2 vs 8 is absolute trash

I have played dozens of games and have yet to survive a single match. It is so killer-sided. The fact that killers don't have to carry to a hook is complete garbage.
Skill issue
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Skill issue for sure.
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I have quite literally escaped EVERY single match I’ve played as survivor. It is extremely easy to get out. I wouldn’t even call any of my games a “close one” to be honest.
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It isn't at all killer sided, the problem is survivors often don't do gens, they waste time on chests and dull totems, when they get injured many will hide in the corner instead of at the very least moving to safer gen. Team mates make bad decisions like pushing into an unhook in front of a medic, running the killer to a gen they can clearly see is being worked on and they will single heal while someone sits in a cage nearby instead of unhooking and group healing.
I have had team mates leave me hooked to open a chest at one gen left… team mates also go down instantly and they often never look behind them, so when you pop up in a cage where they literally just ran past, they don't unhook as they don't see you because they never look behind them at all.
This mode is entirely survivor sided, when I play with competent friends or get lucky and get a random team who actually is competent, the match is a bloodbath for killers 99% of the time. Only the top 1% of killers can deal with a team who are aggressive with gens and are competent players who make smart decisions.
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Eh I wouldn't really call it a skill issue. I have had a lot of matches where I couldn't escape mainly because my teammates were just goofing around and not doing gen or being down by a blight or billy. Imo you can be the best survivor in the game but if the 7 other members on team aren't pulling their weight the killers going to win.
That said I will say the OP is wrong that 2v8 is killer sided. I would say it's pretty much just like 1v4, matches are heavy sided towards the side who wants to win the hardest and willing to sweat more. This mode infact makes those aspects of dbd and turn it up to 11. If killers want to win all they have to do is run the best combo of killers like blight and Billy and just mow down survivors in ease. If the survivors want to win all they have to do is run medic and guide and gen rush.
This why I refuse to call 2v8 "casual mode" There very much a meta that has form in the mode and there is quite lot of players who want to sweat their butts off to win.
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2v8 is by far the easiest time I've had as a solo queue survivor. Every once in a while I'll end up with 7 absolute potatoes on my team, or go up against a pair of really good killers, but I escape at least 2/3 of the time.
On the other hand, I haven't played as killer this go around, because quite frankly I don't want to wait in a lobby for 15 minutes just to play a 10 minute match where I watch 4-6 survs escape (which is how most of the games I play in end up).
This mode has some issues, but being killer sided isn't one of them.
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It's a very mixed bag - But if you got two high mobility killers that have more than one shared braincell and survs that don't grasp the concept of spreading gens, then it's usually ggs. Nearly no hook stages until the last two gens - and then it'll usually end in a 7 or 8k.
On the other side of the spectrum you can have survs that know how to make killers run around the map, bonus points for it not being very high mobility killers and gens just fly by because they don't get interrupted nearly as often. That unlucky chap who gets chased last or who gets sandwiched at the exit gate? Tough luck but it's usually also the only 1-2kills the killers get, if they get any.
There's also a lot in between but for the most part it comes down to luck; which way the teams lean when it comes to the above.
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Ive played dozens of killer rounds and only killed everybody like 4 times. Bad enough u got to catch 8 people 3 times, they can make it 5-6 times with pallet flashlight saves while the gens fly just as fast as normal.
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Pay attention to how the killers play. You can tell if they are working together or not. I have had no win situations as a survivor but more matches end up in escape.
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It’s less Killer sided than 1v4