Name something you hate about your Killer main?

It's difficult for me to hate something about my own robotics, but I digress. I would have to say missing a biopad tag because a single leaf or twig on a tree completely blocks me. That or having a survivor run out of range making me wish I had a specific add on equipped.
The fact he got reworked.
What I hate about Freddy is how different he is from the killer I started playing back in 2018.
I miss my favorite killer so much.
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Freddy was the killer who convinced me to buy this game in 2019. He has a spot in all our hearts.
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How inconsistent the Plague's puke hitbox is. Like I'd hit a survivor in their face with corrupt purge and the game just doesn't register it
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Soma family photo.
Genuinely unhealthy and the only thing broken & overpowered about new Singularity that not enough people talk about because they're too busy complaining about things that this killer could always do like reinfecting people after they wasted EMP in killers face, replacing cameras and defending generators.
Allows to apply deep wound on survivors upon infecting them, which makes hit&run MUCH more powerful & the only ways to counter it are constantly healing and wasting EMPs on cams in inefficient way (immediately, not after he infects). The alternative is to eat 12 second mending every time you get infected on top of the general routine.
Insane addon that makes already frustrating parts of the Singularity for survivors even WORSE.
Ah, and it also works wonders in an endgame "thou shall not open gates" terminus remember me build where the only thing the toster does is tunnelling the obsession and then defending 60 second gates with double cameras vs 3 injured people. I faced that once and it was ######### rough to escape and I was successful only because the guy playing the killer sucked (I can tell, unlike most people claiming that).
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Indeed he does, my friend, he was a really special character back in the day.
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I haven't experimented with new Soma Photo. How useful is it exactly? Is Deep wounds that effective since you're still likely committing to the chase rather than not. This is just my take, do you use it and how much does it help?
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Sometimes the forbidden Legion tech will bug you out, keeping you in Frenzy animation but you're moving at normal speed(which feels weird) and you can't use power anymore
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Having to bring the same two add-ons every game as Xeno.
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I love being a stealthy stalker of the shadows but I swear to Entity the second I see you following me around like a little lost puppy dog to try and keep me out of my power all round, I will end you. You wanna play that sweaty? Fine, we can play sweaty, enjoy eating ground and being tunnelled all round.
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If you multitask a lot, leave cameras under hooks and play efficiently (hit&run with sloppy when possible, slug here and there) then this addon is stupidly oppressive, especially when the game finally reaches 3 gen state.
I dont use it now though, played with it a bit + took it a few times against obvious strong stacks, but that's about it. When I used it & survivors didnt collapse under initial pressure, it was insane.
I even once had a game vs hens escape wr SWF (that one where they stacked no mither, 4 bnps, resi, deja, took eyrie and did gens in 3 minutes) and Soma photo stalled them for extra 96 seconds, while the overall match was a 4k0 in 10 minutes. Not really an example of why soma photo is OP, because the conditions were simply perfect for it, but still good example how it can shutdown the strongest genrush possible.
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Thanks I might give it a go tonight.
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How clunky the detonation delay feels when there's a little ping involved. I'm not even talking about crazy ping, 60 ms and the survivors are vaulting or dropping pallets right after they scream. I've learned to play around it but man is it depressing.
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I hate his visibility. Freddy always being in the dream world is tough on certain maps.
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Pyramid Head - well, obviously he has the worst add-ons in the game, but I sorta can live with that. I hate though that flicking is really hard (unless you play with 1200 dpi) and that he is really clunky to play once he lost his momentum of the chase. In 1v1 standoffs at small loops his power is so well telegraphed that survivors can easily avoid and sidestep each activation and I got countless BM for that "lul you so bad, I dodged you at that loop 4 times". The BM doesn't faze me, but it would be nice to have some sort of skill expression besides blind prediction shots, as reaction itself is not possible in 99% of the cases.
Watching his pre-release PTB he was silky smooth, and I wish I had played back then. That PTBs version was probably too smooth and responsive, but a little bit of that would be nice in todays day and age.
Oh, and I am no boys man, but I love to please my audiance, and every second one is sad that daddy lost his cake, and thats true, it looks like he got his booty straight cut off. Outch.
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At least 1 turret resistance add-on, right? I usually bring the range reduction one, but even with it, I sometimes get burned out before I can even physically M1. And you have to go for M1s on them, else the slowdown on the tail attack is so much and it might even miss for some reason.
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Facts 100%!
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I main Dracula, and while i like how he is, i still have the feeling that it could have been actually more faithful to the source material.
In Castlevania games he never transforms into a wolf (in all of more than 20 games, he transforms into wolf in….one of them) and he also almost never transforms into bat or bats.
In the Castlevania streaming BHVR did, they literally said that they though Alucard was cool with his bat and wolf transformations so they just gave them to Dracula.
I still think Dracula could have been a killer with multiple spells like Vecna, you could give him some different gimmick with them to make him different than Vecna, but instead they gave the wolf and bat form because "it was cool to see Alucard using them".
Having said this…. i still like how he is in DbD and have a lot of fun with him.
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OMG felt this….. it shouldn't have to be this way
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For me - Its the boring constant lets fight over tapes with survivors because the counter is so powerful. If you don't its game over. Condemn is so important because what else does she have? Poor stealth and chase.
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One of the most frustrating things that can happen with Wesker is the strange part of a vault where it's too late to smack the survivor as they're vaulting the window, but also too early to vault the window yourself, so you just dash into the window and have to wait the 3 seconds for your tentacle to go down while the survivor gets free distance.
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How clunky Demogorgon's portals are. Sometimes you can't place them in spots which are clearly open enough to place them, despite other times the game letting you place them in the tiniest corners. And if you cancel a tp to one portal, the game forces you to take a step back sometimes to refresh the tp prompt, because it'll disappear for some reason. And then, you can't even destroy your own portals. If survivors choose to ignore your portals, and you placed them all down, you're screwed and can't place anymore. With how slow the tp is anyway, you're better off just walking across the map sometimes.
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Tier 3 needs to be 99'ed instead of having an activation prompt.
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Not really have main at the moment but maybe Oni has been closest to that and don't like how im more limited with him than on pc where you can do 180 turns (im on console). But if that's not counting I don't like how hard his power is to get in early game.
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Dredge: I hate that survivors can still use windows in nightfall. Also its pretty annoying that another survivor can disable your remnant without downside.
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Honestly the most annoying thing about Wesker is that his hitboxes make zero sense. Sometimes survivors get smashed in thin air and sometimes you throw them through a building without damaging them
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Watching how BHVR can't fix serious Knight's bugs for years, but made old bug as a feature in between literally steal my breathing every time I think about it. Probably biggest spit in the face in the history of gaming.
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I agree - or being given a buff like sadako in January only for it to be bugged and then they never fix it even after 25 patches…..
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Just wait for someone trying to gaslight you with a classic "everyone with 2 functional braincells can EASILY disable a turret right away. Turrets do basically nothing."
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Pinhead’s chains suck, straight up. If you use your power correctly and accurately with almost every other killer, you will be rewarded with a hit. With Pinhead, it’s too dependent on RNG and survivor actions to reliably get a hit. You miss a chain, you lost the chase; you hit a chain, there’s no guarantee you’ll even close the gap let alone get a hit. Pinhead breaking his own chains is a ######### joke.
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I really thought that with all the talk to "adjust his teleports to the modern environment" he would get a sort of instant teleport between them … gaining another portal, but loosing out on lifesaver whistle really didn't cut it and seemed quite tone deaf.
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The fact that Bamboozle/Fire Up sped up my vaults for years but when Wesker released it was removed and deemed a "bug" retroactively.
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My poor Trapper.. He should start with is traps… Or at least let us hold all of them at base.. Hell let us pick them up by just walking over them instead of having the time wasting animation.. :/
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About Dracula, at least in his mori he should grab the survivor and bite their neck then have a glass of blood wine. Fact we have a vampire that doesn't bite is just wrong.
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Absolutely nothing.
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Puke is perfection 👌
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For Chucky his bugs are very annoying, he's had many since his release and whilst most of them weren't disruptive to me someone who doesn't use exploits they have been very disruptive to discussions about him online.
The first one was having flicks at launch. A lot of people ask for this to be brought back and it really shouldn't be.
He's also had scancel which was annoying to see people abuse…
And then there was the even worse bug of "alchemist" chucky
And then the power cooldown has been bugged where if you used it at the end of hidey ho mode it would start the cooldown earlier meaning your cooldown could be 4.8 seconds after the successful attack animation is completed.
These have all been fixed however scamper is currently bugged where the slice and dice is silent after you use it and the turning rate is really bugged.1 -
What exactly is bugged? I don't play her often, but I didn't notice any.
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I hate that every update brings new bugs to spirit. Sounds and audio occlusion are so bad rn and the fact that bhvr hasn’t really spoken on it feels bad.
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letting spirit go to 2v8 this bugged is laughable and then acting like the bugs don’t exists is kinda nuts.
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i hate how underestimated slinger is
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Wraith: I hate that he doesn't party hard anymore. Whenever people used to drop a flashbang next to him while he was cloaked, he would stop in place and do a little boogie. Whenever someone shined the spotlight on him he'd break it down Azarof style. I always thought this was a fun little bit of interplay and it's a shame they removed it
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Pinhead is pretty much my second favorite license and I say, whoever had the brilliant idea of making his chains break with the environment should get fired.
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I hate how everyone thinks there's only one way to play Trapper. That's my gripe.
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Basement Trapper or his best addons approach? @Spare_Them_Mori_Me
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As Clown, sometimes when you throw a bottle at a set of stairs there's a chance your gas cloud will clip into the floor.
It doesn't happen often, but when it does, ohhhg 😡
Also throwing a bottle & having it arbitrarily explode in my hand is always a treat.
Also also, Clown doesn't have an iridescent add-on.
Y'know how Oni has the "Iridescent crest" and Huntress has the "Iridescent head"?
Clown's ultra rares are 2 fingers with no supernatural sheen.
It's not a big deal, it's just weird
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Vecna doesn't feel like the powerhouse he canonically should be. I mean, he's so powerful the Entity had to lock his power away, but he can be dodged by ducking for half a second.
Honorable mention to how punishing Xeno's miss cooldown is and how bad Doctor's detonation delay can be.
EDIT: I also just remembered that Vecna has THAT achievement for Survivors that has so many variables attached to it (finding him to begin with, rolling a 20 on a chest search, and Vecna not making the most optimal play of taking you out when he gets the chance [or being me and forgetting it exists until after I've already speared you]), that it honestly borders along impossible.
Post edited by VolantConch1719 on1 -
There isn't really anything I hate about Pig herself really... she at base has quite a number of weaknesses, however her add-ons are quite good and strong that shore up those weaknesses to make them a decent threat, giving her a lot of different options on what to prioritise and how to play her... this means she is very fun to make builds around. If Amanda could have 3 add-on slots, she'd start to become quite dangerous…
This however I think is really good design... the only problem is because every aspect of her kit is add-on reliant, Pig must always miss out on something, and the lacklustre part of her kit always keeps her struggling. This is something I embrace about the character though.
What I actually hate as a Pig main is how, because of her low tier strength, even though she has glaring weaknesses in her kit, most survivors don't want to learn/think about how to face her… Thus despite being very beatable, her KR is high, and she is perma on a watch list and has to fear every patch note drop...
Everyone who has played DBD long enough knows that there comes a point with survivors where their spacing, check spots use, pallet efficiency, tight looping and tile chaining becomes so good that m1 mind games become almost impossible, and it becomes very hard to play a killer without a power that carries a very strong equaliser, like Huntress, Pyramid Head, Blight, Hillbilly, etc, etc.
Pig is highly deficient in this regard; her ambush is OK, but still largely not going to allow her to score that many more hits than regularly m1 gameplay also could, and she easily gets smashed unless (and sometimes even if) she gets a down early. If she does get a down early, and then successfully clamps down on survivors during the right point in the headtrap pattern, she is immensely satisfying... but it is harder and harder to pull off against good survivors, and anyone who plays killer long enough knows that Amanda is weak as a result of every mistake being so costly.
Despite this Pig mains love the character, and accept the shackles placed on Amanda because we understand how obnoxious and boring her power could be if RBTs and her ambush got pushed too far... The two are part and parcel of each other, faster downs means easier access to head traps, and better headtraps means greater rewards off ambushes. If either gets too strong, the character becomes kinda more braindead, and the skill of knowing when and how to press your advantage goes away.... so a degree of weakness in Amanda's kit is understandable and even necessary...
However it is so frustrating to keep seeing top tier characters have all their straight forward and simple power/potential they do that goes for years unhindered, and yet it's littke old Amanda that stays on the watch list despite so many things needing to go right for her to be a credible threat... ;🐽;
I fear no man... -🐽-
But… >🐽>
That thing... <🐽< <looks at patch notes>
It scares me... o🐽o
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Don't tell BHVR this, but Fire Up actually does increase Feral Frenzy vault speeds (but only at window vaults). I'm sure this is an oversight and it will get patched out soon when they make changes to Fire Up, so enjoy it while it lasts.
The thing I hate the most about Legion is their insanely long power cool down (especially considering how difficult it can be to chain a 5th hit down). This can be especially punishing if playing on the Switch because if the Survivors figure out you're on an older / under powered platform, they'll do everything they can to make you whiff. I'd love to know the reasoning for this when other Killers get lethal powers with cool downs only half as long as Legion's.
I also hate how easy they can be to counter on the bigger maps, especially if you have no speed or duration add-ons in your build.
Edit: Oh, and I forgot how much I hate that scartch marks and blood pools disappear when in Frenzy too. Like, why is this a thing? Letting us see blood pools at least (make them appear bright red too, just like for victor) would be a nice buff.