to have 2 zombies is in part because anything more hurts performance. And Nemesis zombies have garbage AI. The survivor bots do a bit more than get stuck in corners and stare at rocks.

  • Member Posts: 6,154
    edited November 2024

    I had a 2v8 game where, despite still having several team mates in game, I did the last TWO gens on my lonesome while most of the team were doing who knows what. I went down and got caged, and watched them all tbagging the killers in the exit gate with clearly no intention of coming back for me. One lone survivor peeled away and came all the way across the map to unhook me... and it was the darn BOT. Shocked the heck out of me. She then proceeded to jump into the nearby hatch after uncaging me but beggars can't be choosers I guess lol my assumption is that the presence of the killer/s near the exit gate may have caused her to turn away and her next objective was to come grab me but still, I'd rather they be programmed to be more altruistic in endgame since they obviously won't care if they get sacrificed lol

    We know games with DCs don't count in the stats so may as well turn the bots escape priority down a notch

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,513
    edited November 2024

    I did the last TWO gens on my lonesome while most of the team were doing who knows what. I went down and got caged, and watched them all tbagging the killers in the exit gate with clearly no intention of coming back for me

    I had almost the exact same thing happen during one of the few matches I played. The killers got very few hooks during the match, only two people died. I popped the last gen, got chased, and chose the wrong exit gate. I got hooked and saw all 5 of my teammates huddled at an exit gate. They opened it and teabagged for the entirety of both of my hook states before running out. There was no bot to save me, unfortunately.

    I'd rather they be programmed to be more altruistic in endgame since they obviously won't care if they get sacrificed lol

    Oh man, that's been my mantra about bots ever since they went live. They're almost always the first ones to open an exit gate and run out after the last gen pops. I don't know why they need the Bloodpoints, maybe their winnings are going towards some BP charity. Otherwise, bots have no need to play selfishly and should be programmed to be altruistic.

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