November 28th is the New Chapter

Are you excited for this?
How was the PTB?
I think the new Killer looks awesome!
I’m excited for the livestream. I really enjoy them and hopefully we get some news there.
The hound master will probably not be a killer, that I want to play, but she will be fun to play against. It’s nice to have a new power, that isn’t just an old power.
I’m looking forward to the new map, sadly it isn’t coming out until somewhere in December.
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I'm...moderately whelmed for this chapter. Both the survivor and killer perks seem interesting enough and the dog pull sounds like it'll get nasty once people finally figure out how to play the killer once real people start playing
Jagged compass? Hella cool. Syringe perk for survivor? Looks interesting. New Invocation? Heck yeah!
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What I'm really excited for is Shoulder the Burden.
Depending on what changes they make, this perk has a chance to be really good and healthy for the game.
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So excited on receiving new characters to the fog.
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wanna see doggo skins. And pet the dog! And gib dog treats for being a good boy!
Not interested in Taurie tbh. Seems like another mix of already existing survs.. but that perk is interesting and not every surv is for me so2 -
I am worried about Shoulder the Burden, specially the implications on teams and competitive.
"Healthy?" I dont think so. Not sure its been taken into consideration all the issues it could bring.
The new killer is "meh".
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Seems like an interesting chapter. I like the power and characters, the perks seem interesting but a little scary, and although we aren't getting that new Mine map yet, it's quickly shaping up to be a new favorite of mine from what little I got to play (pun intended).
I just hope some of the Dog's serious bugs get patched so we aren't left with a Twins situation. I liked the gameplay when it worked, but boy could it be rough.
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I am really excited for this chapter honestly!
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I'm not excited at all for this chapter, even the new op perk that is coming
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I'm not excited, to be honest. I don't dislike the Houndmaster or Taurie, but neither interests me. The only thing from the PTB that did was the new map, but that won't be coming until next month. I am still looking forward to the livestream though; I'm hoping it will include previews of upcoming cosmetics, and we'll get a glimpse of the long-awaited Gabriel cosmetic we were promised a few weeks ago.
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I like the chapter but the killer is extremely weak and they need a lot of improvements and i worry they don't have enough time to make sufficient changes. Eagerly awaiting the next developer update.
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No not really, Seems her power is mainly just Dracula Wolf pounce with the dog, not that interesting tbh. Also seems very unfriendly to controller user's yet again.
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First chapter I pass on. Survivor is starting to feel cliche and unoriginal and Killer seems bad. She seems more difficult than The Singularity.
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I'm looking forward to it. I enjoy original chapters and seeing what the devs come up with. Exception being SM lol but Houndmaster looks unique enough that I'm intrigued
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I'm very excited about the new chapter. I don't really like the new survivor character design, but I love the design of the Houndmaster; she looks awesome! I played her on the PTB, and despite the obvious bugs, she was so much fun to play. Her laugh and voice lines are great as well.
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Houndmaster looks kinda fun as what I call a Modified M1, or an M1+ - a Killer that is basically M1 but has some element of their kit that makes them slightly M2. Since I main M1s and Modified M1s, she looks like she could be right up my alley - not to complex a kit, but has basically all she needs to succeed. The dog's adorable too!
Taurie looks cool and I am happy we have a finally, canonically EVIL Survivor. I mean actually cultist evil. I will instant add her to my Survivor roster, she's nifty.
The perks all look good to middling. I am slightly worried about some, but it depends.
Mostly happy with the Killer changes. Demo, Myers, and Ghostface all got some attention, I play all three to some degree. This will mean I will need to give Demo another look, I can finally have some more fun as Myers again, and while my beloved Main Ghostie is in need of more help this makes him just a bit better - I won't need to run Walleye's anymore, I can use something like Driver's License or Drop-Leg instead!
I am mostly happiest that 2v8 will be gone by then so I can finally get in a game and play.
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I know you can by non-licensed characters for 9,000 shards, but can you right on the day of release? Or do they make it auric cells only for a bit first? I've either bought them with auric cells because I didn't have enough shards (so never even thought to look if you could buy them with shards on release), or bought them with shards well after they've come out.
All I can find on the topic is that you can for 9,000 but not specifically if you can when brand new.0 -
I feel like Taurie is going to always be trying to be besties with Nea. It just seems canonical based on Taurie's backstory and certain known lore.
Also the perks sound fun.
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It’s nice to have a new power, that isn’t just an old power.
cough cough it’s literally a worse deathslinger cough cough
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I'm actually most excited for the Mikey changes. I can take or leave the new chapter.
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Yes, friend, I agree.
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Doesn't the player control the dog like when Dracula turns into a Warewolf?
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It’s actually better on controller from what I have tested.
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I'm looking forward to it.
The visual design of both Taurie and Portia (The Houndmaster is great imo, as well as the lore.
The new killer perks seem interesting, especially the new Scourge Hook. Survivors have Shoulder the Burden.… and that's pretty much it. I hope they'll buff the Invocation before releasing it.
The power is satisfying when it works, and frustrating and wonky when it doesn't. Unfortunately, the latter happens more. So I hope that'll get ironed out.
Also, I'm kinda disappointed that we didn't get a map, a pirate outpost would be amazing. Ormond Mine is cool though.
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Houndmaster has potential but she needs a lot of work before I'm willing to play her janky kit.
Taurie couldn't interest me less.
The new Ormond map in December is more interesting than either.
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Do you think they will be able to iron out any of her bugs before live?
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The new survivor perk seems fun.
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Big thanks!
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I said the Killer was trash and way too weak and I got absolutely flamed in my comment section and told it was a skill issue lmao.
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I'm always excited to see more DBD characters and maps.
From what I've seen The Houndmasters dog attack needs a slightly bigger hit detection but they do need to be careful and not overdo it otherwise she'll likely be horrible to go against
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There's nothing in the new chapter that I really care about. This is just yet more content that is going to make the game even more overwhelming for new players (and even long-term casual players like myself) to learn all the different killer powers and perks. My ideal future for this game is less new killers/perks and more new modes/new mechanics/items within existing modes and finding some other way to generate revenue besides cranking out new killers/perks every 3 months.
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I think the devs are really running out of killer ideas, cosmetically speaking
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Yes even when brand new <3
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That’s the forums for ya 🤣🤣😅
I’ve been there. The killer definitely needs some attention
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A few, maybe, but not enough.
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I always like a new chapter! The perks are interesting, the lore is well done and very relevant to the game at its heart, the character designs are great, and the dog seemingly can be customised!
I feel this will be a good chapter, although shame that the PTB map isn't coming until later (although the livestream may bring some clarity). My only real problem with this chapter was how it appeared without any fanfare. Perhaps that was due to the leaks, but the builds for original chapters are normally quite exciting and gives those chapters the extra oomph that isn't always there for the licensed. BHVR, please do build ups for all future original chapters, because they've always been a key selling point for me.
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The only good thing was the map, and this isnt even coming right now. Just more content without any need nor reasoning.
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Not excited for this at all.
I find the killer very aesthetically bad. Bad perks again.
Not a fan of the survivor look either. None of the perks are my taste (I like mind game Iron Will type perks). Shoulder the Burden while fine for solo queue looks scary for swf.
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Nothing is more difficult than me!
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Facts! I play you a lot! We are a great team but you took a lot of time to learn. Rewarding tho! 😁🥰
“Thiiiss is b—eette—rrr”1 -
Off topic. I'm sitting at P99 level 35. Gonna finish after work today. Alas the celebrations will truly begin!
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Thank you Mr. Fog!
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I have played against a P100 Singularity a few times. He always has Blood Warden.
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congratulations!!!! 🎉🎊🎈🍾