Hook timer buff and rise of slugging



  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369
    edited November 2024

    poor solo q always dealing with something 😁

  • warp1die
    warp1die Member Posts: 520
    edited November 2024

    I am more interested in this topic from a practical point of view. What are we going to do? Because the talk "they are all bad" will lead to nothing. Dreams of playing 12 hooks are unrealistic. You have to work with what is available to the killer in the arsenal. Therefore, I am more interested in learning and teaching slug to others. If I had more free time, I would even organize a "world slug association" where we would improve slugging together and adhere to high standards of providing quality slug to survivors ;)

    But what am I talking about? Can opponents of slug tactics explain to me why I should play hooks in this day and age? What is the benefit? Not the idea of ​​fun and skill, but the benefit itself? Only one person on the forum in my topic at least tried to explain why I should play hooks. For which I say thank you to him as a human being. While the rest were busy hunting witches.

    The hook disappeared from the equation for a reason. I really get the feeling that it is much more profitable for a survivor to be hooked than for a killer to benefit from a hook. I have about 28 reasons to remember about the hook only after a win. I literally save myself from all this headache that killers got during the year. The same Lightborn should not be taken by default, since you can run into a very sad match from the warriors of light. I'm talking about Flashbang, which has bugs.

    While hooks have 22 reasons that for some reason are not strong enough or even get nerfed. I just compared the benefits of both tactics, and it was not on the hooks' side.

    Friends 'til the End, Furtive Chase, Alien Instinct, Barbecue & Chilli, Blood Echo, Blood Warden, No Way Out, Dying Light (weak joke), Hex: Devour Hope (random), Hex: Huntress Lullaby (random), Hex: Plaything, Make Your Choice (Bad design), Leverage (Bad design), THWACK!, Grim Embrace (Nerf), Pop Goes the Weasel (Nerf), Dead Man's Switch (Nerf, buff), Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (Nerf, random), Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain (Nerf, random), Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage (random), Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine (random), Scourge Hook: Hangman's Trick (weak joke, random)

    What should I use to create a build to play with hooks? If I can turn to other perks that will enhance my slugging with the same success, I will enjoy playing more with slugging than suffering with second chances of survivors from hooks.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 786

    If you lose to slugging EVERYTIME and the killer has to put in that little effort that is an issue on your end not the games balance.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,088

    I never said I lose to it, I stopped playing survivor almost a year ago. But nice attempt at playing the "you're just bad" card. Better luck next time.

    And we both seem to agree that this is a low effort, high return play style. And since it literally takes less from the killer to do and is minimal effort, it's the definition of lazy.

    But the fact that killers can win this way, enough that people are starting to push for this meta, tells me this is 100% absolutely a balance issue.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,090

    Let's keep the discussion civil and constructive.

    Thank you!

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 408
    edited November 2024

    basekit bt is fair. Quit complaining about everything survivors have

  • NotVerySuss
    NotVerySuss Member Posts: 52

    As long as tournament killers still camp and tunnel (which they still do) then using hooks and especially spreading the hooks and going for the 12 hooks is not more efficient than slugging. Devs made a great job at giving basekit solutions to camping and tunneling and I’m happy about it, but now it’s time to fix the gen rushing and making the game viable for the 12 hooks play-style

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225
    edited November 2024

    What I learned from this forum is that Survivors mains want the killer to be a prop. Just a bot chasing them, but making sure they can escape every trial.

    It´s not hard to see how a decent group of survivors can win a match easily. With the new perk coming tomorrow, is just borderline insane expecting more buffs to survivors.

    I actually asked AI to calculate the chances of a killer getting a 3k (a win) vs a group of survivors using good perks inclusing shoulder the burden.

    • Hits Needed for 3K: ~25-30 hits across the match, accounting for resets and hook trades. NOTE: 25-30 HITS.
    • Chance for 3K: ~20%-25% against top-tier survivors with Shoulder the Burden, healing perks, and strong coordination.
      • With a high-tier killer and optimal play: ~40%-50%. Nurse, Blight and Hillbilly. So 34 killers have lower than 30% chance.

    Lower-tier killers like Trapper or Onryō might struggle, with their chances falling below ~15%-20%.

    If you are FAIR and understand that a good looper can take 1-2 minutes to drop with 2 hits, well, imagine doing that 15 times and still win.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225

    I think it gives a perspective. There’s a lot of evidence in how’s the game balance atm.

    Competitive? Rules that favor killers, forbidden perks for survivors and still if a killer gets a kill with a normal middle tier killer is a miracle. You can go check right now the final played yesterday.

    Swf? Still favors survivors. By a lot.

    The new perk? Insanely strong when used with good players that are trying to win.

    2 vs 8? Map wide aura read, no regress, instant heals, no hooks, unbreakables, unlimited pallets.

    3 killers that are stronger than the rest by a lot.

    What? About 10-15 outdated killers that urgently need reworks and / or buffs?

    Fun part is this calculation did not consider items and add ons.

    I think the dumb thing is trying to buff survivor further cause you get Johnny “I’m doing challenges” or Jenny “I give up on hook immediately”.

    If game balance is not founded in whats possible, at some point the competitive aspect dies.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225
    edited November 2024

    I say let’s make killers incapable of killing, remove hooks and just have them running like bots chasing survivors. That would make it fun, keep survivors feelings untouched.

    Btw, every single point made is not about AI, is about facts. When you can finish 70% of your objective by holding a mouse button and pressing the space bar in the first 3 minutes of a game, that should tell you something about balance, suppose that’s not enough, let’s just make killers puppies chasing cars, a nice utopian arcade no challenge dumb game so it dies.

    God. This forum makes me sick. I’ll take another break from it.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 225

    It tells you jack about balance, that's gameplay design. It's got nothing to do with balance.

    Game design sets the rules and mechanics, while balance ensures those rules are fair and fun. Balance is part of game design—they work together to make the game enjoyable. Survivors often want an easier time because bad teammates can be frustrating, but at a decent skill level, survivors already have a huge chance of winning, especially against 34 out of the 37 killers in the game.

    But, like I always say, nothing ever feels good enough for some survivors unless it’s the most extreme, overpowered buffs imaginable. Hell, there are even people asking for survivor buffs in the 2v8 mode—it’s ridiculous. At this rate, they might as well make killers incapable of killing—wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, right?

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    Survivors often want an easier time because bad teammates can be frustrating, but at a decent skill level, survivors already have a huge chance of winning

    I suppose 40% can technically be considered a 'huge chance', yeah. I mean, there is a realistic chance that survivors win a match. But if that's the hill you want to die on, it's not the survivors that are expecting the other party to play for their amusement, is it?

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460

    Remember that's a 40% survive rate not a 40% win rate. Its much closer to 25-28% win rate of 3+ out

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,090

    Closing this here, as we already requested to keep the discussion civil.

This discussion has been closed.