1v8 game mode

1v8 but a random survivor is a traitor, so like add in some Among Us and Town of Salem. Survivors would be able to temporarily remove a suspected traitor from play with an item found in a chest. The traitor could maybe reveal auras to the killer or mark them with a delayed curse.
More thoughts and ideas.
Wouldn't comms mess with this idea?
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Don’t think so. Old Town of Salem has text, and new Town of Salem has voice. I’ve played a lot of new Salem and with consistent groups, and unless it’s someone with really bad tells, it’s always a guessing game. And then if you guess wrong…
Doesn’t Among Us also have voice now?0 -
Fun idea!
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The difference is Amongus and ToS players generally play those games in good faith. I've played both and is more fun fooling your friends than the randoms.
You get a 3+ person SWF in this game mode and 1 of them is the traitor, they'll be more incentivised to use that to help their SWF than the killer. Partly due to rewards, they're not going to screw their friends out of BP by getting them tunneled out, but also because there's a cultural factor where the killer is always the enemy in every way. Of course there'll be exceptions but I'd wager the majority of SWF will serve their own.
The only way I see it working reliably, is if you can only queue up as a 4-man at most, there's always a solo, and the traitor us always solo. This way the worst case scenario is a 4-man, a 3-man and 1 solo. The 4-man still have 4 other options that they need to suss out.
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ngl even as a killer I'd play surv for this because it sounds like such a fun idea
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That’s part of the idea, incentivizing killers to queue as survivors. Old Friday the 13th had options where you could skew your chances of being the randomly selected Jason. Town of Salem has offering-like items that skew your role odds.
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Iv8 with stronger killer and 1 hook im here for it
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This could unironically be the next My Little Oni. MLO fixesa lot of dbds core issues such as removing tunneling and camping entirely. It's the real "bite sized dbd"
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now i wanna play town of salem but im on xbox😭