Anyone else not like level design?

Like idk everything just is super unimmersive and unrealistic like ik this is a game about an entity taking people into different realms but the a lot of the locations are based on real places/movies set in the real world. Like why is everything in haddonfield so GIGANTIC and massive? Why is badham still using old house assets from 2017 that just look like android vs iphone versions of the houses in haddonfield (because we still just needed to reuse those old houses base for some reason).
I mean one of the houses in haddonfield is literally just a living room, a kitchen, and a garage 😭I just wish we'd get more realistic looking maps to immerse ourselves in because the current ones everything is way too huge and weirdly laid out. (dont even get me started on the Ormond ski lodge)
You have a point about Haddonfield. Why is there a highway in a middle of a suburb? And also, why are there only 4 houses?
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Striving for graphic fidelity is the primary way to make your game look dated in only a couple years’ time.
The Entity creates its environments from the memories of the people it takes. It doesn’t necessarily understand what it’s actually creating, though. It doesn’t need to.
Additionally, it’s specifically attracted to locations where tragedy occurs. These create so-called “Overlaps”, places where the barrier between the Entity and our own world is at its weakest. It stands to reason that this only occurs in human-dominated spaces, since we’re the only ones capable of comitting true atrocities, and have strong emotional reactions to them.7 -
"Striving for graphic fidelity is the primary way to make your game look dated in only a couple years’ time." That has nothing to do with level design. You can make a believable worldspace and coherent balanced map without it being extremely graphically fantastic.
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A lot of movies are made better by t everyday surroundings (buildings houses etc) but devoid of people.
I for one prefer that to made up alien landscapes.
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I like it. Especially before the Realm Beyond ruined everything. Maps before the reworks were peak.
But I'll tell you a minor inconvenience regarding map design that I do not enjoy: the Exit Gates being made to "fit" the map's theme.
I don't think that should be done, because the Exit Gates don't exist in the memories from which the Entity created the maps, they should look out of place.
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As much as I love themed “objects” like exit gates and hooks, you make a point that is hard to refute.
Despite it I still have to agree to disagree 😅 I love themed exit gates.
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I'd like them all to look like the OG:
For me that would be perfect.
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I remember those days. You’re in classic form GeneralV.
I’m torn. The old vibes were classic dbd but my hot take is that I love all the color in the new maps. I know it’s unpopular but it’s how I feel.
I escaped Toba a few weeks ago and I remember marveling at how the exit area looked in Toba. I wanted to discuss it here but I never got around to it.
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Of course! I still believe the old DBD was, overall, a better game than the modern DBD. But that is just my opinion.
I don't dislike newer maps like Borgo (before the change, the red looked nice and I'll die on that hill) and Toba, but the themed exit gates, especially on Dead Dawg Saloon or Nostromo, just do not fit, imo. It makes sense for them to look out of place.
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I know you’re right… but I just can’t let go of my theming 🙃
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Hahaha, fair enough.