Killers got what they wanted.

Well now the game is ######### up! Aim assist is still enabled in PC version, DC got removed, soon they will ruin Self Care... Seems like I go over to the killer side like forever! I just laugh at how easy it is playing killer right now :P
Comment your opinion above. No fking toxic #########. Just embarrasing yourself.
I agreed until you said killer is easy. It's pretty difficult playing against 4 survivors who are genrushing your arse. You gotta keep up with them somehow. But yeah, its easy compared to ages ago.
32 -
There are no nerfs planned for Self-care...
I encourage you to play Trapper against any 4 man SWF or against any decent solo survivors team and you'll see how "easy" is to play killer. Anyone can get 4k playing against potatoes, just saying...
14 -
I've seen Trappers 4k against good survivors and same for other killers, they know how to path properly etc.
It's also hilarious how whenever a killer struggles it's because survivors are op but if the killer does well it's because they were potatoes.
20 -
No flexxing, I have 1325 hours in total. I have played 1000 hours survivor and the rest 325 as killer (more or less) It's easy according to me! And I think they planned on doing so you can't release once you have started healing, this will totally unbalance the whole game! :)
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Yeah it's twisted
1 -
Pretty lucky or they werent really good survivors...
Do you even know what a good team of SWF looks like? It's a team which doesnt teabag or flashlights you to death and instead they do gens like ######### crazy, ruin or not. They know how to loop, where to hide and they always get your ruin at the first 30 seconds of the match because they know every single totem spot. They know how to counter killers and they know how to work as a team.
If Billy already does kinda good against good survivors... Trapper doesnt stand a chance unless survivors ######### up.
6 -
If only the entity fed off of salt instead of hope, it'd be satisfied for days with this post.
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That's just it the 4 man swf swat team exist but are so rare and yet they just used as an excuse every time. I've faced good 4 man swat teams and also destroyed the same 4 man swat teams on later maps.
But the truth is most 4 man swf are over altruistic potatoes yet when you 4k you never come to the forums and complain about it.
9 -
The thing is 4 man swf swat teams, a lot of the time aren't even SWF. If you use the base knowledge the game gives you, pay attention, and just plan your pathing you can easily keep a killer busy/get gens done. It's not difficult, especially with all the second chances.
As for the video, her hitboxes have always been wonky. According to devs it's a latency issue. Also, 1 vid/wonky hatchet hit=killer is easy. Hmm.
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Of course I complain about it, if I get a 4k against a good SWF team is because they ######### up bad and not because I play good unless Im playing Nurse/Billy, I know I dont stand a chance playing Wraith, Freddy, Clown or someone like that. You said it yourself, they go super altruistic and play like potatoes.
You dont just play good against a good team of 4 SWF and at least get a 2k, you get an Entity Displeased because that killer just doesnt have the tools to combat that kind of players. Billy and Nurse are top tier killers because either they punish survivors mistakes way harder or you ######### them up thanks to your skill.
It's not easy at all, which is what OP was saying...
4 -
This game is fairly balanced right now, you don’t need a top tier killer to be good and you can still beat a swat team if you’re good enough. But killer isn’t easy.
1 -
But that's not true, I've faced them and gotten wrecked and when I beat them it wasn't because they played bad. I learned from my mistakes before, I adapted, I changed strategies, pathed better etc.
If I get outplayed i got outplayed, I don't come here and make excuses for it, if I outplay them I know i still made mistakes and try and learn from them. If I played to my best and still lost then i did my best, no if's and's or but's.
The constant excuse making when people do bad is stupid all because they're ego's are so fragile they refuse to acknowledge it and get better. The excuses from the kiler side are especially funny because when survivors who're new complain they're told to git gud.
When killers complain it's excuse A to Z on why they did bad, it's never hey I played badly it's always something else.
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I agree, but both sides make a lot of dumb excuses.
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The thing is with the killers. My friend who got it has reached rank 1 as killer within the first 100 hours. and at survivor he's max rank 12 and he tries his hardest he says but he can't win a survivor game because killers have a guaranteed kill once the killer has started a chase...
1 -
Solo survivor has seemed way harder than killer recently.
It wouldn't be that bad if NOED was nerfed but devs had their chance and said no. Also top 2 killers still OP but killer mains insist they're the only viable killers because they still think the game is like it was 2 years ago.
4 -
Aim assist?
DC removed?
SC nerfed?
Damn I must have missed a few patches lul
Btw, regarding the huntress hatchet in the video. Survivor hitboxes are sausages (watch the corresponding live stream), together with a latency around 100-200 ms thats a totally legit hit
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He isn’t a very good survivor then.
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Who is the best trapper you know? I can only refer to lefthandentity and he is a really solid player mechanically, but in the official tournament...... well the power of genrush
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Self care is already useless though. Good survivors doesn't need that.
2 -
@master in official tournaments yes top tier killers are pretty needed but in the game not really.
2 -
Survivor is relaxation mode for me and that's as solo. Self-care is a joke for people that can't avoid the killer, need easy wake up vs Freddy, or can't plan around randos. If you really need healing, a brown medkit works just fine.
1 -
Self-care doesn’t equal bad player, self care is a decent counter against bad Freddie’s. If you run Bk you can get to full health quick enough.
0 -
Watcha on about
0 -
Pretty sure people can still DC.
0 -
Aim assist there is. Just flick your mouse as a killer and it will auto center to the survivor.
Decisive Strike is not removed but nerfed tremendously, no idea to run around with a useless perk.
Self Care is not nerfed but they were talking about making it a non-release action. By this I mean you can’t release it or else the heal bar will reset to 0% and you have to redo it.
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The irony of this post. If you lost to a Trapper then you can't even look at the ground.
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Killer is so much easier now than solo survivor it's ridiculous.
Killer mains will never be happy though. MORE BUFFS! MORE! MOOOORREEEE!
If you're still finding killer too hard then the issue is with you.
11 -
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Ah yes, we should totally balance the game around casual solo players. Wouldn't want a survivors fun ruined. :c
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Yes dude a single clip of one bs hatchet obviously means the game takes no effort for any killer whatsoever and the poor old survivors get screwed over yet again right?
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Trust me playing solo surv is more frustrating now, than playing as the killer. I've more fun playing as the killer in this patch though.
5 -
Killer mains "balance the game around swf"
Devs *balance the game around swf*
Killer mains *proceed to dodge all swf lobbies until they get 4 solos with no items*
*Throws on iri heads, ebony mori, ruin, noed*
Killer mains: "You know I still think survivors could use another nerf or two."
13 -
Thats the issue. As survivor I'm seeing survivors escape like 1 out of every 20 games.
Now when I play killer its never been easier.
I'm only going to exclusively play killer from now on because the ######### I've seen after this patch is ridiculous.
6 -
I still find killer harder and as solo I actually escape a lot.
2 -
What rank solo?
0 -
when swf keeps getting buffed due to solo buffs, no it's not. We're all for good survivor perks, but when the game is giving solo survivors buffs, they give swfs massive buffs.
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Everyone on here admits to dodging swf so don't give me that.
People just want ez 4ks. When solo players get fed up then killer mains wont find it so amusing. You'll all just cry for more buffs because it's never enough.
8 -
@The_Crusader currently rank ten, solo has always been pretty easy for me though.
(even at R1)
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I see two sides of the coin here as I play both sides. #1 survivor solo play is really frustrating now because rn it is like ######### IS MY TEAM DOING *gets farmed then punished for your team farming you*. Solo play is cancerous because of this your team sees you as competition for points basically and farms and sandbags you for points. It is also annoying if you are a survivor only player I could understand the annoyance to only get nerfed every patch it just feels so boring tbh. And then we flip the coin killer isn't easy to play lol. Every second in this game matters at this point because of genrushing, and it's even worse with 4 man swf with 4 toolboxes and all with prove thyself. SWF is damn strong rn with coms ect. But the biggest weakness with SWF is over altruism so use that as a tool even though many will be triggered for you doing that. Looping is also a very interesting thing that makes killer a pain to play for some people, I play mainly nurse and spirit and don't have a problem with loopers but if you're playing a killer subject to being easy to loop you're in for a rough time especially if you still suck against loopers because 5 gens will be done in about 2 hooks with skilled loopers. The only way killer is easy to play is if you are playing high tier killers. I will admit though I have been playing more killer recently due to the rate survivors dc at rn playing survivor is just unfun and you can tell that more people want to play killer because of wait times so there's that. But this is my opinion so idk.
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It quoted the wrong person, nm.
0 -
I'm getting the worst survivors you could ever imagine. If they aren't disconnecting then they're going down within 20 seconds of being spotted. Once unhooked they run in the direction of the killer rather than away from them and are quickly put on the hook again. It's not uncommon to have someone eliminated from the game within the first 90 seconds.
3 -
Killer isn't easy, but it's a lot more fun now that the bullcrap that was DS has been reworked. Survivors can't bully with it anymore. This has made them very upset. I love it.
6 -
This is the imaginary story survivors like to make up in their heads but is so far from actual reality.
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SWF is rough, but they have a chance of making mistakes for altruism and trying to save their buddies. Coordinated solos are a pain in the ass just as much as SWF. All it takes is one good chase, and you've lost 3 gens.
2 -
If you cry about DS, I don't know what to say.
I am a Survivor main and only about 1/3 of my games do I see an Obsession perk survivor. If it's DS, they immediately run to the Killer and taunt, get flogged, miss their DS, and then rage quit... usually within 90 to 120 seconds of the game starting.
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No it's not a made up story. Every Killer main always say "SWF this" and "SWF that." I've never EVER seen a Killer main complain about "solo survivors."
You and that Wolf1974 guy are something else.
3 -
That's why SWF aren't the only issue. A killer playing the best against a group of solo's playing the best and you are going to lose every time. That is a balance issue that isn't just swf. The only exception to this are things like nurse, ultra rares, etc
1 -
I exaggerate a bit, but that's just a lie.
I just did, cuz I understand the issues seeing as I generally play solo, and can recognize a SWF.
Exactly. The game at it's core is far too safe for survivors. I'm not asking for free or easy wins, but these maps, plus the current meta perks which the list only gets bigger every patch, as well as just simple coordination can cripple a killer. You don't even need comms to do that.
SWF is a necessary evil and I don't mind it. I just wish they'd actually consider killer balance outside of, "Is it fun for survivors?" I want them to have fun, but I also don't want to be forced to tunnel/camp cuz my gens are popping left and right. It's not fun for anyone, but I'm gonna get my points at the very least.
2 -
Some of us actually have experience in the game so we know a little more.