Please extend 2v8
It makes me sad it ends in a few days. Please extend it like last time so we can enjoy it for a bit longer.
You already get it for two weeks. Just like last time after the extension.
The rest of us want our normal queue times back so we can enjoy the game with all the perks, maps and other 30ish Killers we paid for. It doesn't need an extension, it needs to remain limited. The game cannot handle it.
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Honestly, i wouldn't mind if it got extended by an extra week, been having more fun playing 2v8 as both Survivor and Killer compared to 1v4.
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No, the Houndmaster comes out next Thursday and with an awfully long qtimes due to an extend 2v8, it would be a terrible release for this killer and in general bad for the normal 1v4. In addition, it could also ruin the Holiday event.
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plz no
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Plz no! I want to play killer again plz TwT I haven't played killer in the last two weeks bc if I do I would only get very few matches a night thanks to the miserable queue times. I don't want a repeat of last time where the devs kept extending it.
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I'd love if they extended it an extra week, I'd keep playing DBD. If it's not extended I'm going to go play some other game until there's an event that interests me or 2v8 comes back.
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its been like some of the most active game nights with my buddies in a long long time.
and I'm usually a Killer Main, has played so much Survivor. its great fun.3 -
I bet if they did a poll the vast majority of players would want 2v8 extended. It's only the small minority of 1v4 killer mains who want it to end.
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So sorry some of us want our normal queue times back. Personally I wouldn't care less if this mode was extended if it didn't ruin the mode I enjoy playing but it does and that is why a lot of us who want it gone don't want to suffer another week or two. But hey enjoy your 20min queue times while the rest of us cant even enjoy the game bc we dont have alot of time at night to spent in queue.
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I play probably 80-20 survivor and I can't wait for it to end. It's boring, repetitive and with no variety whatsoever, it's doing more and more damage to the game the longer it stays. Was fun for an evening but is essential DBD lite and not enjoyable at all now.
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Dude I just want to go back to playing killer.
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Not to be rude but you are wrong. Simply look at who is getting upvoted here more. It's not you or anyone else who wants the mode to stay being upvoted. It's everyone who wants the normal game back.
Let it go. The mode is not good for the game, and should never have been two weeks. We have tried this twice now. It doesn't work. It needs to be its own game, not this.
People are bored with the wait. They're bored as Survivor with NOTHING TO DO EXCEPT GENS AND LOOP. Games are STILL one-sided stomps, either Survs get their act together and win or they do everything else and lose. There's not much new for Survivors and Killer feels stressful this time around. That isn't good for game health no matter HOW much you like the mode or how much you despise Killer players (and you DO, you do despise Killers based on your post history) and wish for them to suffer.
The rest of the community across Reddit, Youtube, Discord, EVERYWHERE is saying the same things we are here. This isn't a fluke, I'm sorry. The vast, and I mean VAST majority of ALL players, not just "Killer Mains" (newsflash exclusive one side only mains don't exist, almost everyone plays both sides at least a little), want this mode gone so we can all go back to 1v4.
Now cut the Us vs. Them. It's a really bad look. You're better than this.
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I think this person rarely plays Killer, judging by their post history.
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I understand the reasons why people don't want it extended... But BHVR always seem to schedule limited time game modes when I have to go away for family/work... 😭
I can be months without needing to go anywhere, and the moment I actually have to go... event 🪦
Thankfully I got to go ham for the first few days, and I'll get a couple more over this weekend... but personally I wouldn't mind an extension 😔
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Please don’t extend it. I want to play killer without waiting 20 million years.
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