Shoulder the Burden changes didn’t fix any of its problems

Shoulder the Burden changes didn’t fix any of its problems…
- A survivor should only be able to have this perk used on them once per match. SWFs can stack this perk, and give a survivor 3 extra hook states.
- The perk should make the survivor broken instead of exposed. Being exposed isn’t really a big downside on killers that M2 more than they M1.
You know?
This perk has a bad design, this perk will encourage killers to proxy camp more, since the perk gives exposed to the user, they just need to switch the target survivor to the person that used the perk, I don’t like that you need to camp so you can counter it, not worthy anymore, I rather using reassurance than that
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This perk will do the same like MFT, Buckle Up + FTP, and old buffed BGP did - make the metagame miserable. The Perk is overwhelming strong against weaker killers and will make them even more miserable to play. It will also enforce the killer to proxy camp so they can avoid/punish a potential Shulder The Burden which will be miserable for both sides. The average killer will also even more tunnling and camping and use more slowdown. Then, the perk can even punish killers that play "fair". 40sec of exposed status effect is nothing because the survivor can take the hook state and then stealth out the time, so it is every low risk but high reward. Lastly, SWF can use this perk much better than SoloQ thanks to communication and preparing. It will also be a strong perk in SoloQ but far less common. In the end, SWF got a massive buff and the gab between them and SoloQ became even bigger.
In my opinion, the perk should deactivate once the killer has three unique hooks because at that point no one needs this carry but I like your suggestion too that after the use, the user becomes broken.
I really hope the developers will nerf this perk ASAP and not wait five or six month like they did with other unhealthy perks before.
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OP I have bad news for you, swfs who already know how to loop have no use for this garbage perk its going to be another blood rush geez.
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This perk isn’t even going to get used.
It’ll just be another Blood Rush, Bardic Inspiration, Weaving Spiders, Champion of Light, Chemical Trap, Potential Energy, Reassurance, Exponential etc. that people doomsay is going to ruin the game and ultimately turns out to be a nothing burger.
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The perk is nice in that I can now bring a new friend into dbd and not worry about them not being able to play a full match despite being tunneled out for being so weak at looping.
What sucks is that smart swfs will optimize the fun out of the game by abusing it.
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Killer Mains pearl-clutching when it's just going to be another one of those Perks people think will be Meta but won't see 10% usage.
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I agree. It'll be a game thrower in solo queue and any decent swfs with good game sense won't need to use it. Maybe duos might find a use for it but that's it I reckon.
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People forget the argument used on Distortion that Survivors are selfish rats who avoid interaction and hide all game. Do you really think all those rats are going to turn altruistic and give up their precious hook states to strangers? Nope.
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This perk is extremely bad. I really don’t understand the drama.
Nobody will ever use it, because it isn’t worth it loosing 1 or 2 hook stages, so another person gets one more hook stage.
Even without the exposed it could backfire extremely to a point of not being good.
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If you honestly think SWFs won’t try to stack this perk, then it should be 100% fine if the perk was nerfed so that it can’t be stacked on the same survivor.
Post edited by BoxGhost on0 -
A full man SWF yes but a duo or trio can use it if they feel like the randoms they've been getting might struggle so it is still a potential problem.
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Oh ok then but I or my swf wont find use for this garbage perk, there too much better things to use and this perk is sure aint one of them best of luck though.
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I dont think 2 or 3 mans will waste their life for a random teammate whos bad at chases and die in 10 seconds to begin with worse if they decide to rage quit and kamikaze on hook or even if they dc and give the bot well the bot sure aint getting it either. But time shall tell, I just get the feeling this perk is gonna be like bloodrush over exaggerating only for it to never be used.
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jt's ok. killer will just learn art of slugging to win.
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I’m having so many games where multiple survivors have this perk, that I just won’t play killers that damage via M2 attacks, because they don’t 1-shot exposed survivors. This is a the first time in years that I’d rather play Deathslinger than Huntress.
At the very least, the downside of STB should be broken instead of exposed, so that M2 hits would work.
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Deliverance - one of the strongest survivor perks with low pickrate because average survivor doesn't know value of survivor induced hook pressure;
Reassurance - one of the strongest survivor perks with low pickrate because of the same reason as with Deliverance;
Made for This - very good perk that has low pickrate thanks to average survivor being bad in chases overall
Babysitter - extremely good anti-tunneling perk with very low pickrate due to survivors...not being aware of it's power at all
Troubleshooter - incredibly good perk for soloQ with very low pickrate thanks to average survivor lasting <20s in chases + not being aware of how important it is not to lead killer to other survivors who do gens