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Name something you hate about your Killer main?



  • Member Posts: 895

    you kinda dont, no? they trivialize turrets, but i personally never felt like they were a must in pubs

  • Member Posts: 497

    I mostly main xeno (100) but have started to pickup dracula (33). My main gripe with xeno besides his addons mentioned before, is that he is very strong and oppressive at first and you obliterate solo Qs making your mmr skyrocket. You are then permanently stuck in the TTV SWF only mode where they will always set up multi turret "safe zones" where its just a constant game of trying to catch people before they make it to those safe zones otherwise you just lose a generator or 3 trying to chase someone around there.

    As for Dracula my nitpick is that him having 3 forms makes you feel like you arent using them all enough or correctly or something and it ends up such a grey area as to where the wolf form is better than the dracula form like out in the open trying to catch up to someone before they can reach a pallet, then they reach the pallet so you have to be dracula form again and you almost cant just play whatever form you feel like lol

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    Pig seal of approval


    pre dropping pallets feels awful to play against as Piggy. T🐽T

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    The fact that BHVR seems intent on adding invisible walls everywhere, making flying with Shred almost impossible on most maps

    Let me fly across the map BHVR, if you're going to make a main building have a second floor with access to the open sky, let me launch myself across the map at mach 5, please

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    Singularity : loud footsteps, pod getting removed on hook promoting slugging.

    Plague : how loud she is during power.

  • Member Posts: 431

    Well, i'm also fine with him not biting, i never see him biting in the games honestly.

    I like his mori because of how classy it is.

  • Member Posts: 264

    That her Drones dont come with a Predator missile, her actual drones sometimes dont rotate when deployed and the killer Perk Dissolution not triggers when a survivor gets damaged by a deployed drone scan (is fixed now though)

    dont get me started on the negative bias this community has on her, I find that laughable at best

  • Member Posts: 3,935

    When people complain about Windows of Opportunity:

    When breaking pallets as Pig vs. Windows of Opportunity:

  • Member Posts: 895

    tbh, it doesnt matter what they do with slipstream, there would still be issues

    if they remove it upon survivor being slugged for some time, but dont remove it on hook, they promote tunnelling, if they do neither, they make the killer clunky, if they do both they kinda promote both strategies or whatever.

    what we have now is pretty acceptable

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited November 2024

    I def don't underestimate him but ever since they changed his aiming down sight to be so slow, I can't play him anymore. They really should've come up with another way to balance him.. That sucked all the fun out of him for me. Yet another example of ruining the fun for just 1 person to please the 4 that are complaining..

  • Member Posts: 531

    Mmm since I play alot of legion, I guess what I hate the most is the fact they cant see scatch marks when using thier power…So many times a survivor turns a counter and I lose track of them bc I cant see the marks or hear them. That would be the one major thing I hate the most about legion.

  • Member Posts: 969

    i could make a very long list of things that stresses me while i play nemesis, but the thing that i mostly hate is when survivors get hitted by a zombie before i hit them with my tentacle early game, i instantly lose all my will to play the match when that happens

  • Member Posts: 3,374

    Her demanifest invisibility. It’s suppose to be 1.2 seconds of invisibility. (That was the buff…it WAS 1 sec by default because they made one of her addons reikos watch partially base kit like every killer as you know)

    The invisibility is bugged at 0.80 seconds. Worse than the default. (In other words. What little mind game potential she had, it’s all but gone)

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    The fact his main event suck and feel clunky to run.

  • Member Posts: 3,255
  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Ah, no wonder why I didn't notice that. But it's absolutely wild, if that's the case, it's unacceptable to leave a killer with such important bug for so long. This behavior by BHVR where they leave killers with bugs which literally interfere to play normally with this killer for months or even YEARS is what I'll never understand.

    Btw, slightly off-topic, I probably saw you playing Sadako against Momo on his survivor winstreak!

  • Member Posts: 3,374

    Nooooo way!!! I think you did!!! 🤣

    Did I get my butt kicked 🤣🤣🤣

    yeah it’s unacceptable. It’s just not cool. I swear it’s intentional when other bugs get removed on killers so easily. (The knight example given earlier)

  • Member Posts: 747

    Ghostface - If survivors start to reveal you, but lose sight before the process is complete, their reveal progress is saved for too long. The time to reveal Ghostface is 1.5 seconds with varied lag from dedicated servers.

    This, plus nothing to the base kit but ducking, alongside 9 borderline useless add-ons (Yes, they are in fact useless in a practical sense against seasoned players, Almo) is just a real bum wrap.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Everything about knight feels terrible tbh. But i still like him somehow

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    It was Onryo on Gideon against one of the best SWFs which knows how to leave this killer powerless, so there is nothing by design you can do, doesn't matter how hard you try. Maybe on the map without hundred god pallets you could have a tiny chance, but not on Gideon. So don't even worry about this, you did your best!

    It's funny, because on release guards AI worked perfectly and Guards always went for survivors, didn't go around whole building because survivor just dropped pallet. As far as I know, they keep saying that these bugs just not in priority, so kinda yeah, it's intentional and they are ok with leaving killers in this state for so long.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Agreed, being cucked by an invisible anti-fun barrier feels weird and unnecessary. If you can flex the accuracy to connect with any form of dash/leap off the second floor, you completely deserve the hit along with a 'death from above' achievement.

  • Member Posts: 3,374
    edited November 2024

    OH! I do remember! I got a 1k! 🤣

    They gen rushed me! 🤣 They made every loop and every pallet. It was challenging. Especially with her design.

    I wish I could watch it from their POV

  • Member Posts: 603

    Collision on blight sucks on some maps and specific obstacles (swamp stumps come to mind, certain ormond objects).

    When facing him, I still hate that one of the passive noises blight makes randomly is the exact same sound he makes when starting a rush. Sound cues should be reliable, and not random like that with a chance to be a rush or not be.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Trapper - how easy it is to see his traps, especially since Realm Beyond started. Old maps had a bunch of ground cover removed and were lightened (or in case of Coldwind made bright daytime map), new maps have barely any ground cover and are all so bright. It's so easy to avoid accidently running into his traps. His traps should blend in more to the maps so you need to be close to see them, or atleast there should be way more ground cover so you can't see the traps from a mile away.

  • Member Posts: 3,374

    Thank you! Although I am scared to watch it 😭😭🤣😅

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    That Spirit is consistently plagued with audio bugs and footsteps aren’t audible on certain floors and 90% of Eyrie. I also despise how her husk yells at you when you’re trying to use your power.

    Also something not well known is that if you play at max FOV then you put yourself at a disadvantage because FOV pushes your camera backwards the higher that you set it so the center of sound is further back that your character model. Meaning that sounds aren’t playing accurately to where the survivor actually is.

    I love audio bugs!

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    My beloved Piggly Wiggly losing her end game plays. I know the reasoning due to when EGC was added, but I miss it all the same.

  • Member Posts: 710

    Dead zones that you cannot blink through. Happens most often near the map edge, but can also happen in certain structures, mostly in indoor maps. I know there is a landing spot on the other side of an area, but the game just will not let me blink through it.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Having to blink sub-optimally around certain objects, or having my blink go nowhere. Certain maps like Badham (it's usually Badham) randomly get bugged for a patch cycle where you blink to the basement even if you're looking up as far as you can.

  • Member Posts: 40

    hug tech removed, awful collision, basically useless when survivors just stand behind a rock

  • Member Posts: 336

    Completely agree. He should either start with all of his traps or not have a limit to how many he can carry basekit

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Aint that the truth

    He may not be the brightest tool in the shed, but damn is there a lot of tools with his name

  • Member Posts: 222

    Onryo: After 20+ patches not fixing her intermitent invisibility bug. (Its shorter than intended)

    Not having a penalty for carrying a tape or having full condemn.

    Having the worst iri add-on in the game.

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited November 2024

    Especially when Trapper looks like a pretty strong guy. The Pig can carry a handful of those BIG head traps that look like they weigh a ton, but Trapper can't carry all of his..? Come on.. :/

  • Member Posts: 81

    How clunky placing Demogorgon's portals is, and how you can't queue up a Shred, holding m1 while you hold m2. Other than that, i think he's fine.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    When the zombies are useful, they're amazing. My BFFs.

    More often, though, they're standing around in corners, caught on rocks or tile seams, or staring blankly at a survivor working on a gen. A huge part of my power that's somehow less intelligent that the literally braindead zombies found in popular media.

  • Member Posts: 127

    As a Pinhead main, I hate the summons of pain. In fact, I just play him with his most basic attack, just running around looking like a fool hitting people with the chain that comes out of my hand. The punishment for a miss, namely the huge amount of distance survivors get, doesn't make using it worthwhile to me. On the upside, I find survivors aren't quite as salty, tea baggy or "go nexty" when they aren't constantly getting hit with chains from every conceivable direction. So there's that I guess.

  • Member Posts: 1,959
    edited November 2024

    I don't main anyone, but I do rotate between several killers. So, I'll write a few of them here:

    Legion: Survivors being spread out = power means nothing.

    Artist: When someone removes a crow just as I launch one at them.

    Trapper: Spawning into Eyrie.

    Hag: Teleporting to a trap just for the survivor to be already 20 meters away.

  • Member Posts: 786

    I hate a lot now…
    Probably that she only has one beam (Skully main) it just neutered her horribly

  • Member Posts: 121

    I hate that Pig ambush is still add on dependant and not long enough. I run workshop grease and last will every game to go for those fancy ambushes and if it lasts 2.5s instead of 2.3 I believe it would actually be a decent antiloop in more areas than just small loops filled by pallet. I can get hit at pallet gyms sometimes or at shack with im all ears. But the real fancy ambushes are just way too hard because it doesnt lasts enough neither is fast enough.

    I would like to see:

    Base ambush 2.3→2.5s

    Last will add on being basekit, making 6.9m/s → 7.1m/s

  • Member Posts: 7

    Since I've been playing Tiffany a lot ( 💖to Jennifer Tilley ) I'd say the thing I hate the most is how broken Friends to the End is, to the point I end up not using it unless I have a super nasty challenge to do since its so horrendously stacked in my favour. Still, it does make 'hook the obsession X times' challenges incredibly easy.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    No punishment for holding tapes. Zero risk/reward involved.

  • Member Posts: 309

    Tapes being less dangerous to use when a survivors hold them when playing sadako

    Makes smart survivors annoying to go against

  • Member Posts: 309

    Only just recently killer reworks like this have been despise from a lot of their mains

    trickster, sadako, and twins main alike were very vocal about it

    So I do hope his upcoming rework brings back what you and other Freddy mains love about him

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Unfortunately we already have confirmation that a full revert is not going to happen, but I am hoping that at least one or two aspects of his old power will be given back to us.

  • Member Posts: 1,695
    edited November 2024

    I’m not a fan of sadako’s current design, where survivors can remove your whole power without even a drawback. Therefore she is reduced to only be a noob stomper, because good survivors make her powerless all day long while survivors, who don’t understand her, stand no chance.

    I just want her first version back with buffs.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I felt this as a Ghostie Main hard too, so glad they are partially basekitting his best Browns. No Killer should have to deal with this.

    And every single person mentioning Pinhead's Chains, Pig's woes, Demo' antifun barriers and slow portals, and Sadako's EVERYTHING hits me so hard… because I play all of those guys too. :(

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Not so much a main but I have the most amount of Hours on Hag. Probably the amount of hate they get despite having a lot of counterplay.

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