Killers need basekit Gen Control per Class in 2v8. Here's how this could work.

SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's no small secret that there is a lot more gen progression Survivors can get in 2v8 compared to Killer generator regression and control. A perennial issue seen in this iteration of 2v8 seems to be that because of Guide, the Catchup Mechanic, and things like toolboxes all stacking, the Survivors can currently do gens much faster than Killers can control them, meaning there is no strategy or time to control the generators - just basic chase that feels kind of pointless. This can lead to playing nice as Killer being an outright losing strategy, directly making Killer a much more needlessly stressful experience in this arcade-like mode and leading to the influx of tunnelling, slugging, sweating and camping cages we see in 2v8 right now. And this issue will only get worse as MORE M1, non-mobile, non-antiloop Killers are added to 2v8.

Now I have seen many suggestions from reducing hookstages on Survs to changing how the catchup mechanic works, to outright nerfing Guide, but I think none of those are all that necessary. Rather, I would like to introduce a different idea - each Killer class having a basekit form of generator control, based on various perks other Killers have in the game. I am calling them Oppressor Skills, as they are related to the oppressiveness of the Killer mapwide. The times might be too long and are just placeholders, please do feel free to correct me on this! This is how I would do it, but if you have other ideas, let's chat about them. :)

Killer Classes:

  • Shadow: The darkness assists you in the endless night of the Trials by suppressing the light of hope for escape, slowing progress and betraying those who attempt to thwart you. You and your partner can see the auras of all generators in the trial. After one generator has been completed, your Oppressor Skill unlocks. Every time you or your Partner down a Survivor, all generators not currently being worked on are blocked by the Entity for 20 seconds, then this skill goes on cooldown for 30 seconds. The strength of the lockdown increases by 5 seconds for every Generator finished for the rest of the Trial. Additionally, locked down generators are highlighted to you and your partner in white, and the Auras of any Survivors within a 24 m radius of any generator finished or being worked on are revealed to you and your partner for 10 seconds. (Buffed Thrilling Tremors)
  • Brute: Your sheer physical power not only terrified your victims, but causes utter decimation to any plan for escape, crushing hope alongside it. After one generator has been completed, your Oppressor Skill unlocks. When you (not your partner) cages a Survivor, the next generator you break instantly loses 50% progress and begins to regress 25% quicker for the next 20 seconds, then this Skill deactivates until you (not your partner) cagess another Survivor. This Skill has a cooldown of 20 seconds. In addition, the auras of any nearby Survivors within a 24 m radius of the broken generator are revealed to you and your partner for 10 seconds. (Buffed Pop + NTH + CoB)
  • Fearmonger: You excel in crushing hope by keeping your victims broken, always on edge, and terrified of the next sudden attack. After one generator has been completed, your Oppressor Skill unlocks. When you wound a healthy Survivor, that Survivor receives a -20% penalty to repair, healing, unlock, and cleansing speeds - this increases to -30% and extends to the whole team if all Survivors in the Trial are wounded. If the Survivor is already wounded, they instead become Deep Wounded and are Broken for 10 seconds. The penalty persists for 20 seconds after the Survivor is healed, but not after being sent to a cage. In addition, any Survivors near to the compromised Survivor suffer a -10% penalty to repair, healing, cleansing, and unlocking speeds. Whenever Survivors are in your partner's Terror Radius while you are Undetectable, Skill Checks become Hard Skill Checks, move more quickly, and become more frequent - and any healthy targets are revealed to both you and your partner for 10 seconds. This skill deactivates until the next Survivor wounding whenever a Survivor is Killed or Sacrificed, downed, or if all Survivors are healthy. (Buffed Thanatophobia + Coulrophobia + Huntress Lullaby + etc.)
  • Enforcer: Your hunting grounds will not be so easily defiled, and your victims will not so easily escape the endless chase - not while you or your partner are around. After one generator has been completed, your Oppressor Skill unlocks. For each Generator in the Trial that is completed including the one that unlocks this skill, a Hex Totem lights, emitting loud chimes when nearby. For every Hex Totem lit this way, Survivors have a -5% repair speed penalty. You or your partner may also rekindle snuffed totems, or Curse (Bless) any Dull or Boon totem to turn it into a Hex totem - snuffing any Boons in the process. You may do this once per totem per Trial. When 6 totems are lit at the same time, the totems become blocked by the Entity and the repair penalty becomes permanent. Survivors can snuff or bless these Totems, but cannot destroy them. In addition, the auras of any Survivors within 24 m of a Totem are revealed to both you and your partner for 10 seconds. This perk deactivates if there are no lit Hex totems, until you or a partner light or rekindle a totem. (Buffed Ruin + Pentimento)

What are your thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Needed?


  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    This seems to have been buried and I do want some discussion on this, would anyone have any issues with these changes at all?

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 746

    I like your Fearmonger, but I would say that BHVR should just strengthen killer classes a little, and give regression/generator protection to the basic set for example, pop for a hook, corrupt 30 seconds etc. and make killer receives a penalty for killis not for hooks

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,830

    Every class already gets pre-nerf CoB and Overcharge in terms of regression. We don't need abilities that shave off 50% of a gen's progress instantly as well.

    Just kick the gens.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    That would be nice to do if 2v8 were a little slower.

    It's not. Killers need this sort of gen control if BHVR insists on making the gen progression this free in 2v8. We all know Guide is overtuned and the catchup mechanic wasn't implemented correctly, if BHVR wants this to be the fun chase mode we need to give Killers a reason to do that and actually be rewarded.

    Because waiting 20 minutes for a 6 minute round where gens pop faster than a teenager's zits before Prom and the Survivors can undo every single bit of pressure possible in about five seconds, isn't fun. And neither is kicking gens.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,830

    Kicking gens and leaving them for even a small amount of time absolutely decimates their progression. It might not be fun but it's really good at keeping pressure up.

    All of your ideas seem rather overpowered, and there's already plenty of slowdown as-is, it's just people refuse to kick gens for whatever reason. They just need to nerf guide next time round.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    "all your ideas seem rather overpowered."

    Isn't the point of this mode that *everyone* is overpowered? 🤨

    "Skill issue" is not a valid criticism in a fun arcade mode where one side or the other can choose to push so hard, the other has no chance. Either this is the fun chill arcade mode or it's as sweaty as normal Pubs can be, pick one.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,830
    edited November 2024

    No, the point is for there to be 2 killers and 8 survivors. Some changes need to be made to accomodate for the faster-paced nature of the game, and a lot of those are buffs, but we don't need genuinely OP things in the mode.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385

    It's not a criticism at all, it's just an observation.

    Even in a fun arcade game mode some people will have more of a hang of things than others and in 2v8 this goes both ways - as it should. As I said, more often than not the outcome in 2v8 is up to luck. If it isn't up to luck, then it's usually because the sides are grossly mismatched. Balancing out that gap would ruin all constellations where the gap isn't as pronounced.

    Even in an arcade game mode someone who has no idea what they're doing and just does "anything" is absolutely not supposed to be on equal footing with people who have a very good idea of what they're doing. Arcade doesn't mean brain dead / player input is irrelevant.